Wine Survivor 2025

Wine Survivor Event 2025
The Club held a successful Wine Survivor Event on Friday February 7th at the ANAF Hall. Two hundred bottles of wine were given away during the event. Funds raised during the event when to the Stratford General Hospital.
Wine Survivor 2025 David Harvie 2025-02-11 05:00:00Z 0 Fundraising

Stratford Hospital - New Cancer Wing

Rotarian Wayne Young, Past President Kirk Riehl and President-Elect Bev Hepburn attended the opening of the New Cancer Wing of the Stratford Hospital. The Rotary Club of Festival City raised $10,000 through our popular Wine Survivor fundraiser to assist the Cancer wind by paying for a new cancer treatment chair which Kirk is sitting in. All equipment in our Hospital is paid for with the generous donations of the people of Stratford so now people wont have to travel to other cities to get their treatments. As Rotarians we need and appreciate your support and we would love to have you join us as a member if you would like to be more involved in our community.
Stratford Hospital - New Cancer Wing 2025-01-28 05:00:00Z 0 Rotary in Our Community
Dementia Friendly Communities David Harvie 2025-01-28 05:00:00Z 0
Rotaract Cheque Presentation David Harvie 2024-12-03 05:00:00Z 0 Cheque Donation Presentation

District 6330 Environment Committee

Posted on Dec 03, 2024
Rotarian Doug Thompson (Left) made a presentation to the Club about the activities of the District 6330 Environmental Committee.
District 6330 Environment Committee David Harvie 2024-12-03 05:00:00Z 0

Obtainable Housing in Our Community

Kathy Vassilakos (right), Director of United Housing, spoke to the Club membership about her organization's activities during the past year to combat homelessness in our community. 

Obtainable Housing in Our Community David Harvie 2024-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Bluebox Recycling in Stratford

Ms. Emily Skelding, Supervisor of Waste Operations, from the City Of Stratford, spoke to the Club about the Bluebox Recycling programme in Stratford.
Bluebox Recycling in Stratford David Harvie 2024-11-05 05:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day

World Polio Day
In recognition of World Polio Day, Mike and Diane O'Shea gave an inspiring talk about living with polio.  
World Polio Day David Harvie 2024-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

Dr. Gezahgn Wordofa Presents

Club Past President Kirk Riehl and Dr. Gezahgn Wordofa
Dr. Gezahgn Wordofa (Right) made a presentation to the Club about his life and his activities both international and locally to support immigrants and the disadvantaged.
Dr. Gezahgn Wordofa Presents David Harvie 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Club Award

District Governor Katherine Hahn presents the 2023-24 Rotary Citation Award to Past-President Kirk Riehl during her official visit to the Club.
Club Award 2024-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Visit

District Governor Katherine Hahn is greeted by President-Elect Bev Hepburn and Club Mascot Mr. Rab-bit during her official visit to the club.
District Governor Visit David Harvie 2024-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

Home Suite Home

Club President Tina Grasby is joined by Jeff Murton and Vicky De Vocht of Home Suite Home at the Club's August 27th meeting. Vicky and Jeff spoke about their organization's plans to address hidden homeless in Stratford.
Home Suite Home David Harvie 2024-08-27 04:00:00Z 0
Stratford Rotaract at Festival City Rotary Club David Harvie 2024-08-20 04:00:00Z 0
Stratford-Perth Museum Cheque Presentation David Harvie 2024-08-13 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary in Our Community

Kenya School Renovation Project

Rotarian Andrew Middleton (right) of the St. Marys Rotary Club, made a presentation to the Club on his project to renovate a school in Kenya.
Kenya School Renovation Project David Havie 2024-07-16 04:00:00Z 0
Tyler Canal Receives an Avenues of Service Award 2024-06-11 04:00:00Z 0
Kirk Riehl Receives a Paul Harris Fellowship David Harvie 2024-06-11 04:00:00Z 0 Paul Harris Fellowship Awards

Special Olympics Commendation

Special Olympics Ontario Commendation
The Club was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Stratford and Area Special Olympics Ontario, in recognition of the Club's support for their athletes and programs at the 2024 Special Olympics.  Fundraising Chair Bill Helmuth (left) and Club President Kirk Riehl (right) display the certificate.
Special Olympics Commendation David Harvie 2024-06-11 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary in Our Community

The Return of the Club's Plaque and Gong

The Return of the Club Plaque and Gong
Leonard Stannard from BMI Group, recently discovered and returned the Club's missing gong and plaque while undertaking renovations at the Queen's Inn. Pictured here is (Left to Right) Incoming Club President Tina Grasby, Club President Kirk Riehl, Leonard Stannard, Rotarian Jean Aitcheson and District Governor Sonya Glass.
The Return of the Club's Plaque and Gong 2024-06-11 04:00:00Z 0
Jennifer Birmingham - The Bruce Hotel David Harvie 2024-06-04 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows Awards

At a Festival City Rotary Social evening Paul Harris Fellows were awarded to Murray Schlotzhauer and Wayne Yundt.
President Kirk Riehl and Jean Aitcheson congratulate Murray Schlotzhaer
Wayne Yundt is congratulated by Dianne Yundt and President Kirk Riehl
Paul Harris Fellows Awards Vincent Hill 2024-05-28 04:00:00Z 0
Donation to Stratford General Hospital Foundation David Harvie 2024-05-16 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary in Our Community
The Local with Margaret Smart David Harvie 2024-05-07 04:00:00Z 0
Stratford Winter Film Festival David Harvie 2024-04-30 04:00:00Z 0
Grand Trunk Community Centre Update David Harvie 2024-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Orly Meets Rotary

Orly The Guide-Dog-In-Training Meets Rotary
Orly, a Guide-Dog In Training, visited the Club with her humans Cheryl and Fred Lehman.
Orly Meets Rotary David Harvie 2024-04-16 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Hospice Donation David Harvie 2024-03-13 04:00:00Z 0 Cheque Donation Presentation

United Way Perth Huron

Posted on Feb 27, 2024
Ryan Erb (middle) and Elizabeth Cooper (right) from United Way Perth Huron made a presentation on homelessness in our community and their new United Housing initiative.
United Way Perth Huron David Harvie 2024-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Mary-Jane Joins Rotary

Posted on Feb 27, 2024
Membership Chair Bev Gregory (left) and Club President Kirk Riehl (right) inducted Mary-Jane Tuer into the Festival City Rotary Club. Welcome to Rotary Mary-Jane!
Mary-Jane Joins Rotary David Harvie 2024-02-27 05:00:00Z 0 New Member

Operation Smile

(Left to Right): Melissa McKerlie, Candy Keillor, Mark Climie-Elliot and President Kirk Riehl.
The Club was visited by Operation Smile CEO Mark Climie-Elliot and Community Engagement Specialist Candy Keillor at its February 20th meeting. Ms. Melissa McKerlie of the Skeletons of Vivian Line also joined the meeting, as a local supporter of Operation Smile.
Operation Smile David Harvie 2024-02-20 05:00:00Z 0
Future In Focus David Harvie 2024-02-13 05:00:00Z 0
Special Olympics David Harvie 2024-01-23 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Exchange Student Julia Noteboomer David Harvie 2024-01-16 05:00:00Z 0
Donation to ShelterLink 2024-01-10 05:00:00Z 0 Cheque Donation Presentation,Rotary in Our Community
Vanessa DeGroot - Art Therapy 2024-01-09 05:00:00Z 0

Christy Bannerman - Alzheimer Society

Christy Bannerman (right), Public Education Coordinator of the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth, spoke to the Club about dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, at its last meeting of the year.
Christy Bannerman - Alzheimer Society David Harvie 2023-12-19 05:00:00Z 0
Club Donation to Salvation Army David Harvie 2023-12-13 05:00:00Z 0 Cheque Donation Presentation,Rotary in Our Community
Rotaract Be An Angel David Harvie 2023-12-12 05:00:00Z 0 Cheque Donation Presentation
Club Festive Holiday Dinner David Harvie 2023-12-06 05:00:00Z 0
Living Hope Medivac David Harvie 2023-11-21 05:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Member

Monica MacInnis is welcomed into the membership of the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford by President Kirk Riehl.
Our Newest Member 2023-11-15 05:00:00Z 0

Supplies for Refugees

Rotarian Louise Spandler presents household items purchased by the club to the Stratford Welcomes Refugees Committee for refugees about to arrive in Stratford from Columbia.
Supplies for Refugees 2023-11-15 05:00:00Z 0 Rotary in Our Community

Community Celebration in St. Paul's

Members from local service clubs held a successful Community Celebration at the Downie Optimist Community Centre on September 9th, 2023. 
Community Celebration in St. Paul's David Harvie 2023-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Off to School Smiling with House of Blessing

Club Present Kirk Riehl with Rotarians Barbara Ross and Diane Yundt, present a cheque to the House of Blessing in support of their Off to School Smiling Program in the amount of $1,175. Through this program, students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 receive a backpack and the school supplies they need to succeed.  Last year, House of Blessing was able to give 374 children Off to School Smiling Kits.
Off to School Smiling with House of Blessing David Harvie 2023-09-10 04:00:00Z 0 Rotary in Our Community
August Dinner of the Month Winner 2023-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

DG Sonja Glass Visits the Club

District Governor Sonja Glass Visited the Club on August 22.
Sonja's theme for her governor year is "Plant a Seed", as she spoke to the Club about growing Rotary, planning the Club's future, and measuring the work that the Club does in our community and the World.
DG Sonja Glass Visits the Club David Harvie 2023-08-22 04:00:00Z 0
Facile Perth Presentation David Harvie 2023-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

Maribeth Youngblut becomes a Paul Harris Fellow

Maribeth Youngblut, holding her Paul Harris certificate, is congratulated by her sister Susan and Rotarians Louise Spandler, Dianne Yundt and club president Kirk Riehl. Maribeth received the award in recognition for her many years of "Service Above Self" helping residents at Woodland Towers and Spruce Lodge.
Maribeth Youngblut becomes a Paul Harris Fellow 2023-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

Monica MacInnes Joins Rotary

Club President Kirk Riehl inducts Monica MacInness into the Club at the July 18th meeting.

Congratulations to Rotary's newest member!
Monica MacInnes Joins Rotary David Harvie 2023-07-18 04:00:00Z 0

Donation to Optimism Place Capital Campaign

Rotary President-elect Tina Grasby and Bill Helmuth presented a cheque for $5000 to three representatives from Optimism Place.
The cheque represents the club's contribution to Optimism Place Capital Building Campaign to expand the Optimism Place facility.
Donation to Optimism Place Capital Campaign 2023-07-13 04:00:00Z 0
Smoked Pork Chop Dinner 50/50 Winner 2023-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow

Louise Spandler presented a Paul Harris Fellow to Bev Hepburn in recognition of his contributions to Rotary.
Paul Harris Fellow 2023-03-14 04:00:00Z 0
Newest Member of the Rotary Club of Festival City 2023-03-14 04:00:00Z 0

Jean Aitcheson receives another award

Mayor Martin Ritsma presents Jean Aitcheson with a certificate from the City of Stratford congratulating her on her appointment to the Order of Canada in recognition of her humanitarian and leadership contributions. In addition on January 31 Jean was presented with a Senior Achievement Award by Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdswell for her years of volunteer work collecting and distributing medical supplies to countries in need. Jean also lead many medical missions to countries in Central and South America.
Jean Aitcheson receives another award 2023-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

Jean Aitcheson C.M. Order of Canada Recipient

The Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford is proud to announce that Jean Aitcheson who has been a member of the club for 15 years was recently appointed to the Order of Canada. Jean is being recognized for her work with the medical mission depot in Stratford which she founded 30 years ago. The depot collects used medical supplies which, with the help of her volunteers, are shipped to countries in need. Countries include Beirut Lebanon after the explosion, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, and most recently Ukraine among others. In addition Jean has lead teams of volunteers and health care providers to many countries where clinics were set up to provide medical care where little or none is available. The Rotary Club has assisted with at least 6 of Jean's mission trips. Jean will be invested with the Order at Rideau Hall later in 2023.
Pictures include Jean showing what her medal will look like and with Dianne Yundt who described Jean's work at a recent Rotary meeting.
Jean Aitcheson C.M. Order of Canada Recipient 2023-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Curling Team

The Festival City Rotary Curling team of Kirk Riehl (2nd from left), Bill Helmuth (blue jacket), Julian Piwowarski (red Jacket) and Tina Grasby (far right) curled with Rotary curlers from Scotland. The Scottish team is touring Southwestern Ontario playing other Rotary teams. In Stratford the Scottish curlers in the picture were hosted by the Stratford Rotary Club.  
Festival City Rotary Curling Team Vincent Hill 2022-11-15 05:00:00Z 0

Twinning Ceremony

The Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford has twinned with the Hout Bay Rotary Club in Cape Town South Africa. Carolyn Herrick, president of the Hout Bay Rotary Club, and Bob Burchett president of the Rotary Club of Festival City exchanged club banners and received certificates certifying the twining of the clubs.
Twinning Ceremony Vincent Hill 2022-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Members

Sally and Kelly Monaghan are welcomed into the membership of the Rotary Club of Festival City by their sponsor Rotarian Carolyn Herrick.
Our Newest Members Vincent Hill 2022-07-19 04:00:00Z 0
2020 Dinner of the Month Winners! 2021-01-03 05:00:00Z 0

Wellspring Stratford


At this time local charities who would otherwise have the opportunity to raise money, are not able to do so. Today Lisa Stacey spoke to the services offered in our community through Wellspring, for Cancer support. These resources are made possible by fundraisers that they are not able to have at this time.

For a group effort give, with an automatic tax receipt for your donations, please visit

Donations received from June 16 - 29 will go directly to Wellspring Stratford.
Wellspring Stratford Christy Bertrand 2020-06-16 04:00:00Z 0
Supporting Stratford-Perth Shelterlink 2020-05-05 04:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Rotarian

Lucy Railton (centre) is welcomed into membership of the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford by membership chairperson Deb Stacey-Rivers and Tina Grasby who is Lucy's sponsor. Lucy has over 25 years of marketing experience with several international technology and hardware companies and software startups. Lucy and her family moved to Stratford in 2016 in search of a slower pace of life. In 2019 Lucy co-founded WE CAN Perth, a volunteer-run women's entrepreneurial networking group. Lucy is looking to expand her network and give back to the community. 
Our Newest Rotarian Vincent Hill 2020-01-28 05:00:00Z 0

District Governor's Visit

Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt, dressed in her Halloween costume, and Club President Tyler Canal wearing Rotary Sunglasses greet District Governor Tony Sheard and his wife Sylvia who are also prepared for Halloween wearing masks.
ADG Dianne Yundt holding the club mascot Mr Rabbit and DG Tony Sheard. Both are wearing the Rotary sunglasses which are required for the "People of Action" photo contest. Photos entered into the contest, showing Rotarians performing a service, will also need to wear the glasses which have the Rotary wheel embossed on the lenses.
District Governor's Visit Vincent Hill 2019-10-30 04:00:00Z 0

Gold Presidential Citation

Past District Governor Jim Schlatmann presents 2018/19 club President Bill Helmuth with the Presidential Citation recognizing that the club reached the goals for the 2018-2019 Rotary year when Bill was President. Only 3 clubs in District 6330 received the Citation.
Gold Presidential Citation 2019-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellowship Presentation

Past District President Jim Schlattman presents Rotarian Jean Aitcheson with a 7th Paul Harris Fellow in recognition for all her work over the years with Rotary. The All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner and her many Medical Missions which she has lead are just two of the many projects she has been involved with.
Paul Harris Fellowship Presentation 2019-10-15 04:00:00Z 0
Youth Exchange 2019-10-03 04:00:00Z 0
Laura Pujatti Becomes a Paul Harris Fellow Vincent Hill 2019-07-10 04:00:00Z 0

Changing Club Presidents

Incoming President Tyler Canal for the Rotary year 2019-2020 Past President Bill Helmuth, and Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt. 
Changing Club Presidents 2019-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellowship Presentations

Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt presented outgoing club president Bill Helmuth with his second Paul Harris award.
Paul Harris awards where also presented to Brian Rivers (his 3rd), Deb Stacey-Rivers (her 2nd) and to Christy Bertrand, Louise Spandler and Tyler Canal.
Paul Harris Fellowships are presented to individuals who have contributed to the work of Rotary and/or to their community.
Paul Harris Fellowship Presentations Vincent Hill 2019-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellowships

Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt presented Paul Harris Fellowships, the highest honour in Rotary, to recognize four people whose lives exemplify the humanitarian and educational objectives of The Rotary Foundation.
Pictured left to right: Bob Currah, Lorne and Sharon Twamley, President Bill Helmuth, Brian Dundas, and ADG Dianne Yundt.
Paul Harris Fellowships 2019-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

Three New Rotarians

The Festival City Rotary Club welcomed three new members to the club: Liz Yundt, Bev Gregory, and Nancy Halliday. Pictured left to right, Dianne Yundt who sponsored the members, President Bill Bill Helmuth, membership chairperson Deb Stacey-Rivers, Nancy Halliday, Bev Gregory, and Liz Yundt.
Three New Rotarians 2019-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

Adventures In Citizenship

Hannah Lawrence, a student at Stratford Central Secondary School, was selected to attend the Ottawa Rotary Adventures in Citizenship program in Ottawa April 28 to May 1. Pictured with Hannah are President Bill Helmuth and Christy Bertrand. Hannah described her adventures in Ottawa at the club meeting on May 28.
Adventures In Citizenship 2019-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

Cooperating to Aid Mozambique


This month Rotary Club of Grand Bend gathered donations and packed a shipping container with supplies to assist survivors of the tropical cyclone that hit Mozambique in March.  Volunteers, including some members of our club, helped load the 40 foot container. 

An amazing example of Rotary International clubs and members acting quickly and working together to save lives across the globe.

Cooperating to Aid Mozambique 2019-05-15 04:00:00Z 0

MS Walk 2019

The Festival City MS Walk team raised more than $1800 on the Sunday May 5 walk. Thank you to all the donors who supported our team. In total the teams raised more than $47000 to support local MS clients.
Team members left to right: Assistant Governor Dianne Yundt, Jennifer White, Wayne Yundt, Chuck Dingman, Margaret Dingman, and team captain Carolyn Dingman.
MS Walk 2019 2019-05-06 04:00:00Z 0

Garbage Can Decorating Winners

The Festival City Rotary Club competed in the annual Stratford Garbage Can Decoration Competition. The team won first prize in the Service Club category. Team members include Dianne Yundt, Deb Stacey-Rivers, Kirk Riehl, and Nancy Totino the chief designer. Missing from the photo is Rotary Exchange student Laura Pujatti.
Garbage Can Decorating Winners Vincent Hill 2019-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

Garbage Can Decorating Competition

Members of the club decorated this garbage can to be located in an area of Stratford. Annually, a garbage can decorating competition takes place in Stratford. The photos show this year's entry by our club.
Garbage Can Decorating Competition Vincent Hill 2019-04-25 04:00:00Z 0

Valerie Trudgeon Joins Festival City Rotary

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 26, 2019
Valerie Trudgeon is welcomed into the Rotary Club of Festival City by membership chairperson Bev Stacey-Rivers and club president Bill Helmuth. 
Valerie Trudgeon Joins Festival City Rotary  Vincent Hill 2019-03-26 04:00:00Z 0

Tina Grasby Joins Festival City Rotary

Posted by Vincent Hill on Feb 05, 2019
President Bill Helmuth and Membership Chairperson Deb Stacey-Rivers welcome Tina Grasby as the newest member of the Rotary Club of Festival City. Tina was sponsored by Christy Bertrand.
Tina Grasby Joins Festival City Rotary Vincent Hill 2019-02-05 05:00:00Z 0


story thumbnail
Thank you to Bev Haggadorn, Executive Director of ShelterLink, for coming today and presenting stories of challenge and success at the youth shelter. Festival City Rotary Stratford will support this year's annual fundraiser with a team.
ShelterLink 2019-01-22 05:00:00Z 0

New Rotarian Nancy Totino

Club President Bill Helmuth, membership chairperson Deb Stacey-Rivers introduce and welcome Nancy Totino who was sponsored by Christy Bertrand. 
New Rotarian Nancy Totino Vincent Hill 2018-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

MP John Nater 

Rotarian Dianne Yundt thanked MP John Nater for speaking to the Festival City Rotary Club. John is the Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Interprovincial Trade and the Sharing Economy. 
MP John Nater 2018-08-21 04:00:00Z 0

Team Rotary at the MS Walk

Posted by Carol Dingman on May 08, 2018
Assistant Governor Dianne Yundt, Chuck Dingman 82, Carolyn Dingman and Deb Stacey-Rivers formed the Rotary Team taking part in the MS Walk on Sunday May 6. They raised $1500 for MS reseearch.
Team Rotary at the MS Walk Carol Dingman 2018-05-08 04:00:00Z 0
Stratford Rotary Club Rural Urban Night 2018-03-09 05:00:00Z 0

Jerry Ennett talks about making 3D prosthetics

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 30, 2018
Jerry Ennett, the CEO and Founder of Taurus 3D talks to the Festival City Rotary Club about how his company came to be, and his project in India to design and produce prosthetics at minimal cost to patients in remote areas. 
Jerry Ennett talks about making 3D prosthetics Vincent Hill 2018-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Member

Posted by Vincent Hill on Nov 07, 2017
Steve McGraw is welcomed to the Rotary Club of Festival City by club president Peter Moreton. Steve was sponsored by Rotarian Wayne Young.
Our Newest Member Vincent Hill 2017-11-07 05:00:00Z 0
District Governor Martin Ward visits the Rotary Club of Festival City Vincent Hill 2017-10-05 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Exchange Student

Posted by Vincent Hill on Aug 29, 2017
Jana Clevering from Badenstedt Germany is our newest Rotary Exchange Student. Jana will be attending Stratford Central Secondary School.
Jana and President Peter Moreton exchange Rotary banners. Deb Stacey-Rivers is hosting Jana as she begins her year in Canada.
Rotary Exchange Student Vincent Hill 2017-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

Stratford Summer Music

John Miller, Artistic Producer of Stratford Summer Music, speaks to the Rotary Club of Festival City about the Music program beginning July 17 and running until August 27.
Stratford Summer Music Vincent Hill 2017-07-05 04:00:00Z 0

Past President Pin

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jul 01, 2017
Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt attaches the "Past President Pin" on Sam Theocharis. This event took place on Canada Day as members of the Rotary Club of Festival City served Canadian Bacon on a Bun at the Downie Street Splash Pad which the club had participated in developing.
Past President Pin Vincent Hill 2017-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Changing Presidents

Posted by Vincent Hill
Outgoing president Sam Theocharis congratulates Peter Moreton who will serve as president for the Rotary year 2017-2018. This is the second time that Peter has served as president. He was president in 2004-2005.
Changing Presidents Vincent Hill 2017-06-27 04:00:00Z 0

Service Above Self Award

Rotarian Jean Aitcheson was awarded the prestigious Service Above Self Award at the District 6330 Conference in St Thomas.
Congratulating Jean is club President Sam Theocharis and Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt.
Service Above Self Award Vincent Hill 2017-05-30 04:00:00Z 0

History of the Queen's Inn

Posted by Carolyn Dingman
Barb Ford, Landlord of the Queen's Inn told the story of the Queen's Inn at the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Festival City which meets there every Tuesday morning.
History of the Queen's Inn Carolyn Dingman 2017-05-02 04:00:00Z 0
Anniversary Cakes at the Spaghetti Dinner 2017-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

Shakesbear at the Spaghetti Dinner

Club mascot "Shakesbear" takes part in the preparations for the spaghetti dinner.
Reena and Dianne with Shakesbear
Deb and Peter with Shakesbear
Janette and Susan prepare Romain Lettuce with Shakesbear
Shakesbear at the Spaghetti Dinner 2017-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

Preparations for the Annual Rotary Spaghetti Dinner

Members of the Rotary Club of Festival City prepare pasta sauces for the spaghetti dinner at the Black Angus Catering. 
Trevor Exnor (below) and his wife Susan are the owners of the Black Angus Restaurant and Catering. For many years they have generously provided their services and facilities to prepare the food for the spaghetti dinner.

Preparations for the Annual Rotary Spaghetti Dinner 2017-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Banner Presentation

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 21, 2017
Julian Piwowarski presents the banner of the Jaltemba Bay - La Pineta Rotary Club, Nayarit Mexico to President Sam Theocharis.
Rotary Banner Presentation Vincent Hill 2017-03-21 04:00:00Z 0
Shakesbear at the Blood Donor Clinic Vincent Hill 2017-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Janette Lawson-Lyoness

Laura Pogson thanks Janette Lawson-Lyoness for her Classification Presentation at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Festival City.
Janette Lawson-Lyoness Vincent Hill 2017-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary District Grant Cheque

Club member and Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt accepted a cheque for $2000 from District Grants Chairperson Doug Burnard and District Governor Diane Chantler.
ADG Dianne Yundt passes the cheque to club President Sam Theocharis. The cheque covers some of the expenses for the Rotary Medical Mission to Lake Chapala Mexico in November 2016.
Rotary District Grant Cheque Vincent Hill 2017-02-12 05:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Curling Team

Our club's curling team of Bill Helmuth, Julian Piwowarski, Deb Stacey-Rivers and Brian Rivers participated in the annual service club bonspiel in Stratford on Saturday Feb 11.
Festival City Rotary Curling Team Vincent Hill 2017-02-12 05:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Rotarian

Kim McKay is welcomed to the Rotary Club of Festival City by club President Sam Theocharis.
Our Newest Rotarian Vincent Hill 2017-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

What's New at the Stratford Perth Museum 

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 17, 2017
Carolyn Dingman thanks John Kastner, the General Manager of the museum for his talk about what is new at the Stratford Perth Museum. John's first comment is that there is "nothing new at the museum. It's all old!". However this is not true as John described the new directions in which the museum is moving with successful exhibitions in collaboration with the Stratford Festival. An exhibit of the tragic Franklin Expedition will be on display this summer.
What's New at the Stratford Perth Museum Vincent Hill 2017-01-17 05:00:00Z 0

Judy Maddren Speaks to the Rotary Club of Festival City

Posted by Vincent Hill on Dec 06, 2016
Retired CBC broadcaster and former host of CBC's World Report Judy Maddren spoke to the club about her experience at the CBC. Judy also informed us about a project she started with CBC alumnus Alanna Campbell called Sound Portraits. Judy records audio interviews with people who relate stories from their past. Judy was thanked by Rotarian Ron Rogers.
Judy Maddren Speaks to the Rotary Club of Festival City Vincent Hill 2016-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

The Paul Harris Society

President Sam Theocharis presents Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt with a Paul Harris Society pin and certificate recognizing her contribution to the Paul Harris Foundation. The society recognizes the contributions Rotarians make to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, and approved Foundation grants. Dianne becomes our club's newest member of the society.
The Paul Harris Society Vincent Hill 2016-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

Pancake Breakfast at the Dragon Boat Races.

Posted by Vincent Hill
A rainy day at the annual Dragon Boat Races 2016.
Rotarians Bill Helmuth and Peter Moreton with the help of John Bancroft grill sausages and flip pancakes.
Rotarians Ron Rogers and Susan Thomson are among the volunteers serving pancake breakfasts
Rain soaked Rotarians Christy Bertrand, Sandy Iredale, Louise Spandler and Marjorie Brownlee sell tickets and serve coffee and tea.
Pancake Breakfast at the Dragon Boat Races. Vincent Hill 2016-09-19 04:00:00Z 0
Pall Harris and Past President Pins presentation 2016-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Newest Paul Harris Fellows

Club President Sam Theocharis presented Jean Aitcheson with her third Paul Harris Fellow and Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt with her second Paul Harris Fellow.The awards are in recognition for the work that Jean and Dianne have done for Rotary over the years particularly with Rotary medical missions and the Rotary Foundation.
Newest Paul Harris Fellows 2016-08-23 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Diane Chantler Visits Festival City Rotary

D.G. Chantler presents a teddy bear to the Festival City Rotary Club. Receiving the gift on behalf of the club is 
Past President Deb Stacey-Rivers. The teddy bear becomes a club mascot joining our long serving mascot Mr. Rabbit.
Past President Deb Stacey-Rivers presents a cheque to D.G. Diane Chantler. The cheque represents our annual commitment to the Polio Plus campaign.
Festival City Rotarian Jean Aitcheson thanks D.G. Diane Chantler for speaking to the Festival City Rotary Club at the Tuesday August 9 meeting.
Louise Spandler, Deb Stacey-Rivers, Jean Aitcheson, Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt and Bill Chantler beside one of the defibrillators purchased by the Festival City Rotary Club.
Rotarians visit the Medical Depot where medical supplies are collected for one of Jean Aitcheson's Rotary Medical Missions.
D.G. Diane Chantler standing in the middle back row. The bench is one of 4 supplied by the Festival City Rotary at the Splash Pad site.
The splash pad built with the assistance of the Rotary Club of Festival City.
Members of the Festival City meet with District Governor Diane Chantler standing on the right.
District Governor Diane Chantler Visits Festival City Rotary 2016-08-09 04:00:00Z 0

The 2016-2017 Executive of the Rotary Club of Festival City

Incoming President Sam Theocharis and outgoing President Deb Stacey-Rivers
The 2016-2017 Club Executive: President Sam Theocharis, President-Elect Brandi Gillet, Secretary Sandy Iredale, Past-President Deb Stacey-Rivers, and Treasurer Tyler Canal. Absent is Vice-President Peter Moreton
The 2016-2017 Executive of the Rotary Club of Festival City 2016-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

MS Walk 2016

Festival City Rotary MS Walk team members
Rotarians Carolyn Dingman and Dianne Yundt with team member Chuck Dingman
Team member and Rotarian Sandy Iredale.
MS Walk 2016 2016-05-05 04:00:00Z 0

The Annual All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner

The Festival City Rotary Club held the event on April 4, at the Army, Navy, Air Force Club.
Jean Aitcheson, the spaghetti dinner committee chair person assisted by Rotarian Jeff Lausten draw the first 50/50 ticket.
Rotarian Sandy Iredale helps prepare Caesar salads.
Rotarian Dianne Yundt and chef Susan Exnor prepare Caesar salads
Pasta chefs Brian Rivers, Sam Theocharis and David Moore
Pasta chefs Peter Moreton, Sam Theocharis and David Moore sweat over hot stoves.
Bill Helmuth helps with the never ending washing up at the spaghetti dinner
Left is Franklyn Hinz and Rotarian Donna Hinz enjoying a fine pasta dinner
Rotarians Bob Shannon and Marjorie Brownlee serve three kinds of pasta sauce.
Servers Julian Piwowarski and Brandi Gillett
The Annual All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner Vincent Hill 2016-04-06 04:00:00Z 0
Annual All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner Vincent Hill 2016-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

A Proposal for Market Square Redevelopment

Dayna Manning describes a proposal by Robert Ritz for the development of the front of city hall as a public square.
Dayna Manning and Robert Ritz are thanked by Julian Piwowarski on behalf of the club for their interesting proposal for the development of market square.
A Proposal for Market Square Redevelopment Vincent Hill 2016-02-24 05:00:00Z 0
Ron Rogers Receives a Paul Harris Fellowship 2016-01-15 05:00:00Z 0
Marjorie Brownlee gives her classification talk 2015-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Banner Exchange

Club President Deb Stacey-Rivers receives the banner of the Rotary Club of Jalalabad Bangladesh from Jean Aitcheson. Jean was a member of the Rotary Rotaplast team which performed plastic surgery on 83 patients in Seyhet Bangladesh. At a Rotary meeting in Bangladesh Jean presented the host club with a banner from the Rotary Club of Festival City.
Rotary Banner Exchange 2015-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Eric Miller

Posted by Vincent Hill on Dec 02, 2015
Eric Miller becomes the newest member of the Rotary Club of Festival City. He is congratulated by President Deb Stacey-Rivers and his sponsor Donna Hinz.
Rotarian Eric Miller Vincent Hill 2015-12-02 05:00:00Z 0

Exchange of Club Banners

Louise Spandler, Jean Aitcheson and Dianne Yundt have returned from the Dominican Republic. Dianne presented the Sosua Rotary Club banner to meeting chair Bill Helmuth.
In return Jean presented the Festival City Rotary Club banner to Steve Wallace from the Wasaga Beach Rotary Club. Steve will take the banner to the Sosua club when he visits there next year.
Exchange of Club Banners 2015-11-24 05:00:00Z 0
Christy Bertrand Joins the Rotary Club of Festival City 2015-11-10 05:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Visits the Local Community Food Centre

Posted by Vincent Hill on Oct 29, 2015
Members of the Festival City Rotary Club visit the Local Community Food Centre.
Director Steve Stacey standing in front of a giant refrigerator conducts a tour of the facility.
Inside the refrigerator
Rotarians learning about food security
Steve Stacey explains the cooking program. Rotarians enjoyed an excellent dinner prepared by a group of teenage girls learning to prepare meals
Festival City Rotary Visits the Local Community Food Centre Vincent Hill 2015-10-29 04:00:00Z 0

Stratford Public Library on Wheels

Posted by Dianne Yundt
Stratford Public Library on Wheels (PLOW) received a new van. The Rotary Club of Festival City helped fund the purchase of the van.
Club President Deb Stacey-Rivers (right) at the unveiling of the van with Wendy Anderson library foundation president and library CEO Julia Merritt.
Stratford Public Library on Wheels Dianne Yundt 2015-10-23 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows

President Brian Rivers announces the presentation of Paul Harris Fellows to Rotarians Jane Kirkpatrick and Bill Helmuth. It is Jane's third Paul Harris award.
Paul Harris Fellows 2015-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Keara Flood speaks about "Keara's Kauses"

Keara Flood spoke to the Rotary Club of Festival City about her passion for social justice. Keara has been presented with the YMCA Peace Medallion in recognition for her work in raising funds for various charities and for her 15 Acts of Random Kindness campaign.
Keara Flood speaks about "Keara's Kauses" 2015-05-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City Bulletin

Today’s meeting was chaired by President Brian Rivers
Guests: Doug MacDougald was our guest speaker.
Door Prize: Ron Rogers donated the prize won by Julian Piwowarski
A Sad Farewell: Deb Stacey-Rivers announced that Kent Chisholm is leaving the club. Today is his last meeting. Kent and his wife Dianne have moved to St. Catherines and have sold their B&B.
District Conference: Deb Stacey-Rivers, Jean Aitcheson and Dianne Yundt are attending the District Conference May 21 – 23.
Duty Roster: Be certain to check the bottom of this bulletin to see if you are rostered for a duty on Tuesday May 26
Guest SpeakerNo notes were taken today.
Rotary Club of Festival City Bulletin Vincent Hill 2015-05-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City 20th Anniversary Celebration

Four new Paul Harris Fellows presented with pins and certificates by club secretary Dianne Yundt and President Brian Rivers. Recipients left to right are Michael Doupe, John Meinen, Josh Savile and Jack West. They were presented with the awards for their contributions to the Splash Pad project which resulted in the splash pad being completed in June 2014.
Randy Garfield, past president of Walt DisneyTravel and executive vice-president/chief sales officer for Disney Destinations was the keynote speaker at the celebration. Randy spoke the importance of change and adapting to it in the business world.
Randy Garfield is thanked by president-elect Deb Stacey-Rivers
Rotary Club of Festival City 20th Anniversary Celebration 2015-05-06 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City Bulletin

Today’s meeting was chaired by President Brian Rivers
Guests:  Bob Martin is from the Stratford Rotary Club. Peter Bolland is our guest speaker.
Door Prize: Bill Helmuth donated the prize won by Brian Rivers.
20th Anniversary Dinner: This event will be on Tuesday May 5 at the ANAF club. It is open to the public in addition to past and present members. It will not be a fundraiser and the price has been set at $30pp. About 120 tickets will be available. The Black Angus will be catering. Randy Garfield a retired Disney executive and Stratford resident will be the guest speaker.
Tuesday May 5 Meeting: The morning meeting is replaced by the 20th Anniversary dinner.
20th Anniversary Ticket Sales. Posters are available for advertising this event. Over 90 tickets have been sold so far.
St Marys Rotary Club 90th Anniversary Celebration: Marc Oliver from the club announced this event for May 25 at the Stone Willow Inn where Tom Teahan, chief of staff to Kathleen Wynne, will be the guest speaker. Tom is originally from St Marys. Tickets are available for $50 pp.
News from the District Assembly: The Rotary logo has been simplified and changes in the themes of Rotary will be released soon.
Guest Speaker: Brian Rivers introduced Peter Bolland the chief administrator of Spruce Lodge. Peter gave us a brief outline of the history of Spruce Lodge and described its various levels of care.
The House of Refuge opened in 1897 near the hospital. In 1955 it was renamed Spruce Lodge after the spruce trees on the property. It was rebuilt in 1965 at its current location on West Gore. It was renovated in 1992. The first Woodland Towers attached to the lodge was opened in 1985 with additional towers built in 1990 and 2009. Hamlet estates located on the campus opened in 1992. Spruce Lodge is municipally owned as required by the province. Perth County, Stratford and St Marys share ownership. 2 councilors from each municipality serve on the board of directors.
Spruce Lodge provides a continuum of care through which residents can move to increasing levels of care as required.
Hamlet Estates is comprised of cottages linked together. Residents purchase a Life Lease ranging from $130 000 to $250 000. The cottages have their own kitchen facilities, a garage and outdoor area. Residents sell their Life Lease when they require more care than they can receive in Hamlet Estates. This could be into Woodland Towers.
Residents in the towers have some degree of independence. The units have full kitchens but residents can dine in the lodge for some meals. Some apartments are geared to income. Rents can range from $1000 to $1400 per month. For those whose rent is not geared to income the monthly rents start at $2500.
Spruce Lodge is a long term care facility whose residents are not able to live in the community due to health issues. Residents range in ages from 18 to over 100. The average age is 86/87. Residents live in one of 7 cottages home to about 16-21 people. Each cottage has its own kitchen. In this way residents live in a more home-like environment rather than in a large institution with cafeteria style dining.
Entry into the 128 bed facility is through the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) which controls and maintains a waiting list for all nursing homes in Ontario. The average stay for a resident is about 3 years. 40% of the rooms provide basic care which is like semi-private with 2 beds in a room.  The remaining 60% of rooms provide private and modified semi-private. This semi-private has a wall partially dividing the room but residents share the bathroom.
Rates at Spruce Lodge range from basic accommodation for $1732/month, semi-private at $2066/month and private at $2438. These rates are the same across the province and set by the provincial government.
Challenges for long term care facilities include being over-regulated and understaffed. Over 400 rules take up considerable staff time in paper work. Often these rules were put in place due to problems at a small number of facilities which received great media attention. This charting of tasks takes away from the work of connecting to the residents and their needs.
A lack of Personal Support Workers (PSW) is a problem. PSW’s are mandated by the province but few people are entering this profession. It takes a special kind of person to relate to the elderly and provide for their needs. They are overworked and under paid. The lodge is hoping to train PSW’s in a program recognized by the province.
New programs at Spruce Lodge involve the increasing use of technology to serve residents. Music therapy through the use of iPods is proving helpful. A music therapy project involving the University of Waterloo is being tested. Electronic wrist bands help reduce the incidence of wandering. This has reduced the need for locked units. The lodge reduced the number of locked units from 3 to 2 and hopes to reduce it to one in the future. A labyrinth is under construction outside the facility where residents can enjoy some time. A sitting area and arbor is being installed this year.
Spruce Lodge relies upon help from many volunteers. Volunteers often have a family member in residence.
Peter was thanked by Sandy Iredale.
Rotary Club of Festival City Bulletin Vincent Hill 2015-04-29 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary 20th Anniversary Dinner 2015-04-21 00:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford 20th Anniversary Dinner

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 08, 2015
To celebrate our 20th anniversary, the club is hosting a celebratory dinner at the Army, Navy, Air Force Club on Lorne Avenue, Tuesday May 5 at 6 PM. The event is open to all club members and past members and their guests. Tickets are $30 per person including tips and gratuities. Tickets are available online by clicking on the event list at the left of the page or by contacting a member of the club. The dinner is being catered by the Black Angus Restaurant. The guest speaker will be Randy Garfield, Past Preside of Walt Disney Travel Company nd Executive Vice President/Chief Sales Officer for Disney Destinations. Mr Garfield will speak on "Embracing Change" - How Business and Service Clubs must embrace change or risk being left behind.
The Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford 20th Anniversary Dinner Vincent Hill 2015-04-09 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Presentation

Posted on Mar 09, 2015
Rotarian Vincent Hill receives a Paul Harris Fellow from club secretary Dianne Yundt. This is Vincent's second Paul Harris pin presented to him for his 15 years of commitment to club activities.
Paul Harris Fellow Presentation 2015-03-10 00:00:00Z 0

Cheque Presentation

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 19, 2015
Dianne Yundt presents a grant cheque from Rotary International to club President Brian Rivers. The funds are to support our Splash Pad project.
Cheque Presentation Vincent Hill 2015-01-20 00:00:00Z 0

Banner Presentation

Lynne Ternosky from the newly formed E-Club Canada One presents its first banner to President Brian Rivers who accepts on behalf of the Rotary Club of Festival City.

Banner Presentation Vincent Hill 2014-12-02 00:00:00Z 0
Ron Shaw CAO of the City of Stratford speaks to the Festival City Club Vincent Hill 2014-12-02 00:00:00Z 0

Changing Presidents

Outgoing President Bill Helmuth made his final speech as president of the Rotary Club of Festival City. Bill is flanked by incoming President Brian Rivers and past President Dianne Yundt.
Changing Presidents 2014-07-15 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newest Paul Harris Fellow

Incoming President Brian Rivers received a Paul Harris Fellowship for his contributions to Rotary. Brian was presented with a certificate and pin from past President Dianne Yundt and outgoing president Bill Helmuth.
Festival City Rotary Newest Paul Harris Fellow 2014-07-15 00:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Member

Barry Clarke is welcomed to the Rotary Club of Festival City by President Brian Rivers and President-elect Deb Stacey-Rivers

Our Newest Member 2014-07-08 00:00:00Z 0

Past-Presidents Receive Paul Harris Fellowships

Five Past Presidents of the Rotary Club of Festival City became Paul Harris Fellows for their commitment and dedication to the office of Club President. On either side of the current Club President Bill Helmuth from left to right in the photograph are Dianne Yundt (2012/13), Jack West (2001/2 and 2008/9), Etienne Leushuis ( Charter President 1995/96 and 2007/8), Gregor Read (1997/98), Brian Johnson (1999/2000), and Paul Roulston (2000/01).
Past-Presidents Receive Paul Harris Fellowships Vincent Hill 2014-05-06 00:00:00Z 0

Martin Ward, Wood Carver

Martin Ward spoke to Festival City Rotary about how he turned his wood carving hobby into a retirement business. Martin has won international competitions for his carvings of birds and animals. He described the process of creating a carving.
Martin Ward, Wood Carver Vincent Hill 2014-05-06 00:00:00Z 0

Motorcycling Rotarian

International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians, North American Chapter. A Canadian perspective of the 2015 Spring Rides.

We have enjoyed two IFMR rides this year.  Dubois, Pennsylvania in early May was a wonderful ride with a large contingent from the Province of Ontario in Canada.  The weather was outstanding.  The Allegheny Mountains were breathtaking.   We had a great lunch with Rotarians from Emporium Pennsylvania.  Ken Brandt did an excellent job organizing the hotel and route.   Dubois was great for Donna and I as it is around 300 miles away from our home in Stratford, Ontario and we can cover that in a day.  We took a day to visit with our daughter in law and mother in State College before trekking home. 


Carlton Pernell organized a ride in North Carolina with a June 15 arrival date.  When I left Stratford it was 51 degrees and North Carolina was 92.  I met up with Gerry Jackson for lunch in Findley, Ohio and then we rendezvoused with Rory and Judy Windrim in Richmond Kentucky where we bunked out for the night.  Two Goldwings with Michigan Tags and one Harley Davidson with an Ontario Plate headed south of the Ohio River and onward to North Carolina.  We climbed up the Tail of the Dragon almost to the Tennessee/North Carolina Border but had to backtrack due to a crash ahead of us.  We diverted around and ran the Cherohala Skyway finally meeting up with our fellow Rotarians in Cashiers.    Our tour covered some majestic waterfalls and beautiful countryside.


Wonderful fellowship and motorcycling through the Appalachians makes for a very memorable trip.  Bob Shriner and I rode north together up to Pikeville Kentucky on our way home where he went Northeast and I continued north.  He told me, I was going to get wet and he was right.  I found my rain gear too hot to wear so I just took the warm rain and let it soak in.   I managed to find every road closure, detour and traffic jam that the State of Ohio had to offer but finally crossed the border from Detroit to Windsor around midnight.  I was home by 3:00 am.  The Canadian Border Officer thought it was a bit strange that I had purchased 2 gallons of 20W50 Amsoil Synthetic.    but its half the price I usually pay in the Great White North.  Thanks for the tip Rory.   I don't think the Border Officer wanted to inspect me too badly as I had run into Mayfly season, and the bike and I were covered in them.   I was home by 3:00 am covering 838 miles or so.


These IFMR rides are wonderful challenging adventures.  They are in essence a Rotary Exchange of people not only for motorcycling but for Rotary too.  a big part of these journeys are meeting Rotarians and learning about different areas of the continent.  What is life like?  What is your Rotary Club doing?   Donna and I look forward to these wonderful adventures and have fond memories of our previous IFMR trips.


Festival City Rotarian Jack West is in North Carolina riding in a Polio fundraising event for Rotary.

Motorcycling Rotarian Vincent Hill 2014-04-27 04:00:00Z 0

Friendship Bench Project

Bob Shannon thanked Acacia for telling the Festival City Rotary Club about her Friendship Bench project.
Friendship Bench Project 2014-03-27 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Exchange Student Boby Yurismono 2014-03-19 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary at the Bruce Hotel

The Rotary Club of Festival City was invited to the new Bruce Hotel for an evening of making hors d'oeuvres and meeting with chef Aaron Linley and his staff.
Festival City Rotary at the Bruce Hotel 2014-03-04 00:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Rotarian

Sandy Iredale is welcomed to the Rotary Club of Festival City by Deb Stacey-Rivers, the chair of the membership committee and Bill Helmuth, club president. 
Our Newest Rotarian Brandi Gillett 2014-02-12 00:00:00Z 0
Donna Hinz Awarded a Paul Harris Fellow Vincent Hill 2014-02-04 00:00:00Z 0

F.C. Rotary Bingo Team

Festival City Rotary Bingo volunteers hard at work at the January 19, 2014 bingo game. Consider volunteering to help with either of the upcoming bingos February 9 or March 29.
F.C. Rotary Bingo Team Vincent Hill 2014-01-20 00:00:00Z 0

Beekeeper Greg Hawkins

Greg Hawkins, veterinarian and owner of Hawkins Honey speaks to the Rotary Club of Festival city at a special evening meeting. Greg's speech included information about the products produced by bees, the importance of bees to food production, the beekeeping industry in Ontario, the care of bees, and the factors causing bee colony collapse.
Beekeeper Greg Hawkins 2013-11-26 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Club Donation to the Splash Pad project 2013-11-25 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation

Carolyn Ferguson from the Ancaster morning club speaks to the Rotary Club of Festival City about the work of the Rotary Foundation
Rotary Foundation 2013-11-05 00:00:00Z 0

Cheque Presentation

Rotarians Ron Rogers and Tyler Canal present a cheque for almost $10 000 to club President Bill Helmuth representing our second installment of the club's commitment to the Splash Pad project. The cheque is a result of fundraising efforts from the Dinner of the Month Draw.
Cheque Presentation Vincent Hill 2013-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Rotarian

Julian Piwowarski is welcomed to the Rotary Club of Festival City by Deb Stacey-Rivers, the chair of the membership committee and Bill Helmuth Club President.
Our Newest Rotarian Vincent Hill 2013-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

Sod Turning for the new Splash Pad

Members of the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford were in attendance at the sod turning. L. to R. are club president Bill Helmuth Rotarians Dianne Yundt, Vincent Hill, Linda Jones, Randy Matthews and Kent Chisholm. Absent was Rotarian Jack West who is also a member of the splash pad committee.
Sod Turning for the new Splash Pad 2013-10-04 00:00:00Z 0

Splash Pad Sod Turning Ceremony

Rotarian Dianne Yundt congratulates the Splash Pad committee for its efforts to build the splash pad to be located in Anne Hathaway Park
Splash Pad Sod Turning Ceremony 2013-10-04 00:00:00Z 0
District Governor's Visit 2013-10-01 00:00:00Z 0

The District Governor's Visit

District Governor Don Moore presents Bill Helmuth with the 2013-2014 Rotary theme banner "Engage Rotary Change Lives"
The District Governor's Visit 2013-10-01 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City Newsletter

Posted by Vincent Hill on Aug 06, 2013
The Rotary Club Of Festival City
President:  Bill Helmuth
Minutes of the meeting of August 6, 2013
Guests: From the Stratford Rotary Club we welcomed Bob Martin, Marcia Matsui, Bryan Lapier and Rob Ritz. Margie McCarthy is a guest of Etienne Leushuis. Jennifer Birmingham is our guest speaker.
Door Prize: Dianne Yundt donated the prize won by Jeanne Aitcheson.
1. “Off To School Smiling” is a fundraiser by the House of Blessing to purchase school supplies for children returning to school in September. Donna Hinz will be collecting donations during August to support this worthy program.
2. Polio Immunization and West African Project Fair. Information concerning this event taking place in Togo in October has been emailed to the membership by Randy Matthews for consideration.
3.Dragon Boat Races: The pancake breakfast and coffee service for this event on September 14 will require many volunteers. Keep that day free to help out.
4.Rotary Leadership Institute: The next seminar including parts 1, 2 and 3 takes place in Owen Sound on Saturday September 28. Information and details are being forwarded to the membership in a separate email.
5.Youth Protection Policy: The membership has received an important email from Randy Matthews about the policy which affects everyone working with youth. Please open the attachment and follow the instructions.
Weekly Duty Roster:
Date:    Prize Donor     Prayer Reader   Speaker Thanker  Club Greeter
Aug 13  Bill Helmuth     Wayne Young      Jean Aitcheson      Vincent Hill
Aug 20  Brian Rivers     Jean Aitcheson      Laura Pogson        Donna Hinz
Aug 27  Ron Rogers      Peter Moreton       Carolyn Dingman Dianne Yundt
Guest Speaker: Bill Helmuth introduced Jennifer Birmingham who serves on the board of directors for the Stratford Festival and is owner of the new Bruce Hotel.
Jennifer first started in the B&B business 16 years ago when she operated the Butternut Tree B&B in Tavistock. After 5 years she opened Touchstone Manor on St. David Street. Soon she will be opening her most ambitious project, the luxurious 25 room 4 diamond Bruce Hotel at 89 Parkview Avenue beside the Arden Park Hotel.
The location was purchased after an exhaustive search of all potential properties in and around Stratford. Just as Jennifer was about to put in an offer on the Church Restaurant the 500 Ontario Street property became available.  Preparatory ground work began last November and construction began in January. The dining room portion of the hotel is nearing completion and will open at the end of August. It will be operated by Aaron and Bronwyn Linley who own the Bijou Restaurant. It will be open to the general public.
The cost of the hotel is budgeted at $500 000 per room which is well above the average price for hotel construction. Jennifer is expecting that her hotel will cater to the well-healed traveler who expects the best in amenities. She feels that it is important to cater to this level of clientele who are currently not being served in Stratford. Room rates will be above $500 per night. Room sizes are large and range from 650 to 818 square feet.
The disabled guest has been kept in mind. Wheel chair accessible bathrooms are large and have two sinks at different levels. The large showers are wheelchair accessible as well. One side of the swimming pool has a low transfer wall where a wheel chair bound person will be able to slip from the chair, over the wall and into the pool.
Jennifer has put her artistic abilities to work. Each bathroom will have 27 sq feet of glass mosaic tiles designed by Jennifer. As an example she showed how after taking a photo of some daffodils she enlarged the panoramic photo until the pixels where the size of small glass tiles. Then she constructed the mosaics following the pattern of the pixels.
Jennifer expects to employ about 25 people under the direction of a general manager and she will act as host. The restaurant will seat up to 125 people and will have a lounge to attract the after theatre crowd. The low season will be a challenge but Jennifer is hoping that the hotel will be a destination for weekend getaways during the winter. She is aware that the accessibility of Stratford during the winter can be difficult with road closures. She is willing to hold weddings and small conferences if the whole hotel is booked for the event.
Jennifer expects to hold an open house after completion of the hotel.
Jennifer was thanked by Wayne Young.
Rotary Club of Festival City Newsletter Vincent Hill 2013-08-07 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City Newsletter

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jul 30, 2013
The Rotary Club Of Festival City
President:  Bill Helmuth
Minutes of the meeting of July 30, 2013
Guests: Connor Rivers exchange student going to Sweden and Charlotte Coates exchange student going to Norway. Lisa Stanley is our guest speaker.
Door Prize: David Moore donated an expensive mystery prize won by Dianne Yundt.
1.The Champagne Edition of Bingo: Sunday August 4. Volunteers are reminded to report to the bingo hall at 5 PM for pre-bingo preparations.
2.Pounds of Coffee: Randy Matthews still has bags of coffee available for sale for $15 per pound. Please contact Randy for El Salvadoran ground coffee or beans.
3.“Off To School Smiling” is a fundraiser operated by House of Blessing to buy schools supplies for children returning to school in September. Donna Hinz will be collecting donations during August to support this worthy program.
4.Rotary Club of Goderich is looking for tent space for use at the plowing match to sell tickets for a car raffle.
Weekly Duty Roster:
Date:    Prize Donor      Prayer Reader    Speaker Thanker   Club Greeter
Aug 6    Dianne Yundt    Jack West              Wayne Young      Ken Hansen
Aug 13  Bill Helmuth      Wayne Young      Jean Aitcheson      Vincent Hill
Aug 20  Brian Rivers      Jean Aitcheson      Laura Pogson        Donna Hinz
Guest Speaker: Peter Moreton introduced Lisa Stanley from the House of Blessing. She is the development coordinator in charge of fundraising and sponsorships. Lisa told us some of the history of the House of Blessing and what happens at the charity. Florence Kehl and her husband Norman started Operation Blessing in 1983 at a location above a restaurant in market square. After a fire destroyed the facility in 1984 it moved to a house on Wellington Street and renamed House of Blessing in 1988. In 2002 the House of Blessing moved to its current location on Erie Street where it has 9000 square feet of space. Florence retired in 2009.
The House of Blessing is not just a food bank. It is a place where those in need can find help. Food, clothing, furniture, or counseling for various problems is provided. It is accessed by single mothers and their children, women leaving abusive relationships, or divorced people finding it difficult to provide for their needs because they also have to pay child support. The working poor, those unemployed due to lack of education, those with a physical or mental disability, those affected by layoffs, or addictions can find help.  Last year the House of Blessing helped over 5600 people, and distributed 25000 articles of clothing and 1200 pieces of furniture.
The House of Blessing staff also provide various courses such as “Cooking on a Budget” to teach about food safety and how to cook simple meals. The “Home With a Heart” program teaches homemaking skills, and Budget Counseling teaches clients how to budget their finances.
A number of fundraising events take place over the year including Community Bowl Painting, an Art Auction, Thanksgiving Food Drive, and the Empty Bowls Fundraiser.
The food bank is particularly short of food items in the spring and summer. Some food is donated by food retailers and farmers donate hogs, eggs, and milk. Fresh vegetables and fruit often come from the venders at the Farmers Market. Donated hogs have to be processed before distribution and this is an extra cost for the food bank’s limited funds.
Our club is participating in the “Off to School Smiling” project. Funds donated to this program provide new school supplies, clothing, shoes and a backpack for elementary aged children. The program is being extended to high school students this year.
The House of Blessing receives grants from various agencies as well as individual donors and with the help of 280 volunteers it can extend a helping hand to those in need in the community.
To find out more about the House of Blessing visit
Lisa was thanked by Louise Spandler.
Rotary Club of Festival City Newsletter Vincent Hill 2013-07-31 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Festival City Newsletter Vincent Hill 2013-07-24 00:00:00Z 0
Jean Aitcheson becomes a Paul Harris Fellow Vincent Hill 2013-07-10 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 2

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jul 02, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Bill Helmuth

Minutes of the meeting of July 2, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Bob Martin and Marcia Matsui arefrom the Stratford Rotary Club. Sue and Rick Storie are from the London Hyde Park Rotary Club.

Door Prize: Vincent Hill donated the prize won by Deb Stacey-Rivers.


1.     Meeting Change: The meeting normally scheduled for Tuesday July 23 will be replaced by a farewell party for Leticia on Monday night July 22. It will be a potluck event starting at 6 PM. The party takes place at the home of Dianne Yundt. Leticia will make a video presentation of her cross-Canada trip.

2.     Literacy Awards: Sue Storie, the literacy chairperson for District 6330 presented the club with two literacy awards. The District Literacy Award was presented for completing five literacy projects. The Zone Literacy Award was for completing ten projects. Projects included adding Facebook and Twitter feeds to the website, donating back to school back packs, helping start Rotaract, financing the purchase of five computers for El Salvador, providing the Adult Learner award, continuing Rotary Reads, and promoting digital literacy. We have already started on the next award through our contribution of $1000 to a day care centre.

3.     The Champagne edition of Bingo: Saturday August 4. Volunteer by clicking on the Bingo link on ClubRunner or inform Jack West or Vince Hill. It was on this date in 1693 that Dom Perignon announced that he had invented a sparkling wine which came to be known as Champagne.

4.     Alberta Flood Relief:

As you are aware, the residents of southern Alberta are suffering very acute hardship as their rivers flood their homes and communities.

We have had a number of clubs in our District enquire how they might assist in the relief efforts as a result of these floods.

We have been advised that there is not a need for non-monetary item’s at this time – only financial donations are required which will allow the organizers to be flexible and provide assistance in an effective manner and where it is most urgently needed.

The District has agreed to act as the conduit for donations made by clubs within our District.

With this in mind, should your club wish to support the Alberta flood relief effort, please forward your cheque to our District Treasurer – Henry Weickert, P.O. Box 1596, Southampton, ON N0H 2L0. The cheque should be made payable to District 6330 with the memo line or covering letter indicating funds are for the Alberta Flood Relief.

Funds will be forwarded to our Rotary contact in District 5360 and used for the benefit of all the clubs/communities which have suffered due to flooding. Should your club wish to support a specific club, please so indicate and funds will be directed accordingly.

In due course we will be provided with a full accounting of where funds were spent.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours in Rotary Service,

Tom Robitaille                                                           Don Moore

District Governor 2012 – 2013                                  District Governor 2013 – 2014

District 6330                                                   District 6330




Club Assembly:

Membership Committee: Deb Stacey-Rivers said that the committee held six meetings during the previous Rotary year. The survey completed by the membership was helpful in finding out what it wanted from Rotary. More social occasions is a popular wish. The first social evening was held in May and it is hoped that more will occur during the year. The next is the July 22 farewell party for Leticia at the Yundts.

Deb also noted that several members have reached milestones. Jean Aitcheson and Bill Helmuth have been with the Festival City club for 5 years, Laura Pogson and Kent Chisholm for 10 years, and Jack West and Wayne Young for 15 years.


Tyler Canal, chair of Public Relations wants the membership to inform him of events which can be promoted. He will use Facebook and Twitter to promote events in addition to more conventional methods. The pancake breakfast will be advertised on the Stratford Rotary Dragon Boat site.


Brian Rivers, chair of New Generations Committee spoke about the Youth Exchange program. He wants the membership let him know their thoughts on continuing the program. It costs about $3000 per year. If we continue, new host families will be required as it seems that the same families have hosted students for several years. A short exchange option is being explored and Brian will keep us informed as information becomes available. Our next exchange student is a 16 year old boy from Indonesia.


Last week’s speakers were so impressive with what they do with so few resources that the board of directors will explore the possibility of assisting the Same World Same Chance organization as an international project.  Anyone wishing to make a personal donation to SWSC can do so by visiting and follow the links.


Ken Hansen asked that anyone with the name of a person who would be an interesting speaker please let he or Brandi Gillett know. Ken will follow up any suggestions.


Kent Chisholm is asking for fundraising ideas. We are not doing as many as in the past and he is looking for suggestions.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 2 Vincent Hill 2013-07-03 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 25

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jun 25, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of June 25, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Bob Martin is from the Stratford Rotary Club. Candace Riehl and Marissa Izma are the guest speakers

Door Prize: Dianne Yundt donated the prize won by Etienne Leushuis.


1.     The 2013-2014 Board of Directors: Incoming President Bill Helmuth presented a list of directors which was voted on and approved.

Bill Helmuth – President

Brian Rivers – President elect

Deb Stacey-Rivers – Vice President

Linda Jones – Director at large

Kent Chisholm – Director at large

Tyler Canal – Public Relations

Dianne Yundt – Past President and Rotary Foundation

Randy Matthews – Club Secretary

Etienne Leushuis – Treasurer

Jack West – Club Service

Brandi Gillet – Club Administration

2.     The 2013-3014 Budget. Treasurer Etienne Leushuis proposed that the budget he mailed to the membership be approved. The budget was approved. Etienne indicated that our dues are the lowest in the District. Of the $11 fee per meeting $9 is for food+tips+taxes. The remaining $2 pays for gifts and RI givings.

3.     Meeting Change: The meeting normally scheduled for Tuesday July 23 will be replaced by a goodbye party for Leticia on Monday night July 22. It will be a potluck event starting at 6 PM. The venue will be announced soon. Leticia will make a video presentation of her cross-Canada trip.


Guest Speaker: Dianne Yundt introduced Marissa Izma and Candace Riehl. These Stratford natives represent the organization “Same World Same Chance” based in Zambia. Marissa along with Stratfordite Kimberley Hurley are the cofounders of SWSC.

After graduating from Laurentian University Marissa travelled through Southern Africa. It was while passing through Zambia on the way to Malawi that Marissa decided to stay and help the community of Kibombomene in the northwest part of Zambia. She has been there for five years. Two years ago she was joined by Candace Riehl who travelled there after her graduation from Queen’s University in nursing and psychology. In a country of 13 million people Marissa discovered that only 8 in 100 children receive any kind of schooling. Schooling is not free after grade 7. It is difficult to attract teachers because most do not want to live in remote areas with no running water or electricity. Through the efforts of SWSC the first class of 18 girls is about to graduate from grade 7. The school has obtained the services of an elderly teacher and two local members of the SWSC board also teach. It is hoped that a boy’s class can be started this year but that will require another teacher and facilities. Through the fundraising efforts of SWSC rudimentary buildings, school furniture and staff quarters have been built. Staff quarters is required for teachers since Kibombomene is too far from other communities for commuting.

Most people in the community had never received any kind of health care. Some nursing assistance is beginning to become available in the community.

SWSC has started some small scale farming to provide food for the school and community and other projects to help raise funds for SWSC. Women sew bags from local fabrics for sale. The bags are available in Treasures in Stratford. SWSC has received some help from a local Canadian copper mining company. Some embassies have contributed as well. Most donations come from individuals. The Alberta Gospel Outreach is the agent for SWSC and can issue tax receipts. SWSC currently operates on about $15000 per year but needs $25000 or more to adequately address the needs in the community.

For more information and to make a donation to SWSC visit  The website has many photos of Kibombomene and the work of  SWSC.

Candace will be riding in the Ride For Refuge event in Waterloo on Oct 5 to help raise funds for SWSC. Any bike riders who wish to register to ride or make a donation can visit


Contact Information

Marissa Izma


Candace Riehl


Donations can be made online

at Canada Helps


Or type in AGO (Alberta Gospel Outreach), in the search for a charity tab.

Click View Profile (for AGO)

Under Fund/Designation (drop down menu), select Same World Same Chance


Or Donate by Chq

Cheques can be written to AGO (Alberta Gospel Outreach) with Same World Same Chance in the memo and sent to this address:


Candace and Marissa were thanked by Tyler Canal.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 25 Vincent Hill 2013-06-26 00:00:00Z 0
Recipients of Paul Harris pins Vincent Hill 2013-06-25 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 18

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jun 18, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of June 18, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Clark Mitchell is from the Stratford Rotary Club. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Susan Worthington is the General Manager of Stratford Summer Music. John Miller Artistic Producer of SSM. Special guest David Harvie.

Door Prize: John McNeil donated the prize won by Randy Matthews.

Dinner of the Month Draw: Deb Cook won a dinner for four at Pazzo Taverna.


1.     Board Meeting: The last board meeting to be chaired by President Dianne will be on June 20 at 6 PM. She will be providing the “Last Supper”. Final committee reports will be due then.

2.     RI Annual Givings: District Governor Tom Robitaille is looking for more donations to the Annual Givings program. If you wish to contribute visit ClubRunner and click on Rotary International under Rotary Links. Click on the tab for “Contribute”.

3.     The budget and the new Board: The budget for 2013-2014 and the composition of the new board of directors will be discussed at the next meeting.

4.     Rotary Dues: Make cheques payable to The Rotary Club of Festival City and give them to the treasurer Etienne Leushuis.

5.     Coin Boxes: Return coin boxes to treasurer Etienne. 

6.     Magnetic Rotary Pins: please pay treasurer Etienne $5 for pins ordered.

Guest Speaker: Brandi Gillett introduced John Miller the Artistic Producer of Stratford Summer Music. This summer marks the 13th year for the music festival. It continues for six weeks from July 15 to August 25. John stated that thanks to community support and support from our club the SSM continues to be a success growing slowly from year to year. It remains financially in the black. John has been very successful in obtaining the support of major corporations such as BMO, Sunlife and Yamaha.

For the 2013 season, choral music is a theme with 3 choirs visiting Stratford. The Vienna Boys Choir will be here for 3 concerts July 26, 27, 28 at St Andrews Church, and then a special concert with tenor Michael Schade (July 30).

The second choir is the Creole Cuban Choir (Aug 22, 23, 24). The first two performances are at St. Andrews church and the concert on the 24th is with Jane Bunnett at the Church Restaurant.

The Toronto Mass choir will perform at St Andrews on August 4. Their specialty is Gospel and Caribbean music.

Other performers include pianist Jan Lisiecki, Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra, and organist Rachel Laurin for organ week.

Barge music returns with a mix of music from the Canadian Men’s Chorus, the Sultans of swing, a cello ensemble and groups performing music of the swing era, the Caribbean, Gypsy and folk roots.

An unusual orchestra participating in this year’s SSM festival is Paraguay’s Landfill Orchestra. Children from a slum have learned to play instruments created from recycled materials scavenged from a landfill site. The orchestra performs on August 21 at St Andrews Church.

The pocket guide and larger program will be available soon.

Visit to buy tickets and check out the full repertoire of musical events.

Stratford Summer Music will open July 15 with the ever popular best fireworks show in Stratford.

John was thanked by Ron Rogers.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 18 Vincent Hill 2013-06-19 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 11

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jun 12, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of June 11, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests:  Marcia Matsui and Clark Mitchell are from the Stratford Rotary Club. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. John Wilkinson from CNG Canada is our guest speaker.

Door Prize: Wayne Young donated a hanging basket of flowers won by Vincent Hill.


1.     Board Meeting: The last board meeting to be chaired by President Dianne will be on June 20 at 6 PM. She will be providing the “Last Supper”. Final committee reports will be due then.

2.     Rotary Dues: Make cheques payable to The Rotary Club of Festival City and give them to the treasurer Etienne Leushuis.

3.     Coin Boxes: Return coin boxes to treasurer Etienne. 

4.     The G.S.E. Team from South Korea: The team will be in Grand Bend on June 18 and Rotarians are welcome to meet them. Contact Dianne Yundt if you are interested in attending.

5.     Proposed 2013-2014 Budget: Treasurer Etienne has emailed the proposed budget to the membership. The budget will be discussed and voted on later this month.

6.     Thank You Letter: The club received a letter from the Music and Opera organization thanking us for our donation.

7.     Magnetic Rotary Pins: please pay treasurer Etienne $5 for pins ordered.

Guest Speaker: Bill Helmuth introduced John Wilkinson from CNG Canada. He is not John Wilkinson the politician but the other John Wilkinson. He spoke to us about compressed natural gas (CNG) as an efficient and affordable alternative fuel for vehicles. CNG Canada operates out of London Ontario and manufactures conversion kits for vehicles so that they can operate on both diesel or gasoline and compressed natural gas.

Although various alternative fuels for vehicles are beginning to appear in the marketplace, fuels such as electricity, vegetable oil, ethanol, hydrogen cells, they have disadvantages which CNG does not have.

CNG is abundant, affordable, and safe. It costs about 20 cents per cubic metre which is equivalent in energy to a litre of gasoline at $1.20/L. It burns cleaner than conventional fuels producing less smog and a 30-40% fewer greenhouse gases.

Currently CNG vehicles are found in taxis and transport fleets. The Thames Valley School Board vehicles use CNG. Some postal vehicles also use CNG. These companies have compressor stations which draw from the natural gas lines and compress the gas into the vehicle’s fuel tank.

A disadvantage of CNG is the lack of fueling stations. Until the fueling infrastructure improves CNG will be at a disadvantage.

Similar to CNG is LNG (Liquified Natural Gas). This is just natural gas which is compressed until it reaches a temperature of -259oF where it is a liquid. Special insulated tanks are required to keep the LNG cool for up to 8 days before refueling is required. It is commonly used in transport fleets. There is no road tax on LNG making it very cost effective for truck fleets.

John expects in the near future that more vehicles such as farm equipment will start to use CNG. Any farm with a biofuel digester or a natural gas well could produce their own CNG using an onsite compressor.

Propane is also a fuel being used in vehicles. It is processed out of natural gas making it more expensive.

A family car can be converted to run on CNG and gasoline for a cost of about $5000 +/- $500 depending upon the vehicle. Storage tanks are installed where the spare tire is located. A small computer is attached to seamlessly switch the engine between fuels.

For more information about CNG visit

John was thanked by Carol Rock  

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 11 Vincent Hill 2013-06-13 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 4

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jun 04, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of June 4, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests:  Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Ana Staffen and her mother Galina Holmes. Marie Corcoran is a guest of Dianne Yundt. Also in attendance was Mary Lou Ruby Jones.

Door Prize: Louise Spandler donated a pair of tickets for the July Garden Tour won by Etienne Leushuis.

Paul Harris Fellow: In recognition for his services to the club, David Moore was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow.


1.     Nominations for the 2013-2014 Board of Directors: To be ratified at the end of the month.

Bill Helmuth – President

Brian Rivers – President elect

Deb Stacey-Rivers – Vice President

Linda Jones – Director at large

Kent Chisholm – Director at large

Tyler Canal – Public Relations

Dianne Yundt – Past President and Rotary Foundation

Randy Matthews – Club Secretary

Etienne Leushuis – Treasurer

Jack West – Club Service

Brandi Gillet – Club Administration.

2.     The G.S.E. Team from South Korea: The team will be in Grand Bend on June 18 and Rotarians are welcome to meet them. Contact Dianne Yundt if you are interested in attending.

3.     Proposed 2013-2014 Budget: Treasurer Etienne will be emailing the proposed budget to the membership. The budget will be discussed and voted on later this month.

Guest Speaker: Carol Rock introduced Ana Staffen who was selected by our club to attend the Adventures in Citizenship program hosted by the Ottawa Rotary Club.

Ana is a grade 11 student at Central Secondary School, a member of the student council and the student representative to the school board. Ana is 17 and has worked at Café Ten for two years.

Ana began by thanking us for the opportunity to attend the event. On April 27 Ana boarded the train for Ottawa. Upon arrival in Ottawa she met students from all across Canada. The group was divided into political parties and elected party leaders. Activities included a tour of the city and a visit to the Museum of Civilization. The students met the ambassadors from South Korea and the Netherlands. One evening the students put on skits which they had written, attended a video dance and listened to speakers. On May 1st there was a swearing in ceremony for new citizens. The students also reaffirmed their own citizenship. Ana was so impressed with Ottawa that she is seriously considering the University of Ottawa for post-secondary education.

Ana is off to Zambia on June 27 with members of Memorial Baptist Church. For three weeks they will be working in Day Camps in Lusaka and rural areas.

Ana was thanked by Peter Moreton.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 4 Vincent Hill 2013-06-05 00:00:00Z 0
Ana Staffen at the Rotary Club of Festival City Vincent Hill 2013-06-04 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 28

Posted by Vincent Hill on May 28, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of May 28, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From the Stratford Rotary Club we welcomed Bob Martin. Leticia Figueiredo is our Exchange Student.

Door Prize: Etienne Leushuis donated the prize won by Vincent Hill.


1.     Nominations for the Board of Directors: Rotarians interested in serving on the board of directors or nominating someone for a position should email President Dianne with the name of a seconder as well.

2.     Area 3 Meeting: The meeting chaired by Stan Malcolm is May 30 in Mitchell at 7 PM.

3.     3. Rotary Dues: The membership has received invoices for the 2013-2014 Rotary year. Please make cheques payable to the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford. Cheques can be post-dated to July 2. Give cheques to treasurer Etienne Leushuis.

4.     Coffee: El Salvador coffee beans or ground coffee in 1lb bags is available from Randy Matthews for $15 each.

5.     District Assembly: Takes place June 7-9 in Sarnia. Anyone attending and wishes to travel with President Dianne should speak to her.

Guest Speaker: President Dianne introduced Pat Quigley from the Stratford Festival. Pat is retired from her Director of Education position and is a consultant to the Festival. Pat gave the membership an update of the 2013 playbill and began by encouraging everyone to consider attending a Forum session. Of particular interest to her is John de Chastelain who speaks on June 15 at 10 AM. His topic is “Ancient Grudges and New Mutinies”. Pat connected his topic with the role of the peacemaker in Romeo and Juliet who tries to bring an end to an ancient feud. Sally Armstrong speaks the next day about the “Ascent of Women”, her new book. On the same weekend the ARC Ensemble will present two concerts of Jewish music. Stephen Lewis talks on August 17.


Pat’s playbill recommendations include Noel Coward’s “Blithe Spirit”. During a séance the ghost of Charles Condomine’s dead wife returns to haunt his marriage to his new wife Ruth. In “Waiting for Godot” the ghost is talked about but never appears.

“Mary Stuart” has the best cast. The play resonates with today with its mix of politics and religion creating a tragic heroine, Mary Queen of Scots. This play is selling well with two more performances being added.

Both “Fiddler on the Roof” and “Merchant of Venice” tackle the theme of community and anti-Semitism. Scott Wentworth playing Tevye is not to be missed and neither is Jonathan Goad playing Gratiano in Merchant.  Othello played by Dion Johnstone is the outsider being accepted only because of his military power.

“Tommy” is a technological marvel and very loud. If you love the music of “The Who” you will love this production.

Pat was thanked by Peter Moreton. 


Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 28 Vincent Hill 2013-05-29 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 21

Posted by Vincent Hill on May 21, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of May 21, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From the Stratford Rotary Club we welcomed Bob Martin, Harry Brightwell and Rena Orr. Amanda Hansford is the president of Rotaract, Shane Pegg and Dan Heitbohmer represented the Accelerator Centre.

Door Prize: Linda Jones donated the prize won by Carolyn Dingman.

Dinner of the Month Draw: Dinner for 4 at Rundles was won by Anna Sherwin.


1.     House of Blessing: Donations will be accepted at next week`s meeting.

2.     Rotary Social Evenings: The first one will be at the Rivers home on May 28. It will be a “Wine and Cheese” evening. Bring your favourite cheese with a short description of the cheese type.

3.     Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs. Tyler Canal has tickets for the event beginning at 6 PM.

4.     Area 3 Meeting: The meeting chaired by Stan Malcolm is May 30 in Mitchell at 7 PM.

5.     Rotary Dues: The membership has received invoices for the 2013-2014 Rotary year. Please make cheques payable to the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford. Cheques can be post-dated to July 2. Give cheques to treasurer Etienne Leushuis.

6.     Coffee: El Salvador coffee beans or ground coffee in 1lb bags is available from Randy Matthews for $15 each.

7.     District Assembly: Takes place June 7-9 in Sarnia. Anyone attending and wishes to travel with President Dianne should speak to her.

Guest Speaker: Brian Rivers introduced Shane Pegg from the University of Waterloo`s Accelerator Centre. The centre is designed to assist startup companies in the hi-tech industry. Under one roof it provides mentoring, marketing, communications, and financial advice to young entrepreneurs who have an idea which they want to develop into a business. The Accelerator Centre began in 2006 just off the campus at U of W. Since then it has helped 108 startup companies to prosper. In the Waterloo area over 1000 jobs were created contributing $90 million to the local economy. The Stratford branch of the centre opened at 6 Wellington Street on February 4 in partnership with the City of Stratford. Seven companies are currently using the services provided by the local centre. Anyone, or a group, who has a passion for an idea they want to develop into a business can take advantage of the service in a safe, reliable and trusted environment which calls on the expertise of many mentors. Some of the mentors are CEO`s of multibillion dollar companies which started from nothing and grew into large companies. After paying a fee the startup receives coaching for several years. Since over 85% of startups fail in five years it is the plan of the centre to provide a foundation for success.

Dan Heitbohmer is one of the clients of the centre who is growing his business which is software that helps contractors communicate with their sub-trades to prepare requests for proposals.  To learn more about Dan`s business and links to other startups at the accelerator centre visit

Shane and Dan were thanked by John McNeil.



Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 21 Vincent Hill 2013-05-22 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 21

Posted by Vincent Hill on May 21, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of May 21, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From the Stratford Rotary Club we welcomed Bob Martin, Harry Brightwell and Rena Orr. Amanda Hansford is the president of Rotaract, Shane Pegg and Dan Heitbohmer represented the Accelerator Centre.

Door Prize: Linda Jones donated the prize won by Carolyn Dingman.

Dinner of the Month Draw: Dinner for 4 at Rundles was won by Anna Sherwin.


1. House of Blessing: Donations will be accepted at next week`s meeting.

2. Rotary Social Evenings: The first one will be at the Rivers home on May 28. It will be a “Wine and Cheese” evening. Bring your favourite cheese with a short description of the cheese type.

3. Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs. Tyler Canal has tickets for the event beginning at 6 PM.

4. Area 3 Meeting: The meeting chaired by Stan Malcolm is May 30 in Mitchell at 7 PM.

5. Rotary Dues: The membership has received invoices for the 2013-2014 Rotary year. Please make cheques payable to the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford. Cheques can be post-dated to July 2. Give cheques to treasurer Etienne Leushuis.

6. Coffee: El Salvador coffee beans or ground coffee in 1lb bags is available from Randy Matthews for $15 each.

7. District Assembly: Takes place June 7-9 in Sarnia. Anyone attending and wishes to travel with President Dianne should speak to her.

Guest Speaker: Brian Rivers introduced Shane Pegg from the University of Waterloo`s Accelerator Centre. The centre is designed to assist startup companies in the hi-tech industry. Under one roof it provides mentoring, marketing, communications, and financial advice to young entrepreneurs who have an idea which they want to develop into a business. The Accelerator Centre began in 2006 just off the campus at U of W. Since then it has helped 108 startup companies to prosper. In the Waterloo area over 1000 jobs were created contributing $90 million to the local economy. The Stratford branch of the centre opened at 6 Wellington Street on February 4 in partnership with the City of Stratford. Seven companies are currently using the services provided by the local centre. Anyone, or a group, who has a passion for an idea they want to develop into a business can take advantage of the service in a safe, reliable and trusted environment which calls on the expertise of many mentors. Some of the mentors are CEO`s of multibillion dollar companies which started from nothing and grew into large companies. After paying a fee the startup receives coaching for several years. Since over 85% of startups fail in five years it is the plan of the centre to provide a foundation for success.

Dan Heitbohmer is one of the clients of the centre who is growing his business which is software that helps contractors communicate with their sub-trades to prepare requests for proposals.  To learn more about Dan`s business and links to other startups at the accelerator centre visit

Shane and Dan were thanked by John McNeil.



Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 21 Vincent Hill 2013-05-22 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 21

Posted by Vincent Hill on May 21, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of May 21, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From the Stratford Rotary Club we welcomed Bob Martin, Harry Brightwell and Rena Orr. Amanda Hansford is the president of Rotaract, Shane Pegg and Dan Heitbohmer represented the Accelerator Centre.

Door Prize: Linda Jones donated the prize won by Carolyn Dingman.

Dinner of the Month Draw: Dinner for 4 at Rundles was won by Anna Sherwin.


1.     House of Blessing: Donations will be accepted at next week`s meeting.

  1. Rotary Social Evenings: The first one will be at the Rivers home on May 28. It will be a “Wine and Cheese” evening. Bring your favourite cheese with a short description of the cheese type.
  2. Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs. Tyler Canal has tickets for the event beginning at 6 PM.

4.     Area 3 Meeting: The meeting chaired by Stan Malcolm is May 30 in Mitchell at 7 PM.

  1. Rotary Dues: The membership has received invoices for the 2013-2014 Rotary year. Please make cheques payable to the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford. Cheques can be post-dated to July 2. Give cheques to treasurer Etienne Leushuis.
  2. Coffee: El Salvador coffee beans or ground coffee in 1lb bags is available from Randy Matthews for $15 each.
  3. District Assembly: Takes place June 7-9 in Sarnia. Anyone attending and wishes to travel with President Dianne should speak to her.

Guest Speaker: Brian Rivers introduced Shane Pegg from the University of Waterloo`s Accelerator Centre. The centre is designed to assist startup companies in the hi-tech industry. Under one roof it provides mentoring, marketing, communications, and financial advice to young entrepreneurs who have an idea which they want to develop into a business. The Accelerator Centre began in 2006 just off the campus at U of W. Since then it has helped 108 startup companies to prosper. In the Waterloo area over 1000 jobs were created contributing $90 million to the local economy. The Stratford branch of the centre opened at 6 Wellington Street on February 4 in partnership with the City of Stratford. Seven companies are currently using the services provided by the local centre. Anyone, or a group, who has a passion for an idea they want to develop into a business can take advantage of the service in a safe, reliable and trusted environment which calls on the expertise of many mentors. Some of the mentors are CEO`s of multibillion dollar companies which started from nothing and grew into large companies. After paying a fee the startup receives coaching for several years. Since over 85% of startups fail in five years it is the plan of the centre to provide a foundation for success.

Dan Heitbohmer is one of the clients of the centre who is growing his business which is software that helps contractors communicate with their sub-trades to prepare requests for proposals.  To learn more about Dan`s business and links to other startups at the accelerator centre visit

Shane and Dan were thanked by John McNeil.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 21 Vincent Hill 2013-05-22 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 14

Posted by Vincent Hill on May 14, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of May 14, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Constable Dave Stewart

Door Prize: Donna Hinz donated the prize won by Carolyn Dingman.


1.     Group Study Exchange: The group from South Korea originally scheduled to visit Stratford May 21 will not be visiting until June.

2.     Area 3 Meeting: The meeting chaired by Stan Malcolm is May 30 in Mitchell.

  1. Rotary Dues: The membership has received invoices for the 2013-2014 Rotary year. Please make cheques payable to the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford. Cheques can be post-dated to July 2. Give cheques to treasurer Etienne Leushuis.
  2. Coffee: El Salvador coffee beans or ground coffee in 1lb bags is available from Randy Matthews for $15 each.
  3. District Assembly: Takes place June 7-9 in Sarnia. Anyone attending and wishes to travel with President Dianne should speak to her.
  4. Rotary Social Evenings: The first one will be at the Rivers home on May 28. It will be a “Wine and Cheese” evening. Bring your favourite cheese with a short description of the cheese type.
  5. Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs. Tyler Canal has tickets for the event beginning at 6 PM.

Guest Speaker: President Dianne introduced Constable Dave Stewart from the Stratford Police Services. A police officer for 24 years Constable Stewart is currently serving a 3 year term as the Community Services Officer and is responsible for the Block Parent program.

The program started in London Ontario in 1968 through the efforts of the Jewish Council of Women after the murder of a young boy. In Stratford, Block Parenting began in the early 70’s and spread across Canada by the early 80’s when the National Block Parent Program was formed. The program became very popular after an article was published in the Homemakers Magazine in 1976. In Stratford, most streets had at least one Block Parent by the mid 80’s after which the program started into a slow decline. With an increase in households with no children, more retirees, and more often with both parents working, there are fewer homes with someone home during the daytime. By the late 90’s the number of Stratford Block Parent homes declined to the low 20’s. The program was on the verge of closing down when Dave Blackburn of the Stratford Rotary Club became aware of the problem and approached the club about taking on Block Parenting as the host agency.

The Block Parent program was re-launched in 2012 with the goal of having 30 homes by the end of 2012. There are currently 40 homes participating and it is hoped that by the end of May that 40 more will participate.

Small businesses can also participate. Some currently in the program include the Scottish Shop, Black Creek Physiotherapy, Co-operators and Orr Insurance. The YMCA may also come on board.

To participate in the program an application must be filled out followed by a police check. Anyone 18 and over can become a host as long as there is someone at home some of the time. When someone is at home the sign is placed in a window and removed when leaving the house. Hosts sign up for a 2 year term. The host is covered both by the Good Samaritan Law and through Block Parent insurance

The responsibility of the host only involves being willing to make a phone call to the police or the parent of a child asking for help. The program is not only available to children but to anyone who needs assistance be it a wandering senior or a lost tourist.

Constable Stewart was thanked by David Moore

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 14 Vincent Hill 2013-05-15 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City May 7, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on May 06, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of May 7, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Rotary Exchange student Leticia Figueiredo

Door Prize: Sam Theocharis donated the prize won by Ron Rogers.


  1. The Bridge, May Edition: If you haven’t read the latest edition emailed to all Rotarians in District 6330 check out the following articles. The new Rotaract Club in Stratford. Changes to legislation.  The fifth avenue of service is changed from New Directions to Youth Services. The District Assembly will now be called District Training Assembly. These are just two of the changes.
  2. CRCID Changes: Lynne Ternosky gave us an overview of changes to Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development. It is through CRCID that our club received matching funds for the El Salvador project. CRCID works with CIDA (Canada International Development Agency) to fund international projects. CIDA has been moved to the department of Foreign Affairs. As a result it will be more challenging to obtain funding. CRCID has had to undergo an audit as well as the countries receiving funds.  The finances of CRCID are being restated and there will be a delay in advancing funds to projects for which funds have already been allocated. Members of the CRCID board will be working from their homes as there is no funding for office space. Lynne serves on the board.
  3. Rotary Dues: The membership has received invoices for the 2013-2014 Rotary year. Please make cheques payable to the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford. Cheques can be post-dated to July 2. Give cheques to treasurer Etienne Leushuis.
  4. Coffee: El Salvador coffee beans or ground coffee in 1lb bags is available from Randy Matthews for $15 each.
  5. District Assembly: Takes place June 7-9 in Sarnia. Anyone attending and wishes to travel with President Dianne should speak to her.
  6. Rotary Social Evenings: The first one will be at the Rivers home on May 28. It will be a “Wine and Cheese” evening. Bring your favourite cheese with a short description of the cheese type.
  7. Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs. Tyler Canal has tickets for the event beginning at 6 PM.

Guest Speaker: President Dianne introduced Kent Chisholm who spoke about SABBA, the Stratford Area Bed and Breakfast Association. From 1953 when Laura Pogson’s parents started one of the first B&B’s in Stratford the number of B&B’s grew to 235 by the year 2000. In that year licensing for B&B’s was introduced by the City. Since then the number of B&B’s has declined to 92 in 2013. Some of the decline is due to the fact that B&B owners tend to be older people who operate B&B’s more as a lifestyle choice than as essential income earner and wish to retire. The owners sell or close their B&B’s. Some B&B’s have closed due to the requirements of fire and safety upgrades required by the fire code and the city’s building bylaws. Sabba was formed in the mid 90’s and became an important lobby group at City Hall to help encourage sensible licensing. 72 of Stratford’s B&B’s belong to SABBA.

Costs involved in operating a B&B include a 20% increase in property assessed value, a licencing fee of $152 for one room and $91 for each additional room. For members of the Stratford Tourism Alliance there is an additional fee. The Stratford Festival adds a room fee for any bookings they make on behalf of the B&B. Among the other costs is Festival Guide advertising, food, and maintaining furnishings and home.

Kent showed how to use the SABBA website to book a room. By entering the dates and type of accommodation a guest desires, the website shows only those B&B’s which have availability. This makes it much easier to find a room than phoning around. The potential guest can also check out the amenities of each B&B which show pictures of the public areas and bedrooms in the B&B.

Although having guests staying in your home can be an enjoyable and enriching experience it does require the host to be available throughout the festival season for most of each day. Some guests become returning guests each year and close ties develop between guests and hosts.  

Kent was thanked by Etienne Leushuis. 

Rotary Club of Festival City May 7, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-05-07 00:00:00Z 0

Ana Staffen tries out Justin Trudeau's parliamentary desk

Posted by Carol Rock on Apr 30, 2013
Ana Staffen is attending the Adventures in Citizenship event in Ottawa sponsored by the Rotary Club of Ottawa, as our representative.  Ana is a grade 12 student at Central where she is on the executive of the student council and also is the student rep on the Avon Maitland Board of Education. Anna will be speaking at our club soon to tell us about her experiences in Ottawa.

Ana Staffen tries out Justin Trudeau's parliamentary desk Carol Rock 2013-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City April 30, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 30, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of April 30, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Rotary Exchange student Leticia Figueiredo

Door Prize: Brandi Gillett donated the prize won by Peter Moreton.


  1. Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI): Parts 1, 2 and 3 will be offered at this training session taking place May 4. Reserve a spot by signing up online.
  2. MS Walk: Carolyn Dingman announced that our club is entering a team for the event taking place May 5. The walk/run starts at Central High School. A pledge sheet was circulated for anyone interested in sponsoring the team.
  3. Bingo: The next Bingo is Sunday May 12. Volunteers are needed. Sign up on ClubRunner or contact Vince Hill or Jack West.
  4. Music and Opera Appreciation: The club received a thank you letter from the organization for our donation to their fund raising activities.
  5. Polio Plus: President Dianne announced that the Canadian government is donating $250 million to the Polio Plus campaign.
  6. District Assembly: President Dianne attended a break out session at the assembly on the topic of “Water and Sanitation”. RI is considering water as the next big international project after the Polio Plus campaign winds down. Dianne also suggested that water can be conserved at our meetings by placing a jug of water on each table instead of glasses of water which is mostly unused. Some clubs in the district have a water projects chairperson. Any club member wishing to take on the position in the FC club should talk to President Dianne.
  7. House of Blessing: The club received a thank you letter from the charity thanking us for our donations.
  8. Rotary Social Evenings: The first one will be at the Rivers home on May 28. It will be a “Wine and Cheese” evening. Bring your favourite cheese with a short description of the cheese type.
  9. Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs. Tyler Canal has tickets for the event beginning at 6 PM.
  10. Makeups: Club members who miss meetings can keep their attendance up to date by informing Vince Hill of Rotary associated activities they have participated in. Activities could include social events, attending committee meetings and fundraising events that have a connection to Rotary.
  11. ClubRunner 3.0 The ClubRunner software is undergoing a major revision transferring it to a cloud based system. Over the course of the year changes will be introduced making it easier for us to change the look of our homepage and bulletin.

Guest Speaker: Kent Chisholm stepped in to replace the scheduled speaker who cancelled due to illness. Kent presented a short video of the Rotary International Convention held in Montreal in May of 2010. It was apparent from the pictures that the FC Rotarians who attended the convention had a wonderful time. Over 54000 Rotarians were in attendance. It wasn’t all business as entertainment included choirs, Celtic Thunder, and Cirque de Soleil.

The 2013 convention is in Lisbon Portugal June 23-26.

Rotary Club of Festival City April 30, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City April 23, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 23, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of April 23, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Rotary Exchange student Leticia Figueiredo. David Hicks is the guest speaker. Paul West and Robert Bell represent the Intelligent Communities Forum.

Door Prize: Louise Spandler donated the prize won by Randy Mathews.


  1. Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI): Parts 1, 2 and 3 will be offered at this training session taking place May 4. Reserve a spot by signing up online.
  2. MS Walk: Carolyn Dingman announced that our club is entering a team for the event taking place May 5. The walk/run starts at Central High School. A pledge sheet was circulated for anyone interested in sponsoring the team.
  3. House of Blessing: donations of food and toiletries will be accepted a next week’s meeting.
  4. Rotary Social Evenings: Deb Stacey-Rivers announced the launch of social evenings for the membership. These will take place on the last Tuesday evening of each month. The first one will be at the Rivers home on May 28. It will be a “Wine and Cheese” evening. Bring your favourite cheese with a short description of the cheese type.
  5. Bingo: The next Bingo is Sunday May 12. Volunteers are needed. Sign up on ClubRunner or contact Vince Hill or Jack West.
  6. Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs. Tyler Canal has tickets for the event beginning at 6 PM.

Guest Speaker: Paul West from the City of Stratford Smart Cities Committee introduced Robert Bell, one of the three founders of the Intelligent Communities Forum. Robert is in Stratford to learn more about our broadband service and to speak to various groups and tour facilities. He will be attending 33 events during his stay. This is part of our application to remain in the top 7 smart communities of the world. There are 118 other communities competing. Last year Stratford came 4th in the competition with only 2 points keeping us out of top place taken by Riverside California. Other top communities were Toronto with its harbourfront development, Oulu Finland, Tallinn Estonia, Columbus Ohio, and a city in Taiwan.

Laura Pogson introduced David Hicks, freelance author and a founder of the Intelligent Communities Forum. David told us about the history of Stratford’s involvement in the Smart Cities competition starting in 2009 with Stratford placing in the top 7 for the last three years in a row. To be successful Stratford has to address 5 issues. Issues include citywide access to high speed broadband, a knowledge based work force (there is a worker shortage in this area in Stratford), digital inclusion for everyone, marketing and advocacy, and innovation.

At the next competition in New York a delegation of 17 people from Stratford will be in attendance. The three founders and 200 jurors will assess the applications. An analytics company will study the data submitted by the cities.

Because Stratford is becoming known as a Smart City, industries are taking a close look at Stratford and some have already located here. The recently opened Accelerator Institute on Wellington Street has already been instrumental in encouraging the startup of several high tech enterprises. One such startup involves recent graduates of the Master’s program at the Stratford campus of the U of W.

David was thanked by Donna Hinz

Rotary Club of Festival City April 23, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-04-24 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 16, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 16, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of April 16, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Harry Brightwell is from Stratford Rotary. Wade Phibbs is our guest speaker.

Door Prize: Deb Stacey-Rivers donated the prize won by Linda Jones.

Dinner of the Month Draw: Mike Burns won a dinner for four at Raja.


  1. Board Meeting: April 18 at the home of President Dianne.
  2. District Assembly: Anyone attending the assembly and wanting a ride should contact Dianne Yundt. She will be leaving from her home at 8:15 AM and returning about 3 PM. The assembly is on Saturday April 20, 2013 at Medway High School 14405 Medway Road Arva. A PDF file showing the agenda has been forwarded to the membership.
  3. Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI): Parts 1, 2 and 3 will be offered at this training session taking place May 4. Reserve a spot by signing up online.
  4. Bingo: The next Bingo is Sunday May 12. Volunteers are needed. Sign up on ClubRunner or contact Vince Hill or Jack West.
  5. Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs. Tyler Canal has tickets for the event beginning at 6 PM.
  6. International Plowing Match: Several members of the club have volunteered to work the gates at this event in Sept.
  7. President Elect Training Session (PETS): Bill Helmuth and Brian Rivers attended the two day session in Sarnia. They reported that Rotary membership in the district dropped from 2200 to 1900 over the last four years. Only 20% of the clubs showed growth. The average club size is 22 members. The work of one club is quite impressive. The growing Grand Bend Rotary Club has a project collecting school furniture, books, and other supplies and packing them into shipping containers. The containers go to schools in South Africa. Each container costs $5000 to fill and ship.
  8. Zehrs Sales Tapes: Linda Jones continues to collect Zehrs tapes. Please pass on tapes to Linda. Tapes can also be kept and bundled into $1000 bundles before passing them to Linda.

Guest Speaker: Dianne Yundt introduced Wade Phibbs from Stratford General Hospital. Wade has been an X-ray technologist for 26 years and for 22 years worked at Victoria Hospital in London before coming to SGH. Wade has seen X-rays change from developing in chemical baths to the digital X-rays we have today. Wade also spoke about the new MRI machine at the hospital. The waiting time for an MRI in Stratford is as short as 16 days to 3 weeks. Waiting time in Stratford is the shortest in the province where the average time is 90 days. The machine is operational in the evenings now, attracting patients from across the province. A music system was donated for use of patients lying in the machine. The music helps drown out the load sounds made by the machine. The fundraising campaign is close to its goal with only $200 000 to go.

There have been recent changes in nuclear medicine as well. A new CT scan machine can take 8 slice scans in one pass as opposed to 1 slice per pass 20 years ago.

Radio isotopes of various types are used to form images. The isotopes are injected, inhaled, or ingested. They are designed to migrate to a particular body part. An image is then made of the part as the isotope gives off the radiation. After such a treatment patients are told to stay at home and not to come into close contact with people until the radioactivity declines which may in a few days or a few weeks.

Wade was thanked by Sam Theocharis.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 16, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-04-17 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 9, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 08, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of April 9, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Rob Ritz is from Stratford Rotary. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Dave William is from the Mitchell Rotary Club. Andrew McCardle, John Yundt, Carl West and Dan Smith are from Junior Achievement.

Door Prize: Wayne Young donated the prize won by Brandi Gillett.


  1. Board Meeting: April 18 at the home of President Dianne.
  2. Rotaract Banquet: It is confirmed that the banquet is Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Tickets are $40. It is hoped that all members of Festival City Rotary will be able to attend. Rotaract is a joint venture of Festival City and Stratford Rotary Clubs.
  3. International Plowing Match: Dave William of the Mitchell Rotary Club is looking for service club volunteers to help with ticket sales and gates at the event taking place September 17-21 on Hwy 8 just east of Mitchell. Louise Spandler is the contact person for our club. Many volunteers are required as there are 5 gates with morning and afternoon shifts over the 5 days. The IPA usually pays clubs for the hours they volunteer.
  4. District Assembly: This is on Saturday April 20, 2013 at Medway High School 14405 Medway Road Arva. A PDF file showing the agenda has been forwarded to the membership.
  5. Bingo: The next Bingo is Sunday May 12. Volunteers are needed. Signup on ClubRunner or contact Vince Hill or Jack West.

Guest Speaker: John Yundt and Andrew McCardle, two students from St Mike’s Secondary School, are also members of the Junior Achievement Program at the school.

Junior Achievers meet each Tuesday at the University of Waterloo to develop a product and business plan for selling the product. The group of 18 students came up with the idea of T-bags involving the recycling of old T-shirts into tote bags. The business plan called for the selling of 50 bags. The project has been so successful that orders have exceeded 300 bags and the profit margin has reached 1400%. 10% of the profits go to charity, 50% to the Junior Achievers. Each Junior Achiever invested $10 and so far has earned $60. The group won first place in a recent competition for Junior Achievement. The boys showed a video which can be viewed at

The Junior Achievers were thanked by Barbara Young.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 9, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-04-09 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 2, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 01, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of April 2, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

President-Elect Bill Helmuth chaired this meeting

Guests: Roger Black is from Stratford Rotary. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student.

Door Prize: Anna Sherwin donated the prize won by Ron Rogers.

Club Assembly:

  1. Fish Fry and Golf Tournament: Posters advertising these events have been emailed to the membership by Bill Helmuth.
  2. Spaghetti Dinner results: Jean Aitcheson reported that 401 tickets were sold and the club netted $5679.30 plus another $1200 from coffee sales. Randy Mathews still has 179 bags of coffee for purchase. We need to put more effort into ticket sales. We should have sold 700 tickets to really make the effort worthwhile.  Ken Hansen reported that Trevor Exnor of the Black Angus was glad to help out and we should help support him by visiting his St Marys restaurant.
  3. Club Administration Committee: Brandi Gillett reported that she intends to hold a committee meeting in a couple of weeks.
  4. Membership Committee: Deb Stacey-Rivers will be holding a committee meeting in two weeks time.
  5. Vocational Committee: Carol Rock reported that Anna Staffa will be attending the Adventures in Citizenship conference in Ottawa in May.  Anna is a Central student. She is on the student council and is a student representative on the school board.  Cynthia Brown has been selected to attend the leadership conference at Western University.
  6. Youth Exchange Officer: Brian Rivers has volunteered to be the new YEO. We will be having an inbound student from Indonesia next year. Two host families are required to participate. Contact Brian if you are interested in hosting the student for a term.
  7. Dragon Boat Pancake Breakfast: Bill Helmuth reported that the Mitchell Rotary Club will not be participating in the breakfast this year. Bill has made alternate arrangements for the use of a pancake griddle. We will continue to make the coffee and sell it throughout the day. We will require whole club participation for this event to be held Saturday September 14.
  8. MS Walk: Carolyn Dingman reported that the 2013 walk will take place Sunday May 5. May is MS month.
  9. Bingo: The next Bingo is Sunday May 12. Volunteers are needed. Signup on ClubRunner or contact Vince Hill or Jack West.
Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 2, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-04-02 00:00:00Z 0

Adult Learner Award

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 25, 2013



President Dianne Yundt presents the Adult Learner Award to Sheila Rose



President Dianne Yundt, teacher Linde Fraser and program manager Tine Buechler from the Centre for Employment and Learning Stratford with award winner Sheila Rose. 


Adult Learner Award Vincent Hill 2013-03-26 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 26, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 25, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of March 26, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Stan Malcolm, Ryan Erb, Tine Buechler and Basil Hurst are from Stratford Rotary. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Mirjam Schutt is our Youth Exchange Counsellor. Special guests are Sheila and Lorentz Rose accompanied by Linde Fraser. Michael McCourt from D&D Automation with two job-shadowing students,  Natallie Biesinger and Clay Carter.

Door Prize: Kent Chisholm donated the prize won by Bob Shannon.


  1. Festival City Rotary Club 18th Anniversary: The club’s was given official status on March 23 1995 with 28 members. The formation of the club was an initiative of Robert Ritz. The first president was Etienne Leushuis. Other founding members still in the club include Carolyn Dingman, Donna Hinz, Susan Thomson, and Ron Rogers.
  2. Rotary Events: President Dianne reminded the membership to check the ClubRunner and District 6330 websites for upcoming Rotary events.
  3. Youth Exchange Officer: Mirjam Schutt, our Youth Exchange Counsellor, is urging someone in the club to come forward to serve as the next Y.E.O. If we are to host Rotary Exchange students and to send exchange students to other countries we need to have a Youth Exchange Officer.
  4. Block Parent Program: Ryan Erb from the Stratford Rotary Club is encouraging members of our club to participate in the Block Parent Program. The program once run by the Kinettes is now a Stratford Rotary Club project. It is hoped that 2 to 3 homes in each block will participate in the program and place a sign in their front window. He has application forms for those who are interested.
  5. Adult Learner Award. Tine Buechler announced that Sheila Rose is this year’s winner of the Adult Learner Award. President Dianne presented Sheila with the award. Teacher Linde Fraser recounted Sheila’s efforts and determination to obtain a high school diploma.

Guest Speaker: Laura Pogson introduced Michael McCourt from D&D Automation. The company was started by three friends 20 years ago in Stratford and is now located at the corner of Lorne Ave and Erie St. The company’s business is the creation of software to run robotically controlled production lines. The result is that parts are brought together in the correct sequence with a very high degree of precision which man made production could not attain. In one video Michael showed cars being produced at the BMW plant in Greenville South Carolina . Cars are produced at a rate of one car every 78 seconds. Production was organized using software from D&D Automation. Another video showed the sorting of mail at a plant in Sweden. The sorting software was developed at D&D. The company has contracts in many countries to design robotically controlled production systems. At the Stratford plant the company experiments with new ways of doing a job. One job being tested is using vision software so that robots can recognize parts and place them in the correct location on another part and weld them together.

D&D is pleased to be located in beautiful Stratford with its world class entertainment and restaurants which visiting clients can enjoy.

Michael was thanked by Brandi Gillett.  

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 26, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-03-26 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 26, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 25, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of March 26, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Stan Malcolm, Ryan Erb, Tine Buechler and Basil Hurst are from Stratford Rotary. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Mirjam Schutt is our Youth Exchange Counsellor. Special guests are Sheila and Lorentz Rose accompanied by Linde Fraser. Michael McCourt from D&D Automation with two job-shadowing students,  Natallie Biesinger and Clay Carter.

Door Prize: Kent Chisholm donated the prize won by Bob Shannon.


  1. Festival City Rotary Club 18th Anniversary: The club’s was given official status on March 23 1995 with 28 members. The formation of the club was an initiative of Robert Ritz. The first president was Etienne Leushuis. Other founding members still in the club include Carolyn Dingman, Donna Hinz, Susan Thomson, and Ron Rogers.
  2. Rotary Events: President Dianne reminded the membership to check the ClubRunner and District 6330 websites for upcoming Rotary events.
  3. Youth Exchange Officer: Mirjam Schutt, our Youth Exchange Counsellor, is urging someone in the club to come forward to serve as the next Y.E.O. If we are to host Rotary Exchange students and to send exchange students to other countries we need to have a Youth Exchange Officer.
  4. Block Parent Program: Ryan Erb from the Stratford Rotary Club is encouraging members of our club to participate in the Block Parent Program. The program once run by the Kinettes is now a Stratford Rotary Club project. It is hoped that 2 to 3 homes in each block will participate in the program and place a sign in their front window. He has application forms for those who are interested.
  5. Adult Learner Award. Tine Buechler announced that Sheila Rose is this year’s winner of the Adult Learner Award. President Dianne presented Sheila with the award. Teacher Linde Fraser recounted Sheila’s efforts and determination to obtain a high school diploma.

Guest Speaker: Laura Pogson introduced Michael McCourt from D&D Automation. The company was started by three friends 20 years ago in Stratford and is now located at the corner of Lorne Ave and Erie St. The company’s business is the creation of software to run robotically controlled production lines. The result is that parts are brought together in the correct sequence with a very high degree of precision which man made production could not attain. In one video Michael showed cars being produced at the BMW plant in Greenville South Carolina . Cars are produced at a rate of one car every 78 seconds. Production was organized using software from D&D Automation. Another video showed the sorting of mail at a plant in Sweden. The sorting software was developed at D&D. The company has contracts in many countries to design robotically controlled production systems. At the Stratford plant the company experiments with new ways of doing a job. One job being tested is using vision software so that robots can recognize parts and place them in the correct location on another part and weld them together.

D&D is pleased to be located in beautiful Stratford with its world class entertainment and restaurants which visiting clients can enjoy.

Michael was thanked by Brandi Gillett.  

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 26, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-03-26 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 26, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 25, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of March 26, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Stan Malcolm, Ryan Erb, Tine Buechler and Basil Hurst are from Stratford Rotary. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Mirjam Schutt is our Youth Exchange Counsellor. Special guests are Sheila and Lorentz Rose accompanied by Linde Fraser. Michael McCourt from D&D Automation with two job-shadowing students,  Natallie Biesinger and Clay Carter.

Door Prize: Kent Chisholm donated the prize won by Bob Shannon.


  1. Festival City Rotary Club 18th Anniversary: The club’s was given official status on March 23 1995 with 28 members. The formation of the club was an initiative of Robert Ritz. The first president was Etienne Leushuis.
  2. Rotary Events: President Dianne reminded the membership to check the ClubRunner and District 6330 websites for upcoming Rotary events.
  3. Youth Exchange Officer: Mirjam Schutt, our Youth Exchange Counsellor, is urging someone in the club to come forward to serve as the next Y.E.O. If we are to host Rotary Exchange students and to send exchange students to other countries we need to have a Youth Exchange Officer.
  4. Block Parent Program: Ryan Erb from the Stratford Rotary Club is encouraging members of our club to participate in the Block Parent Program. The program once run by the Kinettes is now a Stratford Rotary Club project. It is hoped that 2 to 3 homes in each block will participate in the program and place a sign in their front window. He has application forms for those who are interested.
  5. Adult Learner Award. Tine Buechler announced that Sheila Rose is this year’s winner of the Adult Learner Award. President Dianne presented Sheila with the award. Teacher Linde Fraser recounted Sheila’s efforts and determination to obtain a high school diploma.

Guest Speaker: Laura Pogson introduced Michael McCourt from D&D Automation. The company was started by three friends 20 years ago in Stratford and is now located at the corner of Lorne Ave and Erie St. The company’s business is the creation of software to run robotically controlled production lines. The result is that parts are brought together in the correct sequence with a very high degree of precision which man made production could not attain. In one video Michael showed cars being produced at the BMW plant in Greenville South Carolina . Cars are produced at a rate of one car every 78 seconds. Production was organized using software from D&D Automation. Another video showed the sorting of mail at a plant in Sweden. The sorting software was developed at D&D. The company has contracts in many countries to design robotically controlled production systems. At the Stratford plant the company experiments with new ways of doing a job. One job being tested is using vision software so that robots can recognize parts and place them in the correct location on another part and weld them together.

D&D is pleased to be located in beautiful Stratford with its world class entertainment and restaurants which visiting clients can enjoy.

Michael was thanked by Brandi Gillett.  

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 26, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-03-26 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 19, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 18, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of March 19, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Peter Gray is our guest speaker. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student.


  1. Dinner of the Month: Elaine Nicholson of Hibernia Street won a dinner for four at Fosters.
  2. Board Meeting: 7 PM this Thursday at President Dianne’s home.
  3. Rural Urban Night: Stratford Rotary Club hosting the event April 11. $25 pp.
  4. Rural Urban Night: St Mary’s Rotary Club hosting the event April 12. $25 pp.
  5. 9th Annual Stratford Rotary Golf Tournament: Monday June 3 at the Stratford Golf Club. Light lunch and dinner included for $125 pp. For info and registration contact Lynn McCone at 519-273-0550 or
  6. District Assembly: Medway High School Saturday April 20, 9AM-3PM. Register in advance.
  7. District Conference: Sarnia Holiday Inn June 6. Register by April 1 and receive a $25 voucher towards the purchase of Rotary items.
  8. RLI: May 4 in London (parts I, II, III)
  9. Rotaract Inaugural Dinner: Wednesday May 29 at the Arden Park. Meet the members of the new Rotaract club, and enjoy a fine meal and program. This club is a joint venture of the Stratford and Festival City clubs. Program to be confirmed. Price will be about $40 pp.
  10. Splash Pad: Jack West reported that design drawings have been completed for submission to the City. The splash pad committee is awaiting results of their applications for grants from the TD bank and Libro.
  11. Spaghetti Dinner: Thanks to all who helped make last night’s dinner a success. Please return all funds and unused tickets to Randy Matthews so that he can determine the financial results of the evening.

Guest Speaker: Jack West introduced Peter Gray, VP and senior hydrologist for MTE. Peter reported on his visit to Sri Lanka, Thailand and part of Indonesia following the December 26, 2004 tsunami. Peter was there as part of a team sent by World Vision and CIDA to assess the effect of the tsunami on the communities in these areas. He was there in May and June of 2005. Pictures which Peter showed were of areas not usually seen on TV or in the papers since they were taken in areas away from the tourist beaches. Earthquakes often last about 30 seconds. This one lasted 20 minutes during which a portion of the ocean floor dropped. The first wave to reach shore was about 10 metres high in Sri Lanka and travelled 2 kilometres inland. Twenty minutes later a second wave 30 m high arrived. The tsunami killed 1 in 20 in the affected areas. It destroyed the livelihood of millions of people. In fishing villages the majority of people who died were women and children because the men were on their fishing boats at sea where the tsunami did not affect them. The tidal wave filled in over 30 000 wells and contaminated the soil with salt water. Photos showed a landscape scoured by the tsunami often leaving just foundations and tree stumps. Peter took photos of a ship sitting on land 5 km from the sea.

Peter was thanked by Sam Theocharis.  


Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 19, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-03-19 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 12, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 11, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of March 12, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

This week’s meeting was chaired by President-Elect Bill Helmuth.

Guests: Jennifer Gritke is the guest speaker.

Draw Prize: Wayne Young won the prize donated by Carolyn Dingman.


  1. Area 3 Meeting: Bill Helmuth reported on the recent meeting. 90% of the funds going to the Rotary Foundation are used for programs. The average donation to the RF in area 3 is $163 per Rotarian. The highest donation worldwide is $173 by Taiwanese Rotarians. Membership in District 6330 is declining but the number of Rotaract clubs is increasing. Rotaract clubs should serve as a source for future Rotarians over the age of the 30. The Stratford Rotary Club reported a membership of 139, an increase of 8 this year. The Stratford club is also hosting its first Skype meeting. The district conference will be June 6 in Sarnia.
  2. The Spaghetti Dinner Cupcakes: Jean Aitcheson updated preparations for next Monday`s event. The signup sheet for making cupcakes was circulated again. Anyone who has not signed up for cupcakes but wishes to bake a dozen or so should contact Jean. Cupcakes are to be delivered to the ANAF Hall on Monday.
  3. Spaghetti Dinner Food Preparation Saturday: This begins at 1 PM at the Black Angus in St Marys. Assistance from 6 people is required. Contact Jean if you can help for about 3 hours.
  4. Spaghetti Dinner Volunteers: A signup sheet for various tasks on Monday was circulated.  Those helping setup in the hall or in the kitchen should report to the ANAF Hall around 2:30 PM. If you have not signed up for a job please contact Jean. Jobs include plating food, assisting with food preparation in the kitchen, clearing tables, selling El Salvador coffee, selling tickets at the door, selling 50/50 tickets and other jobs.
  5. Premium El Salvador Coffee. Lynne Ternosky has 1lb bags of coffee for a donation of $15. Both ground coffee and beans are available. Enough coffee has been sold to date to cover the cost of the coffee and all future sales will be put towards projects.

Guest Speaker: Bill Helmuth introduced Jennifer Gritke the Regional Coordinator for the HIV/AIDS Connection based in London. Jennifer is here tell us about the organization. HIV/AIDS Connection serves six counties surrounding London.

The agency provides education and outreach to all parts of the community. Whether it’s in a bar, bath house, online, on the phone, at a display booth, or in schools the organization will direct inquirers to the services it provides.

Other activities of HIV/AIDS Connection include the County Cupboard Food Bank. 80% of the food bank’s clients live below the poverty line. The agency also hosts social events like a holiday dinner at Christmas, a spring picnic, retreats and various support groups.

Although the services are free they are only partly funded by the Provincial government making fund raising a necessity. The agency’s annual “A Taste For Life” event takes place April 24 and involves about 40 restaurants of which 5 are in Stratford. 25% of a customer’s bill is donated to the agency. Look for upcoming promotions for this event.  The agency also hosts the “Aids Walk For Life”. Last year it raised $35000.

Jennifer also provided information about the nature of the disease and its prevalence in the world. About 34 million people have HIV/AIDS and there are about 1.7 million deaths from AIDS each year. AIDS is the advanced form of HIV. Due to medicines developed to fight the disease few people in the developed world now develop AIDS. About 30% of people living with HIV/AIDS don’t know it. Jennifer strongly recommends that everyone should get tested.

For more complete information about HIV/AIDS and the agency visit

Jennifer was thanked by Louise Spandler.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 12, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-03-12 00:00:00Z 0
Your Community Foundation donates to the splash pad project Vincent Hill 2013-03-06 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 5, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 05, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of March 5, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Wallace Little and Bob Martin are from the Stratford Rotary Club. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Krista Robinson is the guest speaker and Donna Richardson is from the Your Community Foundation.

Draw Prize: Gerry Ketchum won the prize donated by Lynne Ternosky.

All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner: Randy Mathews has tickets to sell for this annual event. Tickets are $15 each. Everyone is encouraged to sell tickets to support international and local projects. Tickets are also available for purchase at Fanfare Books.


  1. Bard’s Birthday Celebration: It is with regret that this event has been cancelled.
  2. Group Study Exchange (G.S.E.) A group from South Korea will be in Stratford on May 21. If any Rotarian would like to volunteer to show one of the members of the group around their workplace please contact Dianne Yundt.
  3. Rotary Youth Exchange Program: We are in need of a volunteer to take over this program from Carol Rock. It’s mostly paperwork. If we are to continue participating in the youth exchanges we require a coordinator from our club. Contact Carol Rock.
  4. Splash Pad Project: Jack West reported that Leticia and his son Jason participated in an event which raised $641 for the splash pad. Jack also reported that members of the Stratford Area Builders Association will be contributing “in kind” work to the project to the equivalent of 50% of the cost of the splash pad.
  5. Your Community Foundation: Bonnie Richardson from the YCF presented our Rotary Foundation with a cheque for $5000 as their contribution to the splash pad.
  6. Pickup in Ruthven: Jean Aitcheson announced that Sunripe foods in Ruthven will donate the pasta sauce for the upcoming spaghetti dinner. Jean is looking for someone who will be travelling down Windsor way in the next while and can pick up the donation from Sunripe. Please contact Jean if you can help.
  7. Rotary Attendance: Please respond to Brandi Gillett’s weekly email if you are unable to attend a Tuesday meeting. She must report the breakfast requirements to the Queen’s Inn so that they can prepare enough food.
  8. Zehr’s Food Tapes: Linda Jones is collecting food tapes from Zehrs. The food market will donate a certain amount of money to the club based upon the total amount on the food bills. Donations will go to the splash pad project. You can give her your food tapes at each meeting.
  9. Premium El Salvador Coffee. Lynne Ternosky has 1lb bags of coffee for a donation of $15. Both ground coffee and beans are available. Enough coffee has been sold to date to cover the cost of the coffee and all future sales will be put towards projects.

Guest Speaker: President Dianne introduced Krista Robinson who is the new Systems Librarian at the library, a position pioneered by David Harvie. Krista is Stratford born and raised and started working at the library after she graduated from library school.

Krista’s powerpoint presentation was titled The Library in an Intelligent Community.

Starting in 1996 the SPL was the first in Canada to have a website. The website has grown from a few pages to over 100. The website allows you to view the library catalogue, download ebooks and audiobooks. There is a webpage for children, and a site for teens and events.

SPL is also on Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, Utube and Pinterest.  The bibliocommons allows patrons to find a book, place a hold, and renew books before they become overdue. There is a place where you can suggest books for the library to acquire and you can read book reviews as well

Keep in touch with the library on your smartphone. Mobile Apps are available through the online tools section of the website. The QR code attached to the front of the library allows smartphones to access the website.

For more detailed information about what the library has to offer visit

Krista was thanked by Gerry Ketchum


Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 5, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-03-06 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter February 26, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Feb 25, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of February 26, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Tine Buechler is from the Stratford Rotary Club. Kevin Hulley is a guest of Anna Sherwin. Suzanne Grandy is our guest speaker.

Draw Prize: Donna Hinz won the prize donated by Ken Hansen.

All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner: Randy Mathews has tickets to sell for this annual event. Tickets are $15 each. Everyone is encouraged to sell tickets to support international and local projects. Tickets are also available for purchase at Fanfare Books.


  1. Board of Directors Meeting: The next meeting is Thursday February 28, 7 PM at the home of President Dianne, 3 Morison Street.
  2. Canadian Pennies for Polio Campaign: The last day to contribute to this campaign is Wednesday February 27. To contribute phone Sandy Ronson at 519-641-1776 or visit
  3. Premium El Salvador Coffee. Lynne Ternosky has 1lb bags of coffee for a donation of $15. Both ground coffee and beans are available. Enough coffee has been sold to date to cover the cost of the coffee and all future sales will be put towards projects.

Guest Speaker: Ken Hansen introduced Suzanne Grandy a former employee of the Queen’s Inn who talked about her recent solo volunteer experience in Tanzania.

Suzanne spent 10 weeks in the Arusha area of northernTanzania working at several schools and at a baby orphanage.

For over six weeks she volunteered at a school for disabled children. The school was a dry and dusty 20 minute walk up a hill from the hostel where she was staying. The school had very limited resources, no running water, no books or photocopier, but it did have swings and a slide. Assignments were written out by hand for each child. Just the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught. Children were provided with breakfast and lunch. The children were left much to themselves to work out relationship problems. Adults did not try to interfere.  Volunteers also helped to paint the school.

The hostel where volunteers stayed was guarded by a Masai warrior and dogs. For personal safety volunteers did not go out at night or on Sundays when the police had a day off. On one Sunday her housemates were robbed when they did go out. At one point in her trip Suzanne was swarmed by killer bees after children had rattled the hive. She received over 100 stings but luckily didn’t require medical treatment. At the halfway point of her trip Suzanne had doubts about whether she would be able to continue on but she persevered and things got better. By the time she was to leave and return to Canada she had developed a love for the country.

Suzanne also showed a video of her trip. The pictures were of the children she worked with, the people she met and the animals she encountered.

Suzanne was thanked by Etienne Leushuis.



Festival City Rotary Newsletter February 26, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-02-26 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter February 19, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Feb 19, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of February 19, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Kevin Hulley is a guest of Anna Sherwin and Jamie Gibb is a guest of Jean Aitcheson. Other guests include Charlie Swartwood and Eleanor McMahon. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student.

Draw Prize: Dianne Yundt won the prize donated by Jean Aitcheson.

Dinner of the Month: Jim Henry won a dinner for four at The Annex Restaurant.

All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner: Randy Mathews has tickets to sell for this annual event. Tickets are $15 each. Everyone is encouraged to sell tickets to support international and local projects. Tickets are also available for purchase at Fanfare Books.


  1. Board of Directors Meeting: The next meeting is Thursday February 23 at the home of President Dianne, 3 Morison Street.
  2. Soup and Sandwich: The Memorial Baptist Church group that spoke to us several weeks ago is holding its final fundraiser on Sunday at the church. There are two sittings, 11 AM and 12:30.
  3. Heritage and Collectors Show: Donna Hinz announced this event taking place Saturday February 23 at the Rotary Complex. Entry is $5 for adults and kids under 12 are free.
  4. Splash Pad Donation: Representing Memorial Baptist Church, Peter Moreton presented Jack West with a cheque in the amount of $460 for the splash pad.

Guest Speaker: Kent Chisholm introduced Eleanor McMahon, Founder of Share the Road Cycling Coalition. Eleanor started the coalition after the cycling death of her husband OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart in 2006.

The Share the Road coalition is an advocacy group uniting cycling groups across Ontario to help communities become more bicycle friendly. Polling data suggests that Ontarians are in favour of increased bicycle accessibility on roads and streets. To promote cycling the coalition holds summits in various cities. Summits for 2013 include Kingston on March 19 and the Ontario Bike Summit in Toronto on May 28-29.

Share the Road is participating in Stratford’s Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Stakeholder Workshop taking place at the Kiwanis Centre on February 20 starting at 6:30 PM. Stratford is undertaking a study to develop a master plan to be used as a guide to develop and maintain bike paths and pedestrian walkways within the city. The master plan will identify the benefits to the public, tourism and retail sectors, and identify gaps in bike paths and fill them, and promote Stratford’s assets as a bike friendly community.

In 2010 Share the Road started the Bike Friendly Community Award program which is modeled on an American program. It is similar to the Communities in Bloom in that communities are rated on their bike and pedestrian friendliness. Communities which apply for an award are judged in five categories, the “five E’s” –Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation & Planning. Awards are labeled bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Ottawa and Waterloo have earned silver awards, whereas London, Windsor and Oshawa have been awarded bronze. There are no gold communities in Canada. Stratford has applied to participate.

A bike route from Windsor and running 1400km to the Quebec border has been awarded bronze.

For more information about Share the Road visit

Eleanor was thanked by Anna Sherwin.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter February 19, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-02-20 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter February 12, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Feb 12, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of February 12, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Tine Buechler and Geza Wordofa.

Draw Prize: Linda Jones won the prize donated by Peter Moreton.

All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner: Randy Mathews has tickets to sell for this annual event. Tickets are $15 each. Everyone is encouraged to sell tickets to support international and local projects. Tickets are also available for purchase at Fanfare Books.


  1. El Salvador Coffee: Lynne Ternosky has 1lb bags of coffee available for a donation of $15. The coffee will be available at the spaghetti dinner in March and it can also be obtained from Lynne directly. If you are able to sell it at your workplace see Lynne.
  2. Mitchell Lantern Walk: A poster advertising this Rotary sponsored event on Sunday Feb 17 has been sent to all members of the club.
  3. Bingo: Volunteers are reminded of the bingo this Saturday at 5 PM
  4. Board of Directors Meeting: The next meeting is Thursday February 23 at the home of President Dianne.
  5. Service Club Bonspiel: Saturday February 23 at 9 AM. Interested curlers or anyone wishing to learn about curling should contact Etienne Leushuis as soon as possible.

Guest Speaker: Bill Helmuth introduced the newest member of our club, Randy Mathews. Randy presented his classification talk.

Randy grew up on a dairy farm near Fergus where his parents had a herd of Jersey cows. Randy joined Victoria and Grey Trust Company straight out of high school. He has worked in branches in Exeter, Leamington, and Stratford where he stayed for 10 years. Over the years V&G became National Trust until it was bought by Scotiabank. Randy was part of the integration team during the transition to Scotiabank. During his career Randy served in various departments including technical services, auditing and operations. Over the years he saw banking change from completely manual systems where information  was entered by hand onto paper, to the use of computers for banking services. Randy was very much involved with the computerization of banking services . The bank started with a Radio Schack model 3 computer using Visicalc.

In the last years before retirement, Randy worked in the international division introducing internet banking to the Caribbean branches.

Randy has been a member of the Optimist Club and he is a movie buff. He has over 700 movies to enjoy in his theatre at his home in Stratford.

Randy was thanked by Carolyn Dingman.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter February 12, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-02-13 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter February 5, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Feb 04, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of February 5, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Tine Buechler and Geza Wordofa. Other guests included Grant Dobson, Cole Maranger, Heather Marshall who were with our guest speaker Shoma Oura. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student.

Draw Prize: Sue Thomson won the prize donated by David Moore.

All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner: Randy Mathews has tickets to sell for this annual event. Tickets are $15 each. Everyone is encouraged to sell tickets to support international and local projects.


  1. Thank Mooreinz Heather Marshall who were with our guest speaker Shoma Oura. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange Letter: President Dianne has received a letter from the office of MPP Randy Pettapiece who thanked us for allowing him to speak at last week’s meeting.
  2. Rotaract Club: Tyler Canal announced that about 18 people attended a meeting to explore the possibility of forming a local chapter of Rotaract. Those in attendance agreed to move forward and form a board of directors, appoint a president and develop projects. Rotaract is a joint initiative of Festival City and Stratford Rotary clubs. It is open to young people between the ages of 18 and 30.
  3. El Salvador: Lynne Ternosky spoke about the “Pathways to Literacy Program” and the opening of a new high school for 45 students. An email from Lynne with photos and all the details has been forwarded to all club members.
  4. El Salvador Coffee: Lynne Ternosky has 1lb bags of coffee available for a donation of $15. The coffee will be available at the spaghetti dinner in March and it can also be obtained from Lynne directly. If you are able to sell it at your workplace see Lynne.
  5. Mitchell Lantern Walk: A poster advertising this Rotary sponsored event on Sunday Feb 17 has been sent to all members of the club.

Guest Speaker: President Dianne introduced Shoma Oura, a grade 12 student at Central Secondary School. Shoma talked about a trip to Zambia in June for 12 students and 4 adults from Memorial Baptist Church. The purpose for their trip is to help young people in several ways. They will be offering vacation bible schools, sports and social activities and developing friendships while learning more about the way people live in Zambia. They also hope to help with small projects such as painting and some construction.

To fund the trip the group has to raise $4000 per person for a total of $64 000. They are $20 000 from their goal. The group has held several fundraisers and will be holding a soup lunch and silent auction on February 24 in the church at 113 Bruce Street from 11 AM to 12:30

Rotarians are welcome to attend the lunch or make a personal donation.

Shoma and his group were thanked by Carol Rock.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter February 5, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-02-05 00:00:00Z 0
MPP Randy Pettapiece speaks to the Festival City Rotary Club January 29 Vincent Hill 2013-01-29 00:00:00Z 0
Jack West presents the Community Fund Grant Award to the Festival City Rotary Club Vincent Hill 2013-01-29 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 29, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 28, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of January 29, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Rob Ritz. Randy Pettapiece is our guest speaker

Draw Prize: Sue Thomson donated the prize won by Donna Hinz.

All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner: Randy Mathews distributed tickets to sell for this annual event. Tickets are $15 each. Everyone is encouraged to sell tickets to support International and Local Projects. See Randy if you are in need of tickets. The dinner is March 18 at the A.N.A.F. Hall.


  1. Splash Pad Donation: Jack West received a cheque for $5000 on Friday night at the Community Fund Grant Awards presentation. The award is to be deposited into the Splash Pad fund. $60000 was distributed to various organizations.
  2. Rotary Global and Packaged Grants: Online applications for these grants are available at Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in one or more of the six areas of focus. Packaged grants have been predesigned by Rotary and our strategic partners. The activities they fund are similar to those funded by global grants, but the work of designing the activity’s general framework has already been done. Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Foundation staff will begin reviewing applications in April. If you have any questions please email Kelly Fotheringham at or email the Rotary Contact Centre at or call 1-866-9ROTARY.
  3. Bard’s Birthday Committee Meeting: The committee and anyone interested in joining it will meet at the home of Kent Chisholm on Thursday Jan. 31 7:30 PM.
  4. Feb 5 Guest Speaker: February is “World Understanding and Peace Month”. Shoma Otten a student at Central Secondary School will be talking about this topic prior to his upcoming trip to Zambia.
  5. ClubRunner: Rotarians are reminded to check the club roster for weekly assignments.  You can also visit the “District Site” to register for conferences and other events.  Coming February 23 will be a link to “E-club Canada” where you will be able to attend an online meeting. E-club meetings can serve as make-ups.
  6. House of Blessing: President Dianne read a note from the House of Blessing thanking us for our toy and food donations during their Christmas drive.
  7. The “King Tut” Edition of Bingo: Sign up to volunteer for this bingo on Saturday February 16. It was on this date in 1923 that Howard Carter opened the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen to reveal riches never seen before. Volunteers will be able to watch bingo players win riches some have never seen before.

Guest Speaker: Bill Helmuth introduced Randy Pettapiece MPP for Perth-Wellington. Randy is the official opposition’s critic to the Minister of Agriculture. Randy also served two terms as a councillor for the Municipality of North Perth.

Randy was raised in Essex County and moved to the Monkton area in 1967 when his parents bought a dairy farm. In 1968 he graduated from the Ridgetown Agricultural College. Randy has also been a member of the Monkton Lions Club. He recently sold his farm and moved into Listowel.

Randy entered provincial politics because of his concerns over wind farms. He was seeing local communities being torn apart on the issue. Neighbours were no longer on speaking terms and the provincial government appeared not to be listening to local concerns. He noticed an increasingly urban/rural split over the issue.

Last September Randy introduced a private members motion which calls on the government to “re-evaluate policies that negatively affect residents of rural and small-town Ontario and are a source of growing frustration in rural communities, which are a key to a strong, healthy province”.  The motion received all-party support. The motion is in response to feedback Randy received from rural municipalities that the province too often imposes unfair and unrealistic pressures both financial and environmental on rural communities.

Randy is presently working on a number of issues. These include doctor shortages in the riding and the streamlining of provincial regulations. There is with too much red-tape causing a farmer to spend a lot of time doing paper work associated with regulations.

Randy is also concerned with the government’s surprise cancellation of the “Slots at Racetracks” program. It is having a devastating effect upon the horse racing industry and is causing damage to the rural economy. Suppliers to the horse racing industry which are generally rural based are being impacted. About 60 000 full and part time jobs are at risk.

One of the more pleasant parts of Randy’s job is the presentation of Diamond Jubilee medals to various residents of Perth County.

The Ontario PC party has prepared a number of discussion white papers. These are available online and are designed to elicit opinions from people on a variety of topics. Visit to read papers you are interested in and provide feedback. Topics include: Welfare to Work, Children and Youth, Retirement security, health care, labour, and energy policies etc.

Randy was thanked by Laura Pogson.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 29, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-01-29 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 22, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 22, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of January 22, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Ellen Balmain and her son Calum Balmain-Matthews. Calum recently returned from France as a Rotary Exchange Student. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Sue Storey is from the London Hyde Park Rotary Club and our guest speaker.

Draw Prize: Barbara Young donated the prize won by Kent Chisholm.


  1. ClubRunner: Rotarians are reminded to check the club roster for weekly assignments.  You can also visit the “District Site” to register for conferences and other events.  Coming February 23 will be a link to “E-club Canada” where you will be able to attend an online meeting. Eclub meetings can serve as makeups.
  2. House of Blessing: Remember that next week we are accepting donations for the food bank.  There is a great need for food and toiletries.
  3. The “King Tut” Edition of Bingo: Sign up to volunteer for this bingo on Saturday February 16. It was on this date in 1923 that Howard Carter opened the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen to reveal riches never seen before. Volunteers will be able to watch bingo players win riches some have never seen before.

Guest Speaker: President Dianne introduced Sue Storey from the Rotary Club of Hyde Park London. Sue is past president of the club and chair of their literacy committee. Sue was here to talk about literacy. She reminded us that our club has been very active with literacy projects and has won several awards. We are eligible to win more awards. Applications for awards must be completed by the end of March as the awards are presented in April. Our club’s literacy projects include Rotary Reads and the El Salvador project.

Literacy is traditionally defined as the ability to understand and use printed words and numbers. Today the definition is expanded to include digital literacy. “Digital Natives” are young people who were born after the start of the digital age and are able to make use of digital technology. Older people, those born before the introduction of digital devices are termed “Digital Immigrants”. These people use digital devices but are not as proficient as the Digital Natives and are referred to as possessing a “digital accent”.

Literacy can be encouraged not just through the reading of books but also through the use of board and card games. Class visits to book stores could also encourage children to read. Sue’s club gives children $10 gift cards to spend during a book store tour. Some teachers of grade 3 students hold reading competitions. One class read over 1000 books in three weeks. A Rotary Club in Owen Sound donates books to the local library in lieu of gifts to their speakers. Other clubs such as one in Sarnia raises funds for Smart Boards for schools. Other clubs contact publishers for donations.

Barbara Young informed us that Frontier College is dedicated to bringing literacy to Canadians. The Rotary Club of Toronto is a supporter of Frontier College.

Sue encourages us to think of projects which cost little but could do a lot to improve literacy at home and around the world.

Sue was thanked by Kent Chisholm.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 22, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-01-23 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 15, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 14, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of January 15, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Rob Ritz. Loeticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Jamie Gibb is a guest of Jean Aitcheson and Frank Marsden is a guest of Deb Stacey-Rivers.

Draw Prize: Ron Rogers donated the prize won by Brian Rivers.


  1. Dinner of the Month Draw: Chelsea Gordon won the prize for dinner at Pazzo.
  2. Fireside Chat: Membership chairperson Deb Stacey-Rivers is hosting this event at her house, 6 Polley Place on Monday January 21 at 6:30 PM. This event is for new Rotarians who want to find out more about our club and the various ways in which new members can make a contribution. See Deb if you are interested or sign up for the event in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner.

Guest Speaker: President Dianne introduced Ron Rogers, a founding member of our club who showed us a series of graphs and charts outlining the financial trends which have occurred over the last 30 years.

From 1982 to 2012 Canada’s population grew from about 25 million to 33 million  people. In 1982 the unemployment rate was 11.2% versus 7.2% in 2012. The lowest rate occurred in 2008 when it was 6.1% which is considered full employment.

The Chretien/Martin government programs to drive down inflation are still having an effect today. Interest rates on mortgages and GIC’s have dropped to historic lows.

Who benefits from the programs? Borrowers certainly are benefiting by obtaining low mortgage rates. Savers have been hit hard. $500 000 invested in GICs in 1982 at 15% generated $39000 of income but the same amount today at 1.9% interest nets only $9700. The low rates are certainly making it difficult for those saving for retirement.

Average household incomes have risen from $63000 in 1982 to $80300 today but average house prices have increased from $70000 to $3600000. This means that the cost of owning a home has risen from 1.1 times income to 4.5 times income. The number of mortgages in arrears in Canada has remained at a steady 0.43% over the last 30 years. Canadians have not used their homes as a bank to the degree which Americans have.

Car sales continue strong in North America.

Ron’s conclusion after showing his graphs and charts is that on balance we are living in the best of times and not the worst of times.

Ron was thanked by Dianne Yundt.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 15, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-01-15 00:00:00Z 0

The Annual All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 08, 2013

 Monday March 18, 2013   4:30 PM to 7:30 PM


At the A.N.A.F. Hall 150 Lorne Avenue, Stratford


Tickets are $15 each with proceeds towards International and Local Projects  


 Tickets available from club members and at Fanfare Books.


The Annual All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner Vincent Hill 2013-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 8, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 07, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of January 8, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Rob Ritz and Bob Martin. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Brent Furtney is a guest of Jack West.

Draw Prize: Dianne Yundt donated the prize won by Laura Pogson.


  1. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Please return ticket stubs and money from sold tickets by next Tuesday. The first draw for 2013 takes place Jan 22.
  2. Board of Directors Meeting: Thursday Jan 10, 7 PM at the home of President Dianne, 3 Morison Street off Delamere Avenue.
  3. Splash Pad Fundraiser at Crabby Joes: Thursday, Jan 17/13, 5-11pm - 50% off regular price menu items to be donated to the Splash Pad (including kids meals but excluding alcohol).

Club Assembly: January is Rotary Awareness Month. We can increase awareness of Rotary by informing colleagues, neighbours, friends about Rotary and inviting them to a meeting.

  1. District Events: Click on “District Site” at the top of our ClubRunner homepage to see all the coming events at the district level. These include the Rotary Leadership Institute, Pre-PETS and PETS conferences, the District Assembly on April 20 and the June District Convention in Sarnia.
  2.  Rotary EClub of Canada: Rotarians who cannot attend meetings at their local club can now join Rotary online. Visit and check out the new club.
  3. Spaghetti Dinner: The annual event is Monday March 18 at the ANAF club on Lorne Avenue. Details to follow. To volunteer sign up on the Spaghetti Dinner link in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner or speak to Jean Aitcheson.
  4. Bard`s Birthday Celebration: This event is being held Saturday April 20. Details to follow. To volunteer sign up on the link in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner or speak to Kent Chisholm.
  5. Fireside Chat: Membership chairperson Deb Stacey-Rivers is hosting this event at her house, 6 Polley Place on Monday January 21 at 6:30 PM. This event is for new Rotarians who want to find out more about our club and the various ways in which new members can make a contribution. See Deb if you are interested or sign up for the event in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner.
  6. Rotary Reads: This ongoing project involves Rotary volunteers helping children with reading difficulties at one of the elementary schools. It involves a couple of hours per week. If you can spare some time please see Linda Jones. Jack West indicated that his company MTE will be donating about $600 to the Rotary Reads project in the near future.
  7. Splash Pad: Donations have reached the $60 000 mark with a donation of $ 2000 from Memorial Baptist Church. It is expected that corporate donations will be coming in as well. The basic cost of a splash pad is about $250 000 but add-ons that the City wants could drive the cost up to $450 000.
  8. Weekly Speakers: Ken Hansen requests that if you have an idea for a speaker pass the person`s name to him and he will follow up by contacting the potential speaker.
  9. International Committee: The El Salvador project will wind up by late spring.  Geza Wordofa, a frequent guest, is in Africa on a well project and other investigations for Rotary.  Jean Aitcheson is off to the Philippines on a medical mission. Although it is not a Rotary sponsored project she will be receiving assistance from local Rotary Clubs in the Philippines.
  10. Rotaract Club: This is a joint venture with the noon club to establish a Rotary club for 18-30 year olds. If you know of a young person who may be interested please let Tyler Canal know or register in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner.
  11. House of Blessing: We will continue to collect non-perishable food items and toiletries on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. House of Blessing is always appreciative of our donations and there is a growing need for more donations.
Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 8, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-01-08 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 8, 2013

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jan 07, 2013

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of January 8, 2013

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Rob Ritz and Bob Martin. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Brent Furtney is a guest of Jack West.

Draw Prize: Dianne Yundt donated the prize won by Laura Pogson.


  1. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Please return ticket stubs and money from sold tickets by next Tuesday. The first draw for 2013 takes place Jan 22.
  2. Board of Directors Meeting: Thursday Jan 10, 7 PM at the home of President Dianne, 3 Morison Street off Delamere Avenue.
  3. Splash Pad Fundraiser at Crabby Joes: Thursday, Jan 17/13, 5-11pm - 50% off regular price menu items to be donated to the Splash Pad (including kids meals but excluding alcohol).

Club Assembly: January is Rotary Awareness Month. We can increase awareness of Rotary by informing colleagues, neighbours, friends about Rotary and inviting them to a meeting.

  1. District Events: Click on “District Site” at the top of our ClubRunner homepage to see all the coming events at the district level. These include the Rotary Leadership Institute, Pre-PETS and PETS conferences, the District Assembly on April 20 and the June District Convention in Sarnia.
  2.  Rotary EClub of Canada: Rotarians who cannot attend meetings at their local club can now join Rotary online. Visit and check out the new club.
  3. Spaghetti Dinner: The annual event is Monday March 18 at the ANAF club on Lorne Avenue. Details to follow. To volunteer sign up on the Spaghetti Dinner link in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner or speak to Jean Aitcheson.
  4. Bard`s Birthday Celebration: This event is being held Saturday April 20. Details to follow. To volunteer sign up on the link in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner or speak to Kent Chisholm.
  5. Fireside Chat: Membership chairperson Deb Stacey-Rivers is hosting this event at her house, 6 Polley Place on Monday January 21 at 6:30 PM. This event is for new Rotarians who want to find out more about our club and the various ways in which new members can make a contribution. See Deb if you are interested or sign up for the event in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner.
  6. Rotary Reads: This ongoing project involves Rotary volunteers helping children with reading difficulties at one of the elementary schools. It involves a couple of hours per week. If you can spare some time please see Linda Jones. Jack West indicated that his company MTE will be donating about $600 to the Rotary Reads project in the near future.
  7. Splash Pad: Donations have reached the $60 000 mark with a donation of $ 2000 from Memorial Baptist Church. It is expected that corporate donations will be coming in as well. The basic cost of a splash pad is about $250 000 but add-ons that the City wants could drive the cost up to $450 000.
  8. Weekly Speakers: Ken Hansen requests that if you have an idea for a speaker pass the person`s name to him and he will follow up by contacting the potential speaker.
  9. International Committee: The El Salvador project will wind up by late spring.  Geza Wordofa, a frequent guest, is in Africa on a well project and other investigations for Rotary.  Jean Aitcheson is off to the Philippines on a medical mission. Although it is not a Rotary sponsored project she will be receiving assistance from local Rotary Clubs in the Philippines.
  10. Rotaract Club: This is a joint venture with the noon club to establish a Rotary club for 18-30 year olds. If you know of a young person who may be interested please let Tyler Canal know or register in the Coming Events section of ClubRunner.
House of Blessing: We will continue to collect non-perishable food items and toiletries on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. House of Blessing is always appreciative of our donations and there is a growing need for more donati
Festival City Rotary Newsletter January 8, 2013 Vincent Hill 2013-01-08 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter Feb 21, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Dec 10, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of December 11, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Chairperson: President-elect Bill Helmuth chaired the meeting.

Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Geza Wordofa. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student. Katia Maxwell is our guest speaker.

Draw Prize: Brian Rivers donated the prize won by Deb Stacey-Rivers who graciously consented to have another ticket drawn. Kent Chisholm was the winner.


  1. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Please return ticket stubs and money from sold tickets. The final draw for 2012 will take place at the Xmas meeting Monday night.
  2. Rotary Christmas Party: Monday December 17, 7 PM at the Queen’s. Cost is $10 pp and snacks will be provided as well as an open bar.  Wear something Christmassy.  Karaoke and a “12 days of Christmas” video will be shown. Optional is bringing an ornament for exchange. No dollar store ornaments but homemade or used, or re-gifting. 

Guest Speaker: Deb Stacey-Rivers introduced Katia Maxwell from Rogers Access Television. Katia is a graduate of broadcast journalism at Fanshawe College and has been with Rogers for 15 years. She works mostly behind the scenes as a producer and camera person.

The local Rogers channel has one paid staff member and about 20-25 volunteers. Volunteers can be high school coop students, retired people, or anyone who has an interest in TV broadcasting.

For the last three years Rogers has been promoting increased participation on the local TV channel. 

Today Katia focused on how to access TV time. Any service club, individual, or other local group can approach Rogers with a proposal for some air time. It could be in the form of a sixty second promotion or a half hour show. “Spotlight Stratford” is the 60 second promotion and the monthly half hour one-on-one “What’s Up Stratford” is hosted by Peter Maranger. These programs are repeated many times during the month.

Katia and her volunteers will work with the proposals in terms of writing scripts, making video footage, providing guidance where there is a lack of confidence or skill.

Announcements for events can be posted to the program “Worth Noting”.

Proposals and announcements can be made by contacting Rogers at and login to Stratford.

Katia was thanked by Bill Helmuth

Festival City Rotary Newsletter Feb 21, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-12-11 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter December 4, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Dec 03, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of December 4, 2012

Club email:

Club website:


Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Rob Ritz, Geza Wordofa, Peter Maranger and Rob Russell. Also in attendance was Roger Staples of the Quinte-Sunrise Rotary Club. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student

Draw Prize: Nick Giannakopoulos donated the prize won by Gerry Ketchum.


  1. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Please return ticket stubs and money from sold tickets and any unsold tickets.
  2. Splash Pad spaghetti dinner fundraiser: Jack West announced that on Friday December 7 the Backstage Bar and Grill, 27 Market Square, will be hosting a pasta dinner in support of the splash pad project. For $12 you will enjoy spaghetti with meatballs (or vegetarian option), garlic bread and Caesar salad. $6 goes to the splash pad fund. An additional $1 will be donated if you dine in. Take outs are available. Phone the Backstage at (519) 305-8888 to order or to make a reservation (strongly recommended). Sitting times are 12-3 PM and 4:30-8:30 PM. Downtown merchants can have their dinners delivered free.
  3. Rotary Christmas Party: Monday December 17, 7 PM at the Queen’s. Cost is $10 pp and snacks will be provided as well as an open bar.  Wear something Christmasy.  Karaoke and a “12 days of Christmas” video will be shown. Optional is bringing an ornament for exchange. No dollar store ornaments but homemade or used, or regifting.  See Geraldine Ketchum by next Tuesday so that she can report numbers to the Queen’s. 

Club Assembly: President Dianne announced that December is Family month. In the spirit of the occasion Dianne invited Rotarians to tell something about their family or their relationship with Rotary. Here are just a few of the stories.

Ken Hansen reported on a happy occasion last weekend when his step-daughter was married at Elmhurst Inn.

Barbara Young was thinking of her grandfather who was an agricultural missionary in Angola in the 30’s. To bring warring tribes together he organized a musical event which brought the tribes together in a choir to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah. The singing helped reduce tensions among the tribes. Since that time musical instruments have been sent to Angola to support a musical program. Pump organs are in particular demand because the tribes love organ music and there is a lack of electricity. Barbara is involved with this project.

Jack spoke a few lines of Portuguese which no one with the exception of Leticia could understand. Jack is taking lessons from Leticia who is staying with his family.

Roger Staples said his Quinte-Sunrise Rotary Club has a membership of about 20 people. Since moving to Stratford six weeks ago he sought out our club and decided to visit because its motto “Small But Mighty” struck a chord with him. It seemed to describe his old club where Rotarians worked on many projects to help the community.

Carol Rock reported on the activities of past exchange students we have hosted. She keeps in touch through emails and Facebook.

Brian Rivers said that he first got interested in Rotary when he was visiting the Amazon and came across one of Jean Aitcheson’s missions in Iquitos. Jean replied that she continues the “Full Moon Tradtion”. On a night of the full moon she looks at the moon and thinks of the many friends she has made on her mission trips and she knows that her friends are also looking at the same moon and remembering Jean and her mission work.

Carolyn Dingman said that her family has had a long history with service clubs. Her great grandfather was a founding member of the Stratford Rotary club. Over the years members of her club have been members of Rotary, the Lions Club and the school board.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter December 4, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-12-04 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter November 27, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Nov 26, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of November 27, 2012

Club email:

Club website:


Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Rob Ritz. Also in attendance were Connor and Steve Rivers, guests of Brian Rivers.  Connor is an outbound Rotary exchange student. Seana Feryn is a guest of Jane Eligh-Feryn and Brent Furtney is a guest of Jack West. Mirjam Schut is a student exchange counsellor. Leticia Figueiredo is our exchange student

Draw Prize: Dianne Yundt donated the prize won by Carolyn Dingman.


  1. Salvation Army Xmas Kettles: If you can spare some time to man a kettle at one of the locations in Stratford let Tyler Canal know.
  2. Dinner of the Month Tickets: We have entered the final weeks to buy tickets for the 2013 draws. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is $20 each or 6 for $100.
  3. House of Blessing: We received a “thank you” letter from the House of Blessing for our support throughout 2012.
  4. Area 3 Report: Bill Helmuth reported on some items from the meeting last week. Martha Cook of Stratford Rotary reported that a Group Study Exchange will be visiting Stratford next spring from South Korea.  The Meth Program is renamed the Huron-Perth Task Force and will be including the misuse of prescription drugs in its mandate. The Grand Bend Rotary Club has filled 48 containers with used school equipment from schools being closed and has shipped them to developing countries.  The Mitchell Rotary clubbed will be involved with the International Plowing Match next year and will be looking for assistance from other clubs in the district.
  5. Rotary Christmas Party: Monday December 17, 7 PM at the Queen’s. Cost is $10 pp and snacks will be provided as well as an open bar.  Wear something Christmasy.  Karaoke and a “12 days of Christmas” video will be shown. Optional is bringing an ornament for exchange. No dollar store ornaments but homemade or used, or regifting.  See Geraldine Ketchum by next Tuesday so that she can report numbers to the Queen’s.  

Guest Speaker: Mirjam Schut introduced Leticia Figueiredo our Rotary Exchange Student. Through the use of a slide show Leticia taught us about Brazil.  She comes from the city of Campina Grande in north eastern Brazil which is the second most populous city in the state of Paraiba. Its name means “Great Plain” and has a population of 390 000 people and an important industrial, technological and educational centre. Leticia lives in a modern apartment with her physician parents, brothers and sisters.

Leticia described schooling as being very different from here in Canada. Students attend classes in the morning until 12:30. Students remain together in the same class room and the teachers rotate. In the afternoon students are free to study extra courses or receive extra counseling.  Sport includes soccer of course as well as volleyball.

Brazil will be hosting the Word Cup of Soccer in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.

Leticia described the diet of Brazilians which includes rice, beans, meat, tapioca and salads at lunch. Fruit includes bananas, guava and brazil nuts.

Forro is a type of music and dance which is popular in her area of Brazil.

The north east beaches are a popular tourist destination in her region and of course there is always Rio and the amazon.

Leticia was thanked by Linda Jones

Festival City Rotary Newsletter November 27, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-11-27 00:00:00Z 0
Ambassadorial Scholar Francisco Reinoso from Argentina speaks to the FCRC Vincent Hill 2012-11-20 00:00:00Z 0
Randy Matthews, newest member of the Festival City Rotary Club Vincent Hill 2012-11-20 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter November 20, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Nov 19, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of November 20, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Today’s meeting was chaired by President-elect Bill Helmuth.


Guests: From Stratford Rotary we welcomed Geza Wordofa. David Brent from the London-Lambeth Rotary Club accompanied Ambassadorial Scholar Francisco Reinoso from Argentina. Also in attendance were Connor and Steve Rivers, guests of Brian Rivers.  Connor is an outbound Rotary Exchange student.

Draw Prize: Vincent Hill donated the prize won by Jean Aitcheson.

Dinner of the Month Draw: For the second time Heather Galloway won a dinner for four people. The dinner is at Bijou.

New Member: President-elect Bill Helmuth inducted Randy Mathews into the Rotary Club of Festival City. Randy is retired from a career in the financial services industry beginning with Victoria & Grey Trust in 1975 and ending with Scotiabank. Previously Randy was very active with the Optimist Club serving in many capacities.


  1. Salvation Army Xmas Kettles: If you can spare some time to man a kettle at one of the locations in Stratford let Dianne Yundt or Tyler Canal know.
  2. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is $20 each or 6 for $100.
  3. Bingo: The final bingo for this year is Saturday starting at 5 PM. Volunteers are needed particularly between 5 PM and 7:30PM. If you can help out on Saturday night register by clicking on the Bingo tab on ClubRunner.
  4. House of Blessing: Next week we will be accepting food and toiletry items for the food bank.

Guest Speaker: David Brent introduced Francisco Reinoso from Argentina.

Francisco is an Ambassadorial Scholar currently studying for an MSc degree in Environmental Sustainability at Western University in London. Francisco is an officer in the Argentine Air Force. Following his year at Western, Francisco hopes to get some work experience in Canada as part of the coop portion of his course. He then plans to return to Argentina to work in the field of environmental sustainability. He hopes to encourage politicians and businesses to think long term rather than exploit resources now for profit rather than thinking about long term sustainability.

In a slide show presentation Francisco told us about his military tour of duty in Haiti, June to December 2011, where the Argentine armed forces are part of the UN relief effort following the earthquake.  Francisco is now on leave from his public relations work with the air force.

Francisco gave us a brief overview of the areas of his country from the heavily populated capital of Buenos Aires to the Iguazu Falls, the wine producing region of Mendosa to the pampas and Patagonia in the far south. Argentina has a population of about 40 million very culturally and racially mixed. With its 23 provinces Argentina is the eighth biggest country. It became independent in 1816. Its currency is the Argentine Peso worth 5 pesos to the Canadian dollar.

There are 44 Rotary Clubs in Argentina. His sponsoring club is the Rotary Club of Parque Chacabuco in Buenos Aires with 32 members with an average age of 58.

Francisco was thanked by Elizabeth Anderson.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter November 20, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-11-20 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter November 13, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Nov 12, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of November 13, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Cheryl Moore from the Mitchell Rotary Club. Wayne Yundt and Jean Cooke are guests of Dianne Yundt. Randy Mathews is a potential new member. Leticia Figueiredo is our Rotary Exchange student.

Draw Prize: David Moore donated the prize won by Vincent Hill.


  1. Salvation Army Xmas Kettles: If you can spare some time to man a kettle at one of the locations in Stratford let Dianne Yundt or Tyler Canal know.
  2. Board Meeting: The board meets Thursday Nov 15 at President Dianne’s house, 522 William Street.
  3. Rotary Leadership Institute: The next training session, all 3 levels, is in Stratford on Nov 17. See President Dianne for details.
  4. Area 3 meeting: The next meeting is Thursday November 22 at Deck Dentistry in Mitchell. See Dianne Yundt if you are interested in attending.
  5. Reporting Makeups: When you report a makeup at the check in desk on Tuesday mornings please indicate when, where, and what the makeup activity was. RI requires this information when the report is sent to RI.
  6. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.
  7. Rotary Club of Sarnia TV Auction: If you are interested in bidding on items in this fundraiser on November 18 visit  
  8. Splash Pad Night at Domino’s Pizza: This Thursday November 15, 50% of the price of any regularly priced item will be donated to the Splash Pad project.

Presentation: Cheryl Moore representing the Mitchell Rotary Club presented a cheque to our club for the final installment of their commitment to the El Salvador project. Cheryl’s husband Mark and his son have just returned from a home building project in El Salvador.


Bingo: Volunteers are required for the “Sgt Pepper” edition of bingo on Saturday November 24. Bingo sales start shortly after 5 PM when we require most of the volunteers. If you can only spare a couple of hours that would be helpful and we will need some to stay for the full session which ends at about 10 PM. Sign up on ClubRunner by clicking on “Saturday Bingo” Nov 24, or inform Vince Hill or Jack West.


History buffs will recall that it was on this date in 1966 that the Beatles began recording their famous album “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”. Beatlemania fans may want to dress in Sgt Pepper attire.


Guest Speaker: Dianne Yundt introduced Jean Cooke who presented a talk and slide show of her recent trip to Italy. The main purpose for Jean’s trip was to visit the grave of her oldest brother Sgt Ken Beckner of the Perth Regiment. Sgt Beckner was killed by a sniper on Sept 13, 1944. Ken was 26 years old.  Jean had 4 brothers in uniform, 2 of whom were wounded, one killed and one was home on leave on VE day.

Jean’s journey began with Rev. Terry Hastings at St Andrews church who was organizing a trip to Italy for last September. Jean expressed an interest if she could visit the gravesite of her brother. Arrangements were made to take her by taxi from Venice to the Gradara war cemetery. Buried in this cemetery are casualties from the allied advance against the German army from Ancona on the Adriatic coast towards Rimini to the Gothic Line where the German Army made a stand. There are 1192 graves in the cemetery of which 369 are of Canadian soldiers. Until Jean’s visit it has been 68 years and 11 days since her brother’s death and the first time a family member had visited the gravesite.

Jean also mentioned that 846 local men served in the Perth Regiment and 161 were killed during the war. On her trip her tour group also visited the Casino war cemetery where 855 Canadian soldiers are buried.

Jean was thanked by Brian Rivers


Festival City Rotary Newsletter November 13, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-11-13 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter November 6, 2012

Posted by Louise Spandler on Nov 05, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of November 6 , 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests:  Randy Matthews; Leticia Figueiredo our Rotary exchange student.  Door Prize: Bill Helmuth won the prize donated by Tyler Canal.


  1. Rotary Leadership Institute: The next training session, all 3 levels, is in Stratford on Nov 17. See the District site to sign up
  2. On Nov 22 at 7 p.m. the Area 3 meeting will be held in Mitchell at Deck Dentistry
  3. Christmas Party: All are invited to attend a Christmas Party on Monday Dec 17 at 7pm at the Queen’s Inn.  Significant Others are also invited. Cost: $10.00 per person. Please wear a Christmas hat or sweater (the tackier the better). There will be no meeting Tues. Dec 18.
  4. Arts and Eats: Mitchell is hosting this Buffet Dinner and Silent Auction at Mitchell Golf and Country Club on Sunday November 17th. Cost is $40- advance tickets only- available from  a Mitchell Rotarian, Van Gerwin Insurance and Deck Dentistry.The Guest Speaker is April Bending. Fine Art raffle draw will also be held - tickets are $5 each or 5/ $20 (available as above.
  5. Kettle Campaign:The Salvation Army Kettle Campaign will begin on November 16th and continue until December 24th. They are asking for us to man the kettles for a day. Please contact Tyler if you are interested in participating this year.
  6. Guest Speaker: David Moore was introduced by Dianne Yundt.   

David spoke on Rotary International and its' goal to eradicate polio world-wide. Polio Plus was an initiative begun in 1988 to eradicate polio around the world. To date this campaign has been successful in India- in 2011 there were no new cases of polio reported in this geographically huge and highly populated country. This success is due to Rotary's efforts "on the ground" - thousands of members volunteered to immunize children of 5yrs and older. Despite the difficulties of administering this vaccine ( it is an oral vaccine that must be kept cold while being transported over great distances in extremely hot conditions) communities all over the country were "blitzed" to ensure that all children were successfully immunized. Most of the costs of this initiative were for the social workers sent in advance of the immunization teams to search out the children and keep the records required. They encountered many difficulties: goegraphical, religious, political and local superstitions regarding innoculations. Because Rotary is non-political it can go into countries and work "on the ground". The Rotary Polio Plus Program will continue the effort to eradicate polio in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.

Unicef, Rotary and the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation have initiated the Global Eradication Initiative.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter November 6, 2012 Louise Spandler 2012-11-06 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 30, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Oct 29, 2012
Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 30, 2012
by Ketchum, Geraldine

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President: Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of October 30 , 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Geza Wordofa from Stratford Rotary, Randy Matthews; Leticia Figueiredo our Rotary exchange studentDraw Prize: Linda Jones won the prize donated by Wayne Young

Door Prize: Dianne Yundt won the prize donated by John McNeil


  1. Rotary Leadership Institute: The next training session, all 3 levels, is in Stratford on Nov 17. See the District site to sign up
  2. On Nov 22 the Area 3 meeting will be held in Mitchell
  3. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal. The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100. Please let Tyler know how many tickets are sold. Tickets will not be sold in the New Year.
  4. Christmas Party: All are invited to attend a Christmas Party on Monday Dec 17 at 7pm at the Queen’s Inn. There will be an open bar, snacks will be provided. Please sign the sheet being passed around at the next few meetings if you would like to attend. Significant Others are also invited. Cost: $10.00 per person. Please wear a Christmas hat or sweater (the tackier the better). There will be no meeting Tues. Dec 18.
  5. Splash Pad: Jack West reported that the Committee met to create strategic goals and discuss fundraising events. On Nov. 15 Dominos will hold a Pizza Night 50% of proceeds to be donated; On Dec 7 Backstage Bar and Grill will hold a Spaghetti Dinner, 50% of sales will be donated. Carol Rock is writing a proposal for a Trillium Grant. Aviva Community Fund donates to children’s programs. Please vote online for our project.
  6. Elizabeth Anderson reported on the New Generations Committee which is looking for 4 team members to do the work currently done by Youth Exchange Officer Carol Rock, alone. This would include interviewing applicants for the exchange program and finding placement homes for incoming students. As well, The Committee would like to create a new Interact Club for St Michael’s and Northwestern Secondary Schools, and in partnership with the Stratford club, they would like to form a Rotaract Club. Rotaract is for College and University students. Please contact Elizabeth if you are interested in helping with any of these programs.

    Guest Speaker: Louise Spandler was introduced by Anna Sherwin.

A member of the Stratford Horticultural Society, Louise spoke of the work done around the city to keep up the many beautiful flower beds we take for granted. The Society looks after 12 beds, including Churchill Circle, the Public Library and the Dutch Monument.


To raise funds for these efforts, the Society holds several popular events, including the annual Spring Garden Show, a plant sale in May, and a Flower Show in June. They also hold a Garden tour, which usually has between six and eight private gardens, covering various sizes and types, such as annuals, professionally designed, one-person wonders, raised beds, etc. One garden becomes the feature garden. Some of these gardens have appeared in Gardens Central Magazine


The Horticultural Society has 231 members at present. Cost to join is only $15.00 and membership benefits include discounts at local businesses and at the Royal Botanical Gardens. Monthly “garden chats” and plant exchanges are also held. The public is welcome to attend for $5.00, members are free.


Louise was thanked by Gerry Ketchum

Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 30, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-10-30 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 23, 2012

Posted by Louise Spandler on Oct 22, 2012
Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 23, 2012
by Spandler, Louise

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President: Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of October 23, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Bob Martin and Geza Wordofa from Stratford Rotary, Randy Matthews; Leticia Figueiredo our Rotary exchange student; and Nigel Howard the guest speaker and Joani Gerber as his technical support person.

Draw Prize: Linda Jones won the prize donated by Wayne Young


  1. Membership Workshop: Deb attended the membership workshop in London, she shared the following highlights:- Our club had the highest number of representatives in attendance; the percentage of females in Rotary is 16%, but our club is 50% female. Clubs are encouraged to grow in members each year at the rate of 3%- for our club that means 2 per year. Clubs use a variety of means to attract new members such as having Saturday A.M. meetings and providing day care to attract younger members.
  2. Rotary Leadership Institute: The next training session, all 3 levels, is in Stratford on Nov 17. See President Dianne for details.
  3. Stratford Basketeers: Donna Hinz announced this year’s campaign to raise funds to fill baskets for women who are trying to start a new life. Any donations will be gratefully accepted over the next few weeks.
  4. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal. The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100. Please let Tyler know how many tickets are sold. Tickets will not be sold in the New Year.
  5. Christmas Party: All are invited to attend a Christmas Party on Monday Dec 17 at 7pm at the Queen’s Inn. There will be an open bar, snacks will be provided. Please sign the sheet being passed around at the next few meetings if you would like to attend. Significant Others are also invited. Cost: $10.00 per person. Please wear a Christmas hat or sweater (the tackier the better). There will be no meeting Tues. Dec 18.
  6. Linda Jones shared the report given to th Board regarding El Salvador. She told us that of 5 RI grants 3 have been accepted and 2 are outstanding. CRCID grantsis up to date with one more disbursement of $20,000 due, which we hope to qualify for later this month. All money needs to be spant by Dec.31 2012: final reports completed by March 31 2013 and reviewed and approved by June 2013. All sponsors have been notified that this is the final year of our 5 year commitment - but they are still able to continue their support of individual children if they wish to do so. They were also told of all of the benefits their support has provided in the areas of education, health and nutrition.

Guest Speaker: Barb introduced Nigel Howard and Joani Gerber of the Stratford Centre for Business and the Perth Community Futures Develpment Corporation.

Nigel outlined the roles that both the Centre for Business and the Community Futures agencies play in our area. Free one -on-one consulting is provided for start up businesses and existing companies inthe areas of: business plan reviews; marketing advice; social media advice/ assistance; cash flow assistance and community connections.

Workshops and networking opportunies are provided through training events such as 'Lunch and Learn' workshops and monthly networking breakfasts.

Loan funding is provided to businesses that may been turned down for loans by Banks because they are considered to be high risk ventures (i.e. loans are unsecured). Funds loaned may be as little as $5,000 or as much as $150,000. A new company in Listowel recently was approved for a $250,000 loan because of the construction jobs it will provide as well as the 20 to 30 employees it hopes to hire once construction is completed. Loans are often sought for business needs such as website development, value added agriculture, 'green' projects, tools and office equipment and to add inventory.

Nigel and Joani may be contacted by phone or email- 1-866-814-7570 or 1-855-814-7570

Nigel and Joani were thanked by Anna Sherwin


Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 23, 2012 Louise Spandler 2012-10-23 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 16, 2012

Posted by Geraldine Ketchum on Oct 15, 2012
Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 16, 2012
by Ketchum, Geraldine

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President: Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of October 16, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Bob Martin and Geza Wordofa are from Stratford Rotary. Guests: Carolyn Hartlen, Randy Matthews; Wally Little and Mark Hertzberger

Draw Prize: Bill Helmuth won the prize donated by Jack West

Dinner of the Month: Dinner at Rene's Bistro was won by Al and Anne Matheson


  1. Membership Workshop: The next workshop is in London. See President Dianne if you are interested in attending.
  2. Board Meeting: The board meets Thursday Oct 18 at President Dianne’s house. Committee reports should be given to one of the secretaries.
  3. Viewing Back Copies of the Newsletter: If you wish to read previous issues of the newsletter click on “Stories” at the top left corner of the ClubRunner home page and all newsletters since January 2012 will appear and can be viewed.
  4. Reporting Makeups: Brian Rivers provided some information about makeups. When you are unable to go to a meeting, you can 'makeup' by attending a meeting at another club or online. Committee meetings can also be used as makeups. Report makeups at the check in desk on Tuesday mornings or email Vince or Wayne. Please indicate when, where, and what the makeup activity was. RI requires this information when the report is sent to RI.
  5. Rotary Leadership Institute: The next training session, all 3 levels, is in Stratford on Nov 17. See President Dianne for details.
  6. Stratford Basketeers: Donna Hinz announced this year’s campaign to raise funds to fill baskets for women who are trying to start a new life. Any donations will be gratefully accepted over the next few weeks.
  7. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal. The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100. Please let Tyler know how many tickets are sold. Tickets will not be sold in the New Year.
  8. Food Centre Challenge:Elizabeth Anderson announced the “Math Challenge” being held by the Community Food Centre. The challenge is to live for 3 days on only $5.00 worth of food. Please contact Elizabeth before Oct 22 to participate

Christmas Party: All are invited to attend a Christmas Party on Monday Dec 17 at 7pm at the Queen’s Inn. There will be an open bar, snacks will be provided. Please sign the sheet being passed around at the next few meetings if you would like to attend. Significant Others are also invited. Cost: $10.00 per person. Please wear a Christmas hat or sweater (the tackier the better). There will be no meeting Tues. Dec 18.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Geza Wordofa introduced Mark Hertzberger of Hertzberger HR Consulting. He spoke about the importance of managing teams in the workplace.

Hertzberger HR Consulting mediates and tries to prevent conflicts in the workplace. These conflicts can range from personality clashes to outright harassment. When workers are in conflict it is essential to listen carefully and objectively to each side of the story individually and in private. Managers who find themselves unable to remain objective can call a mediator to help negotiate boundaries and mutual respect between the staff members involved.

Understanding the ways people work individually and in groups can help prevent conflict becoming an issue. It is important for managers to do some groundwork before forming teams, to ensure that people understand their own and their coworkers’ personalities. Once this work is done, team formation can be effected more easily. Good relations can create a good working environment and promote better productivity.

Hertzberger uses the Myers-Briggs Personality typing to help form teams of workers who will be able to work well together, and who will recognize and appreciate their own and each others’ strengths. Cross-collaboration between differing personality types can maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses. Knowledge of personality differences can improve communication within a team and help develop trust and mutual appreciation. This also allows for flexibility and success in reaching individual and group goals.

Mr. Hertzberger was thanked by Ken Hansen.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 16, 2012 Geraldine Ketchum 2012-10-16 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter Oct 9, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Oct 08, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of October 9, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Bob Martin, Harry Brightwell and Geza Wordofa are from Stratford Rotary. Shawna Feryn is the daughter of Jane Eligh-Feryn. Dr. Anne-Marie Zajdlik, and her guests Pastor James, Me Matsepo and Anne Gardner.

Draw Prize: Etienne Leushuis donated the prize won by Brandi Gillett.


  1. Membership Workshop: The next workshop is in London. See President Dianne if you are interested in attending.
  2. Board Meeting: The board meets Thursday Oct 18 at President Dianne’s house. Committee reports should be given to one of the secretaries. This will be the last meeting at the mansion.  Future meetings will be at the cottage next door.
  3. Viewing Back Copies of the Newsletter: If you wish to read previous issues of the newsletter click on “Stories” at the top left corner of the ClubRunner home page and all newsletters since January 2012 will appear and can be viewed.
  4. Reporting Makeups: When you report a makeup at the check in desk on Tuesday mornings please indicate when, where, and what the makeup activity was. RI requires this information when the report is sent to RI.
  5. Rotary Leadership Institute: The next training session, all 3 levels, is in Stratford on Nov 17. See President Dianne for details.
  6. Stratford Basketeers: Donna Hinz announced this year’s campaign to raise funds to fill baskets. Any donations will be gratefully accepted over the next few weeks.
  7. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker: Dianne Yundt introduced Dr. Anne-Marie Zajdlik, founder of the organization Bracelet of Hope.  Dr Zajdlik is a family physician specializing in HIV/AIDS treatment. She is a member of the Guelph Rotary Club, a Paul Harris Fellow and a member of the Order of Ontario. Dr. Zajdlik started her first Aids clinic in Guelph in 2004 and has since opened one in Waterloo.

Aids treatment allows infected people to lead healthy lives with a normal life expectancy. Treatment has improved from a cocktail of 3 pills 3 times per day to 1 pill per day. The pill drops the virus load to undetectable levels. It is not a cure because Aids victims must continue taking the pill for the rest of their life. A pregnant women in labour, taking the pill, greatly reduces the risk of transmitting the virus to their children. Treatment for Aids stops its transmission. This is the greatest hope for eliminating the disease if every infected person receives treatment.  

Anne-Marie started Bracelet of Hope to accomplish the United Nations Millenium Development Goal #6, which is a drive to end the pandemic of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Dr. Zajdlic chose to focus her efforts in Lesotho, a small country surrounded by South Africa. With the help of the Ontario Hospital Association Anne-Marie helped build the first clinic in the country. In sub-Saharan Africa 23 million people suffer from Aids and 80% of infected children die by age 5. There are about 18 million Aids orphans. Bracelet of Hope is a grass roots organization supporting health, homes and jobs in Lesotho.  The organization has built 33 Foster Homes, and 10 income generating activities.

Dr. Zajdlik is hoping that Rotary Clubs will sponsor Bracelet of Hope and the Rotary Foundation will provide matching grants.

December 1 is World Aids Day. To celebrate this day Bracelet of Hope is holding a special event at the River Run Centre in Guelph. For more information about the event and Bracelet of Hope visit

Anne-Marie was thanked by Laura Pogson.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter Oct 9, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-10-09 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 2, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Oct 01, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of October 2, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Geza Wordofa is from Stratford Rotary. Randy Matthews is a guest of Bill Helmuth and Jordan Lassaline is a guest of Elizabeth Anderson.  Mark Roth, Daryl and Janice Nyenhuis are guest speakers.

Draw Prize: Linda Jones donated the prize won by Etienne Leushuis.


  1. Rotary Leadership Institute: The next training session, all 3 levels, is in Stratford on Nov 17. See President Dianne for details.
  2. Fundraising Committee: Meets Thursday Oct 4, 7 PM at President Dianne’s home.
  3. Stratford Basketeers: Donna Hinz announced this year’s campaign to raise funds to fill baskets. Any donations will be gratefully accepted over the next few weeks.
  4. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker: Ken Hansen announced that this is Vocational Month when he introduced teacher Mark Roth from Northwestern Secondary School. Mark is responsible for coop and apprenticeship programs with the Avon-Maitland School Board.

Mark said that there are four paths to a high school diploma, the traditional college and university streams but also workplace and apprenticeship programs. Mark brought with him two former students who have profited from apprenticeship programs. Daryl Nyenhuis is apprenticing as a carpenter and his sister Janice is working towards certification as a hair stylist. Two other siblings in the Nyenhuis family have apprenticed as a plumber and an electrician.  Both apprentices were very pleased to have been able to pursue interests that are more hands on than the traditional high school streams. It was working in the school shops that generated Daryl’s interest in pursuing a trade. Job shadowing in grade 10 gave Janice the idea that landscape gardening and hair dressing were interesting options for her. She later focused on hair styling and hopes to be certified within the year.

Mark pointed out that more students should be encouraged to pursue the apprenticeship route through school as there is a need for skilled workers in various trades.

The three speakers were thanked by Carol Rock.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter October 2, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-10-02 00:00:00Z 0
Rachel Rath Speaking at the Festival City Rotary Club Vincent Hill 2012-09-25 00:00:00Z 0
Mike Henry of the Goderich Rotary Club presents a cheque to Festival City Rotary Vincent Hill 2012-09-25 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter September 25, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Sep 24, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of September 25, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Geza Wordofa is from Stratford Rotary. Rachel Rath and her grandfather Homer Rath. Mike Henry is from the Goderich Rotary Club. Steve Stacey is a potential new member.

Draw Prize: Carolyn Dingman won the prize donated by Donna Hinz.


  1. Board Minutes: President Dianne stated that it is the intention of the board to publish the minutes of board meetings on ClubRunner. Minutes will be published shortly.
  2. New Generations Committee: Elizabeth Anderson, chair of the committee, is looking for someone to be the Youth Exchange Officer.  Contact Elizabeth if interested.
  3. The Christmas Program: Brandi Gillett is forming a committee to come up with a program for our Christmas meeting. Interested volunteers should contact Brandi.
  4. ClubRunner News Items: Rotarians who might have ideas for news items for the ClubRunner front page should pass them to Brandi Gillett.
  5. Cheque Presentation: Mike Henry of the Goderich Rotary Club presented a cheque to our club. It is their final contribution to the El Salvador project. The Goderich Club was the first to sign on to our project five years ago.  The club is sponsoring 5 children this year. Mike also thanked us for the $5000 our club donated to the Goderich Club for Tornado relief. Because the government donated an amount double ours, the final total donation was $15000.
  6. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker: Dianne Yundt introduced Rachel Rath who talked about her experiences attending the “Adventures in Citizenship” conference in Ottawa. Rachel represented our club and was one of about 220 students from across Canada. She went to Ottawa by train which began her eye opening experience. While in Ottawa she visited parliament hill, participated in a scavenger hunt on the hill, and listened to the parliamentary Pages as they explained their role in parliament. Students also had tours of the Museum of Civilization, Chateau Laurier, and the Japanese Embassy. She also learned more about the armed forces when they were visited by naval personnel.

A visit to the University of Ottawa impressed her with their programs, particularly in the area of energy conservation.

Rachel was billeted with girls from B.C., Ontario, and the East Coast and learned much from them about other areas of Canada which she knew little about. 

Social events included a visit to Quebec for a dinner and dance Quebecois style. At one point student groups had to perform skits. Her group of about 25 students portrayed Canadian stereotypes such as the aggressive hockey parent, Tim Horton coffee addicts, and the supposedly Canadian habit of apologizing.

The students also attended a citizenship ceremony which made her realize how multicultural Canada is becoming. She is pleased to be a citizen of a country which accepts everybody and embraces diversity.

It has occurred to Rachel that it would be a good idea for MP’s to speak at schools more often to encourage young people to become more aware of, and involved in, politics.

Rachel was thanked by Wayne Young.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter September 25, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-09-25 00:00:00Z 0
2012-2013 Rotary Peace Ambassadorial Scholar Brandi Gillett 2012-09-22 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter September 18, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Sep 17, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of September 18, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Geza Wordofa is from Stratford Rotary and he brought a guest Rian Schaefer. Rob Leitso is a guest of Dianne Yundt. Leticia Figueiredo is our Rotary Exchange Student from Brazil.

Draw Prize: Anna Sherwin won the mystery prize donated by Sam Theocharis.

Dinner of the Month Draw: Heather Galloway of Stratford won this month’s dinner for four at Down the Street Restaurant.


  1. Board of Directors Meeting: Sept 20, 7 PM at the Yundt mansion, 522 William Street.  Committee reports to be given to President Dianne.
  2. Pancake Breakfast: A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this year’s event a big success. Financial numbers are not in yet but it appears that there were more customers than last year to enjoy the pancake breakfast. The cooler temperatures helped with coffee, tea and hot chocolate sales.
  3. House of Blessing: Just a reminder to bring a non-perishable food item for the food bank.  President Dianne read a letter from the House of Blessing thanking the club for our continued support of the food bank.
  4. Rotary Banner:  Leticia presented our club with a banner from her sponsoring club in Brazil.
  5. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker President Dianne introduced Geza Wordofa who gave us an update on his work in Ethiopia. A slide show and video presentation showed the work Geza is doing during his visits to villages in Ethiopia with his wife Nicole and young son. Villagers have limited access to potable water. Three hour trips with a donkey carrying water jugs is required to bring a small quantity of water back to the village. Due to limited water supplies washing and bathing are infrequent.
Geza’s efforts involved getting wells drilled in the villages to provide water locally.
On his visits Geza distributes sports equipment such as soccer balls, Frisbees, footballs and shoes to village children. 
Geza thanked us for our support and encouragement. He has been doing volunteer work for the Red Cross, the United Way and the Salvation Army. For two weeks last summer he worked in Goderich assisting with relief work following the tornado. He has also created a multicultural centre in Stratford.

Geza was thanked by Jean Aitcheson.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter September 18, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-09-18 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter September 11, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Sep 10, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of September 11, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Geza Wordofa is from Stratford Rotary. Rob Leifso. Danielle Brodhagen is our guest speaker. Leticia Figueiredo is our Rotary Exchange Student from Brazil.

Draw Prize: Bill Helmuth won the prize donated by Brandi Gillett.


  1. Hosts Required: Carol Rock is requesting two more families to host Rotary Exchange students on October 12. They arrive at approximately 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon. Hosts are asked to take them home or out for dinner and see that they get to the theatre by 7:30 p.m. They need to be picked up at 11 p.m. and taken home to sleep. The following morning at 8:30 a.m. students will leave for Toronto from the Canadian Tire parking lot. This is a chance for you to experience youth exchange for 1 night. The students are new to our country having arrived here 6 weeks ago, at this point. Not a huge commitment on our part but a delightful one where you can talk one-on-one with the students and learn about their culture while showing them some Stratford hospitality.Please consider this request and call me at 519-271-0737 if you have any questions or are willing to host students.
  2. Membership Satisfaction Surveys: Hand completed surveys to Deb Stacey-Rivers.
  3. Cam Marshall Article: President Dianne referred to an article which appeared in the Beacon Herald about Cam’s good deeds being rewarded when he received a provincial volunteer award for raising more than $17000 for Leukemia research. Cam was the boy who started the Nobody Doll project to which our club contributed.
  4. Rotary Learning Institute: Lynne Ternosky spoke briefly about her attendance at the recent RLI seminar. She learned a lot about Rotary which she didn’t know before and is encouraging Rotarians to sign up for the next seminar to be held in Stratford. Register on the District website.
  5. Board of Directors Meeting: Sept 20. Committee reports to be given to President Dianne.
  6. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker Kent Chisholm introduced Danielle Brodhagen, the Savour Stratford programme director. With a slide presentation Danielle gave us a preview of the event now in its 5th year. The culinary festival has grown from 3000 visitors in the first year to 15000 last year. The festival has expanded to the market square behind city hall where several tents will host cooking demonstrations by David Rocco, Connie DeSousa, and Carl Heinrich. There will be wine tastings as well as craft beer, and Whisky and Bourbon tastings. Other culinary events include a BBQ Blues and Brews event, the Butcher’s Ultimate BBQ and a lot more.  Saturday night at the Avon Theatre a cocktail reception is being hosted by Peter Mansbridge and Cynthia Dale. All the chefs and sponsors will be in attendance.

There will be over 40 performers at various locations.  Ten local food vendors will be preparing Street Food to sample. There will be farm animals on both days.  The Farmers and Artisans Market will have over 150 vendors beside the river.

Some events are free but wrist bands must be purchased at $5 each per day to attend an assortment of demonstrations. Other events require advance purchase of tickets.

To view the huge lineup of events visit Savour Stratford at or drop by the tourism office to purchase tickets and receive a complete program. Tickets and wrist band sales begin Friday at the tourism office and at a kiosk at Scotiabank downtown.

Danielle was thanked by Carol Rock


Festival City Rotary Newsletter September 11, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-09-11 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter September 4, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Sep 03, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of September 4, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests: Clark Mitchell is from Stratford Rotary. Steve Stacey is a potential new member. Randy Matthews is a guest of Bill Helmuth. Leticia Figueiredo is our Rotary Exchange Student from Brazil.

Draw Prize: Donna Hinz won the prize donated by Bill Helmuth.


  1. Hosts Required: Carol Rock made the following request:There are 19 Rotary Exchange Students from 16 countries in District 6330 this year. On October 12 they will be in Stratford to attend a play. Our club is responsible for hosting the students over night. We need 5 more homes to host 2 students each. They arrive at approximately 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon. Hosts are asked to take them home or out for dinner and see that they get to the theatre by 7:30 p.m. They need to be picked up at 11 p.m. and taken home to sleep. The following morning at 8:30 a.m. students will leave for Toronto from the Canadian Tire parking lot. This is a chance for you to experience youth exchange for 1 night. The students are new to our country having arrived here 6 weeks ago, at this point. Not a huge commitment on our part but a delightful one where you can talk one-on-one with the students and learn about their culture while showing them some Stratford hospitality.Please consider this request and call me at 519-271-0737 if you have any questions or are willing to host students.
  2. Area 3 Meeting: Bill Helmuth reported on the meeting in Mitchell Aug 30. The Mitchell club is looking for speaking volunteers for their “Don’t Meth With Me” program. See Bill if you are interested.  Volunteers will also be required for the 2013 Plowing Match to be held near Mitchell next Sept. Groups of 10 volunteers will are required for gate duty.
  3. Fundraising Committee: Chair Louise Spandler requested volunteers to serve on the committee and several people came forward. The committee needs to meet soon to discuss requests which have been made for funds.
  4. Pancake Breakfast: Saturday Sept 15 from 7 AM to 5PM. Note the new times for this event. Kent will be emailing all volunteers next week regarding their duties.
  5. Board of Directors Meeting: Sept 20. Committee reports to be given to President Dianne.
  6. “Touch The Truck” This event mentioned by Jean Aitcheson takes place at the St Marys flats on Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM
  7. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker President Dianne introduced Elizabeth Anderson who talked about New Generations, the 5th avenue of service in Rotary which became a service in 2010.
New Generations is designed to encourage 12-30 year olds to become involved with Rotary. It is hoped that by becoming involved at an early age young people will become lifelong Rotarians.  There are several ways in which youth can become involved.
The Rotary Youth Exchange is one way. Our club sponsors 10% of the students in our district. 
The Adventures in Citizenship Program which sends high school students to Ottawa for four days each year is another project we have been supporting. Last year’s participating student will be speaking to our club shortly.
An Interact club in high school is an excellent opportunity for teenagers 12-18 to serve their community. The local Interact Club is at Central Secondary School is managed  by the Stratford Rotary Club.  This year the club raised money for various relief efforts including the Horn of Africa Famine Relief Fund. They sold bracelets, helped with the Rural-Urban night, and manned the coat check at the “Soups On” festival.
Rotaract is for people 18-30 years of age. Most often it is found in post secondary institutions.  Rotaract members mentor students in Interact clubs. They are also a source for Ambassadorial Scholars. Rotaract members often transfer to Rotary clubs.
R.Y.L.A. or Rotary Youth Leadership Awards are given to those aged 14 to 30 who show leadership potential.
Young enthusiastic people, socially connected, knowing how to use technology and with the ability to think in new and creative ways will be of great benefit to the future of Rotary.
Elizabeth extended an invitation to Rotarians to join the New Generations committee. The next meeting will be later in September.
Elizabeth was thanked by Carol Rock.



Festival City Rotary Newsletter September 4, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-09-04 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter August 28, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Aug 27, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of August 28, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests:  Harry Brightwell and Norm Bird are from Stratford Rotary. Steve Stacey is a potential new member. Jason and Donna West are guests of Jack West

Draw Prize: John McNeil won the prize donated by Louise Spandler.


  1. Bingo: The bingo for Sept 14 has been given to the Tavistock Rotary Club because conflicts with preparations for the pancake breakfast on Sept 15
  2. Splash Pad: Jack West presented a cheque for $1000 from the L.I.N.C. Family Festival for deposit into the Splash Pad account.  Jack indicated that a website to promote the splash pad project will be going live shortly. He and other members of the splash pad committee will be visiting the Strathroy splash pad to see how it was built for half of what the Stratford pad is expected to cost
  3. Hosts Required: Carol Rock made the following request:

There are 19 Rotary Exchange Students from 16 countries in District 6330 this year. On October 12 they will be in Stratford to attend a play. Our club is responsible for hosting the students over night. We need 5 more homes to host 2 students each. They arrive at approximately 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon. Hosts are asked to take them home or out for dinner and see that they get to the theatre by 7:30 p.m. They need to be picked up at 11 p.m. and taken home to sleep. The following morning at 8:30 a.m. students will leave for Toronto from the Canadian Tire parking lot. This is a chance for you to experience youth exchange for 1 night. The students are new to our country having arrived here 6 weeks ago, at this point. Not a huge commitment on our part but a delightful one where you can talk one-on-one with the students and learn about their culture while showing them some Stratford hospitality.Please consider this request and call me at 519-271-0737 if you have any questions or are willing to host students.

  1. Area 3 Meeting: In Mitchell at Deck Dentistry on August 30 at 7 PM. Featured speaker will be Linda Bradley past District Governor (7040), member of the Rotary Peace Centre Committee, and much more. It will be of interest to those who wish to learn about opportunities for service and a closer look at the Foundation.
  2. Future Vision Seminars: The dates are Sept 15 in Listowel at Kin Station, September 22 in Imlay City, and Sept 29 in London at Fanshawe College.  Let President Dianne know ASAP if you can attend. President Dianne or Carolyn Dingman can forward you the link to register online.  The course runs from 9 to 3 at a cost of $40, which can be paid on the day of the event.
  3. Pancake Breakfast: Saturday Sept 15 from 6 AM to 6 PM. Parking will not be available at the site so park on a street in the neighbourhood. Parking is also being set aside for volunteers at the River Garden Retirement Residence.
  4. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker: Jack West introduced his son Jason who spent a year in the Netherlands as a Rotary Exchange Student.  Jason stayed with three great host families in the city of Meppel. The city is about the same size as Stratford. It once had many canals but only one remains. Jason’s schooling was quite different from what he experienced in Stratford. He attended the AOC Terra school which is an agricultural school.  In his first three months Jason was in the gardening class. At the end of the gardening term he had a work placement in a garden nursery. His second term was in forestry where he learned to use a chain saw and cut grass. It was during this term that the famous Christmas tree incident took place. In his final term Jason learned about animals including rabbits, chickens and other farm animals. Jason participated in athletics and played on the soccer team. On Monday nights he attended Rotary meetings.

On an average day Jason would be up by 7:30 with a breakfast of bread covered in chocolate sprinkles or cheese. He bicycled to school. At the beginning of his stay Jason attended Dutch orientation classes to improve his language skills. Although he learned to speak Dutch the nuances of the language to express emotions proved more difficult.  It was during these classes that he met the 35 other Exchange Students from North and South America. During student trips Jason visited 11 countries and cities such as Prague, Berlin, Vienna, Barcelona, Venice and Rome. He spent a week with students skiing in the French Alps.

Jason, now 19, plans on attending university next year. Jason was thanked by Carol Rock.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter August 28, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-08-28 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter August 21, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Aug 20, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of August 21, 2012

Club email:

Club website:

Guests:  Marcia Matsui is from Stratford Rotary. Cindy Carlson is a guest of Dianne Yundt and Steve Stacey is our guest speaker.

Draw Prize: Ron Rogers won the prize donated by the Boar’s Head.

Dinner of the Month Draw: David Moore won a dinner for four at Keystone Alley.


  1. Facebook and Twitter: Brandi Gillett has set up accounts for our club on these social media sites. Click on the logos on our website (top right corner) to enter and see who is following us. Join in the conversations. The Festival City Rotary blogspot is being shut down.
  2. Make-ups: Just to clarify reporting make-ups. If you attend a Rotary meeting at another club inform Wayne Young at the meeting or email Vince Hill at Also include the club name or event you were involved with.  Events which count as make-ups include any fundraising event such as bingo and pancake breakfast etc, and social events where Rotarians gather.
  3. Goderich Rotary Fish Fry: Our club received an invitation for this event with an incorrect date. The date is next Tuesday August 28. If you are interested in attending please contact Philip Keightley at President Dianne will ask about car pooling possibilities at next week’s meeting.
  4. Area 3 Meeting: In Mitchell at Deck Dentistry on August 30 at 7 PM. Featured speaker will be Linda Bradley past District Governor (7040), member of the Rotary Peace Centre Committee, and much more. It will be of interest to those who wish to learn about opportunities for service and a closer look at the Foundation.
  5. Grant Management Seminars: The dates are Sept 15 in Listowel at Kin Station, September 22 in Imlay City, and Sept 29 in London at Fanshawe College.  Let President Dianne know ASAP if you can attend. President Dianne or Carolyn Dingman can forward you the link to register online.  The course runs from 9 to 3 at a cost of $40, which can be paid on the day of the event.
  6. Pancake Breakfast: Saturday Sept 15 from 6 AM to 6 PM. Parking will not be available at the site so park on a street in the neighbourhood. Parking is also being set aside for volunteers at the River Garden Retirement Residence.
  7. Board Meeting: There will not be a Board of Directors meeting in August. The next meeting will be Sept 20.
  8. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker: Laura Pogson introduced Steve Stacey, director of the Local Community Food Centre on Erie Street. For the past 18 months Steve and his helpers have been converting the old Country Depot into an exciting new adventure. It is not a food bank. There are five banks in Stratford and several in Perth County. The Food Centre is modeled on “The Stop” started in Toronto 15 years ago. Chef Jamie Oliver has visited The Stop and was very impressed with its program and expressed his view that the model should be developed in other cities. The Stop is now looking to expand its model across Canada with a potential of 15 more sites. Stratford has been selected as the first site because of its work with developing local food awareness. The United Way has partnered with the Centre to provide assistance for the first three years. The Centre will be providing storage for large shipments of food donations which the food banks are not equipped to handle. Food will be distributed to the banks from the Centre. The Centre will also provide freezer and cold storage for perishable food. Beyond food distribution the Food Centre will focus on teaching people cooking skills and growing food. Many people do not know how to grow, and prepare good food, and many do not know what constitutes good food. The Centre will also be providing drop-in meals on Monday nights. Although the meals are free, donations will be accepted.  Elizabeth Anderson is the Advocacy Coordinator for the program.

Steve was thanked by Vince Hill


Festival City Rotary Newsletter August 21, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-08-21 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter August 14, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Aug 13, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of August 14, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests:  Marcia Matsui, Clark Mitchell, Ellen Balmain and Geza Wordofa are from Stratford Rotary. Calum Balmain-Matthews is our outbound exchange student to France. Mark Hertzberger is a guest of Geza, and Jon MacKenzie is our guest speaker.

Draw Prize: Deb Stacey-Rivers donated the prize won by Carol Rock.


  1. Bingo: A reminder to all volunteers that our next bingo is Friday August 17 starting at 5 PM.
  2. Area 3 Meeting: In Mitchell at Deck Dentistry on August 30 at 7 PM. Featured speaker will be Linda Bradley past District Governor (7040), member of the Rotary Peace Centre Committee, and much more. It will be of interest to those who wish to learn about opportunities for service and a closer look at the Foundation.
  3. Grant Management Seminars: The dates are Sept 15 in Listowel at Kin Station, September 22 in Imlay City, and Sept 29 in London at Fanshawe College.  Let President Dianne know ASAP if you can attend. President Dianne or Carolyn Dingman can forward you the link to register online.  The course runs from 9 to 3 at a cost of $40, which can be paid on the day of the event.
  4. Pancake Breakfast: Saturday Sept 15 from 6 AM to 6 PM. Kent Chisholm will be circulating a signup sheet for everyone to participate in a shift. Among the jobs available are cooking pancakes and sausages, selling and serving coffee, water and other cold drinks. Pancake sales end at noon but drink sales continue to 6 PM. Parking will not be available at the site so park on a street in the neighbourhood.
  5. Board Meeting: There will not be a Board of Directors meeting in August. The next meeting will be Sept 20.
  6. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.


Guest Speaker: Brian Rivers introduced Jon MacKenzie, executive director of the Habitat For Humanity – Stratford Perth. With the aid of a slide presentation Jon outlined the history of HFH.  It began in 1976 with the Fuller family in Georgia. Jimmy Carter was an early supporter of HFH. Today there are over 35000 volunteers in Canada in 70 affiliates.  1200 homes have been built in Canada and 225 000 worldwide. There are about 1.5 million people in Canada in need of good living accommodations.  Affordability of housing is worsening. Over 1 million families spend more than 50% of their income on housing.

Through Habitat For Humanity families selected for affordable housing receive interest free and down payment free homes.  Materials to build homes is often donated, favourable mortgage financing is provided by MCAP, and mortgage payments by the homeowner are invested back into the program.

Since 1996 13 homes have been built in Stratford-Perth.  Candidates for a home must have a minimum income of $25000 and a maximum of $44500 to afford a 4 bedroom house.  They must also have a good credit rating and have been living in Perth County for at least a year.  The candidate must also provide a minimum of 500 hours of sweat equity. The new homeowner must make monthly payments from $250 to a maximum of 30% of gross income. Candidates are also mentored regarding managing finances and learning about legal and home owner responsibilities.

To help pay for the HFH program the ReStore store off Lorne Avenue pays the bills for the organization. The latest home, located at 142 Home St, will be open for viewing at the end of August.

Volunteers are always needed. Help for building, fundraising, and ReStore clerks. Volunteers receive training for safe work habits at the construction site and they learn new skills.

The next home will be built in 2013 in Stratford once land is acquired. Finding affordable land is very difficult as developers can outbid HFH.

Jon was thanked by Brian Rivers who volunteers at HFH.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter August 14, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-08-14 00:00:00Z 0

Dinner of the Month

Posted by Brandi Gillett on Aug 06, 2012
Tickets are now available for our 2013 Dinner of the Month draw! One ticket gets you thirteen chances to win. If your name gets drawn, we throw it back in!

The grand prize is dinner for 10 at the Old Rectory B&B!

Tickets are $20 each or 6 for $100 and are available at Orr Insurance or from members of the Rotary Club of Festival City.

Funds will be raised in support of the Stratford Splash Pad and other local projects.

Thank you for your support!
Dinner of the Month Brandi Gillett 2012-08-07 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter August 7, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Aug 06, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of August 7, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests:  Geza Wordofa is from Stratford Rotary. Charlotte Coats is an outbound student to Norway. Calum Balmain-Matthews is an outbound student to France. Tony Gallagher is a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Rotary Club and Shelley Fracalossi is from the Plattsburgh N.Y. Rotary Club.

Draw Prize: Bob Shannon donated the prize won by John McNeil.


  1. Bingo: The next bingo is Friday August 17 starting at 5 PM. The bingo is the “Wizard of Oz” edition. This is in recognition of the premier of the movie on this date in 1939. Volunteers are required. Sign up for the August 17 bingo on ClubRunner or contact Jack West. Wicked witches and flying monkeys need not apply.
  2. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Get your tickets from Tyler Canal.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.
  3. Stratford Summer Music: Between Aug 14 and 19 the Culture Kids with steel pan drums from St Xavier’s Private Catholic School in Trinidad will be in Stratford.  Five families are required to host groups of 3-4 children with a chaperone.  Children are aged 7-11 and can sleep together to minimize bed requirements.  If you can billet a group please contact Lana Mau, Administrative Assistant at SSM at 519-271-2101 or email her at  For more information about the school visit their website at
  4. Rotary Banners: Shelley Fracalossi presented the club with a banner from the Plattsburgh New York Rotary Club.  Carol Rock gave several club banners to Calum Balmain-Matthews to present to clubs he visits during his year in France.


Guest Speaker: Deb Stacey-Rivers, chair of the membership committee, gave a presentation on how to attract potential new members to the club. Some Rotarians related how they came to join the club and why they remain. Reasons often involve being asked or seeking out the club with the intention of becoming a part of the Stratford community to which they had just moved. Deb wants the club to grow by 6 to 8 members over the next year. If each member invited someone to a meeting then from a membership of 34 people perhaps we could reach our objective.  Deb asked each person to put the name of a potential member on a recipe card found on the tables. Potential new members could be work colleagues, community leaders, neighbours, and people from the business and professional fields in Stratford.  A pamphlet with information about the club is being revamped. Possibly giving out “Be My Guest” business cards which the noon club uses could serve as an invitation to a meeting. If you invite someone then expect to pay for their breakfast at their first meeting. Perhaps some of the weekly speakers could be invited to join Rotary.

Kent Chisholm talked about the upcoming Pancake Breakfast at the Dragon Boat races. After introducing the idea and having a show of hands it was decided that the sale of coffee, water and possibly juices would continue until 5 PM to increase our earnings. We will be preparing the coffee ourselves this year using 4 coffee makers. There will be more electrical outlets available which should overcome the electrical shortages of the past years. The Mitchell Rotary Club will be supplying the equipment to make pancakes. Pancake sales will end at noon. A large contingent of volunteers from our club will be needed in shifts to make this annual event a success. More information will be forthcoming over the next several weeks.  

Festival City Rotary Newsletter August 7, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-08-07 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 31, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jul 30, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of July 31, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Rob Ritz and Geza Wordofa are from Stratford Rotary. Charlotte Coats is an outbound student to Norway. Jason West rebound student from Holland. Calum Balmain-Matthews is an outbound student to France. Barb Wachtman is from the Fort Wayne Rotary Club.  Doris Barkley is a guest of Deb Stacey-Rivers and Cindy Carlson is a guest of Dianne Yundt.

Draw Prize: Anna Sherwin donated the prize won by Jack West.


  1. Bingo: The next bingo is Friday August 17 starting at 5 PM. The bingo is the “Wizard of Oz” edition. This is in recognition of the premier of the movie on this date in 1939. Volunteers are required. Sign up for the August 17 bingo on ClubRunner or contact Jack West. Wicked witches and flying monkeys need not apply.
  2. Dinner of the Month Tickets: Tyler Canal announced that tickets for the 2013 draws are available for sale. Unlike this year, tickets will be sold only until December. Get your tickets from Tyler now and starting selling.  The price is the same as this year. $20 each or 6 for $100.
  3. Stratford Summer Music: Between Aug 14 and 19 the Culture Kids with steel pan drums from St Xavier’s Private Catholic School in Trinidad will be in Stratford.  Five families are required to host groups of 3-4 children with a chaperone.  Children are aged 7-11 and can sleep together to minimize bed requirements.  If you can billet a group please contact Lana Mau, Administrative Assistant at SSM at 519-271-2101 or email her at  For more information about the school visit their website at

Guest Speaker: Jason West introduced his father Jack who presented a slide show of his May trip to the Netherlands to visit Jason who was a Rotary Exchange Student in the city of Meppel.  The city is about the same size as Stratford.

Photos of fast motorcycles and fast cars revealed Jack’s first love, and tips on driving the autobahns may be useful for anyone planning a driving trip of Holland.

Jack’s keen surveyor’s eye noticed the laser thingys on buildings which detect any foundation movement during the construction of the Amsterdam subway. Jack also noticed that some buildings are slightly out of alignment due to the shifting of the old wooden pilings supporting the buildings in soft soil.

Jack blended World War II photos with his travel photos to show the role of the Canadian Army in the liberation of Holland on May 5, 1945.
Jack’s discovery of why Heineken beer tastes better in Holland than here in Canada wasn’t too surprising. Freshness due to closeness to the brewery and temperature seems to play a role.  Jack was not very revealing about his “tour” of the red light district of Amsterdam. Perhaps this was due to the students present in the room. Altogether a very enjoyable presentation.  Jack was thanked by Louise Spandler.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 31, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-07-31 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Exchange Student Phanuwat Nu Kongwattananon gives his farewell address Vincent Hill 2012-07-26 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 24, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jul 23, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of July 24, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Pat Feryn, Bob Martin, Clark Mitchell, Geza Wordofa are from Stratford Rotary. Charlotte Coats is an outbound student to Norway. Jason and Donna West are guests of Jack West. Tessa Feryn is a guest of Jane Eligh-Feryn. Mirjam Schutt is a Rotary Exchange Student Counsellor. Samantha Bohlman and Laura Roulston are exchange students. Phanuwat Kongwattananon is our exchange student from Thailand.

Draw Prize: Geraldine Ketchum donated the prize won by Ron Rogers.


  1. Guatemala: On page 14 of this month’s issue of The Rotarian is an item about a medical mission in Guatemala. This is the mission to Chimaltenango and Quetzaltenango Jean Aitcheson participated in last November.
  2. Stratford Summer Music: Between Aug 14 and 19 the Culture Kids with steel pan drums from St Xavier’s Private Catholic School in Trinidad will be in Stratford.  Five families are required to host groups of 3-4 children with a chaperone.  Children are aged 7-11 and can sleep together to minimize bed requirements.  If you can billet a group please contact Lana Mau, Administrative Assistant at SSM at 519-271-2101 or email her at  For more information about the school visit their website at
  3. Thank you letter: President Dianne read a letter from Heather Robitaille thanking our club for the welcome she and her husband received during their visit last week.
  4. District Governor Challenge “Focus on Participation”: to participate in this year’s challenge download the form from the district website. Click on “District Site” at the top of the clubrunner home page to find the download on the District site.
  5. Stratford Rotary Scholarship: To celebrate the club’s 90th anniversary it will be offering an annual $2500 scholarship to a student studying Digital Media at the University of Waterloo Stratford Campus. A celebratory dinner is being held on Wednesday September 26 at the Arden Park Hotel.  Keynote speaker will be Arlene Dickinson from “The Dragon’s Den”. Tickets are $75 per person and can be purchased online at 

Guest Speaker: Mirjam Schutt introduced Nu, our exchange student from Thailand. Mirjam described Nu as a quiet boy of 15 when he arrived.  Over the past year Nu as become an outgoing person who is interested in everything about Canada. 

Nu is from the city of Udon Thani in northeast Thailand, a city of about 400 000 people. Nu reminisced about his year in Canada. Arriving from a country of 65 million where the lowest temperature is 10oC to a very big country where the cold came as a surprise. Nu described some of the differences between Canadian students and those in Thailand. Back home students spend Friday and Saturday evenings studying rather than socializing as Canadian students are prone to do. Canadian food preferences also required an adjustment in his diet which at home contains a lot of rice. Nu thanked his host families and the many friends he made in the last year. He definitely intends to come back to Canada.

To finish his talk Nu showed a video he made of his year in Canada and recent cross Canada tour with other exchange students. The group started their month long adventure in PEI before travelling on to Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, and Niagara Falls. The tour took them to Ottawa on Canada Day where Nu appeared on the CBC National News.  A three day train trip took the group to Calgary. Visits to Banff, Jasper, Vancouver, Victoria and finally Saltspring Island finished his journey. It was during a swim on the island that Nu had to be rescued by two Swiss exchange students when the cold water prevented him from completing his swim. A highlight of his trip is a photo of Nu and a group of rather underdressed boys on a mountain top. A moment he will always remember.

Nu was thanked by Sam Theocharis.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 24, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-07-24 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 17, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jul 16, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of July 17, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: A.D.G. Stan Malcolm, Dave Blackburn and Gord Sherwin from Stratford Rotary. D.G. Tom Robitaille of the Bluewaterland-Sarnia Rotary Club and his wife Heather. Cindy Carlson is a guest of Dianne Yundt. Charlotte Coats is an outbound student to Norway.

Draw Prize: Kevin Gormley donated the prize won by Anna Sherwin

Dinner of the Month: David Moore won a dinner for four at The Prune restaurant.


1.     Potluck Dinner: at Jane Eligh-Feryn’s farm on Tuesday July 24. RSVP Jane by July 23. Details were previously emailed to all members.

2.     Board of Directors Meeting: 7 PM at President Dianne’s home on Thursday July 19.

3.     Rotary Leadership Institute: Seminars begin in Listowel on Sept 8. Other sessions will be held in Stratford on November 17, Lapeer Michigan on January 20, 2013 and on May 5 in London. Sign up for parts I, II, or III.  This is an opportunity to improve your leadership skills and learn more about Rotary beyond the club level. See Dianne Yundt if interested.  Further details can be found on the RI website.

Guest Speaker: Assistant District Governor Stan Malcolm introduced the new District Governor Tom Robitaille. Tom has been a Rotarian since 1986, club president in 2005-2006 and is retired from the CIBC where he was a risk manager.

Tom unveiled this year’s theme “Peace Through Service”. Rotary builds peace in a real and practical way. He listed some of the work which showcases the theme. The ongoing Polio Plus project, the Rotary Foundation’s good works throughout the world, the awarding of Ambassadorial Scholarships and the support for Youth Exchanges all help to foster peace. This year there are 21 outbound students and 20 inbound students to our 2000 member district. 

The World Peace Scholarship and the World Community Service Projects also promote peace.  Examples of projects under the World Community Service include a leprosy project in India and domestic and international literacy projects.

Rotary Strategic Policies for the coming year are much the same as last year including supporting and strengthening membership through recruitment and retention. Public service, Public Awareness and Future Vision will be terms we will hear more of in the 2012-2013 Rotary year.  There will be more information coming to clubs and a revamping of the Rotary website to include Facebook. More effort will be put into developing leaders through the Rotary Leadership Institute. Clubs will also be encouraged to increase fellowship and have more fun.

Tom was thanked by President Dianne.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 17, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-07-17 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 10, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jul 09, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of July 10, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Norm Bird, Marcia Matsui and Geza Wordofa from Stratford Rotary. Cheryl-Ann Webster is our guest speaker.

Draw Prize: Carolyn Dingman donated a mystery prize won by Brian Rivers who will receive it next week.


1.     Rotary Leadership Institute: Seminars begin in Listowel on Sept 8. Other sessions will be held in Stratford on November 17, Lapeer Michigan on January 20, 2013 and on May 5 in London. Sign up for parts I, II, or III.  This is an opportunity to improve your leadership skills and learn more about Rotary beyond the club level. See Dianne Yundt if interested.  Further details can be found on the RI website.

2.     Stratford Summer Music: Between Aug 14 and 19 the Culture Kids with steel pan drums from St Xavier’s Private Catholic School in Trinidad will be in Stratford.  Five families are required to host groups of 3-4 children with a chaperone.  Children are aged 7-11 and can sleep together to minimize bed requirements.  If you can billet a group please contact Lana Mau, Administrative Assistant at SSM at 519-271-2101 or email her at  For more information about the school visit their website at

Guest Speaker:

Cheryl-Ann Webster from the Rotary Club of Waterloo spoke to us as a representative of FIDA-pcH or the Foundation for International Development Assistance – productive cooperatives Haiti.  FIDA is a private non-governmental agency started in 1980 by a Mennonite couple from Waterloo to provide literacy and agricultural training to the farmers of Haiti.  Cheryl-Ann became involved with FIDA three years ago after the Haitian earthquake.  To date FIDA has formed 27 cooperatives.  The cooperatives pool the resources of the local farmers to improve productivity to the point where excess food production can be sold to markets. Previously farmers working alone on their own small plot of land with one or two animals were barely surviving.  By combining resources productivity has increased. Since 85% of Haitians are illiterate one of the goals of FIDA has been to teach farmers how to read and write. Agricultural education has taught farmers better practices such as composting, crop rotation, dealing with insect pests, and planting trees to improve shade and reduce erosion. Cooperatives elect their president from the members and all members share in the profits.  Recently some Haitian communities on their own initiative have formed their own cooperatives without FIDA’s assistance. This shows that real progress has started in Haiti.

Cheryl-Ann was thanked by Deb Stacey-Rivers.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 10, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-07-10 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 3, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jul 02, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  Dianne Yundt

Minutes of the meeting of July 3, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Dave Hunt, Fritz Steigmier and Geza Wordofa from Stratford Rotary. Jason West Rotary Exchange Student.

Draw Prize: Laura Pogson donated the prize won by Ken Hansen.


1.     Bingo Promotion Committee: Bingo Country is setting up a committee  of  all the clubs working bingo to help determine the kind of advertising needed to promote bingo. Volunteers are required from all the clubs. If you wish to serve on this committee please speak to Dianne Yundt, Etienne Leushuis or Jack West.

2.     Future Vision: The New Grants program takes effect July 2013 and training sessions for writing grant proposals will be taking place.  The first is in Listowel on Sept 15 and another in London on Sept 29. See Dianne Yundt if interested.  Further details can be found on the RI website.

3.     Stratford Summer Music: Between Aug 14 and 19 the Culture Kids with steel pan drums from St Xavier’s Private Catholic School in Trinidad will be in Stratford.  Five families are required to host groups of 3-4 children with a chaperone.  Children are aged 7-11 and can sleep together to minimize bed requirements.  If you can billet a group please contact Lana Mau, Administrative Assistant at SSM at 519-271-2101 or email her at  For more information about the school visit their website at

Club Assembly:

Within Rotary there are five avenues of service including New Generations.  This avenue targets youth and youth leaders, recognizing their accomplishments. The purpose is to generate a source of future Rotarians.

The club organization presented at today’s meeting is posted on the club website. To view the “Club Leadership Plan for 2012-2013” and “Committees for 2012-2013” go to “Admin” on ClubRunner and under “My ClubRunner” click on “View Club Documents”. If the folder titled “Main” is closed, click to open it.  Check these documents carefully and note which committees you are serving.

All committees should hold meetings soon and report back to the board of directors. Information directed to the board should go through the two secretaries Carolyn Dingman and Elizabeth Anderson.

President Dianne hopes to hold board meetings every third Thursday evening. She will attempt to keep the meetings to 1 hour in length. Information coming to the board for discussion should be passed to the appropriate committee chairperson by the previous Sunday so that it can be distributed to board members in time for the meeting.

In conclusion President Dianne stressed that it is important for everyone to get a taste for the various jobs in the club. Be a mentor to others as they take on more responsibility.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter July 3, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-07-03 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 26, 2012

Posted by Geraldine Ketchum on Jun 25, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of June 26, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Stan Malcolm, District Assistant Governor.

Draw Prize: Dianne Yundt won the prize donated by Kent Chisholm


1.  Rotary Dues: Treasurer Etienne Leushuis announced that the dues for the next Rotary year will remain at $160. Cheques payable to “The Rotary Club of Festival City” can be given to Etienne before the end of the month. Cheques can be post-dated to July 1.
2. Change Maker Award Stan Malcolm announced that he recently presented the Change Maker Award to the Rotary Club of Mitchell for their work in the anti-meth program.

Guest Speaker:
Assistant Governor Stan Malcolm attended spoke of the many success of or Club, mentioning the El Salvador project and Youth Exchange among others.  He added that a "Changing of the Guard" refreshes clubs in their goals and services, allowing new ideas and goals to enrich the community. A transition of leadership builds on the past while renewing Rotary and keeping it strong.

President David Moore spoke briefly, thanking those who helped him during the previous year, in particular Linda Jones, Etienne Leshuis and Dianne Yundt.  

Installation of new Club President and Board of Directors

Dianne Yundt is our new President, and was presented with the President's Pin by David Moore. David received the Past President's Pin from Linda Jones.

The new Board members are:
President Dianne Yundt; Past President David Moore; President Elect Bill Helmuth; Vice President Brian Rivers; Treasurer Etienne Leshuis; Secretary Carol Dingman; Board Secretary Elizabeth Anderson; Public Relations Tyler Canal; Club Administration Brandy Gillet; Member at Large Linda Jones. (If I've missed anyone, I apologize. Feel free to throw buns at me at the next meeting)

The new banner for this year reads "Peace Through Service"

In her address Dianne spoke of her enthusiasm for joining this Club five years ago - its positive energy, warmth, acceptance, service and educational programs.  Each person learns the meaning of "Service above Self" as they volunteer and get involved.  She believes "we need to build on the strengths and successes of each of our members and our Club."  She urges us to keep on sharing and volunteering our time and talents.
Dianne quoted International Rotary President Sakuji Tanaka: "Peace is a goal that can be achieved through service. In Rotary service is a way of life that emphasizes consideration and caring for others.... By making service a priority we transform our perspective, become more generous with our time and resources and more open to new ways of thinking.... When we embrace Peace Through Service, we strive for a greater peace for ourselves, and for our world."
Diane hopes to build on past strengths and successes using the Rotary 4 Pillars of an Effective Club. "It will be a good year" she stated.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 26, 2012 Geraldine Ketchum 2012-06-26 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 5, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Jun 04, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of June 5, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Marcia Matsui from Stratford Rotary. Phanuwat Kongwattananon (Nu) our Rotary Exchange Student from Thailand. Charlotte Coats outbound Exchange Student to Norway.

Draw Prize: Jean Aitcheson donated the prize won by Donna Hinz.


1.     Presentation: Dianne Yundt presented the club with a 2011-12 District Literacy Award. The award is given by the District Governor Joe Reynolds.

2.     New Board of Directors for the 2012-2013 Rotary Year:

President:             Dianne Yundt

President-elect:    Bill Helmuth

Vice President:     Brian Rivers

Club Secretary:     Carolyn Dingman

Board Secretary:   Elizabeth Anderson

Treasurer:             Etienne Leushuis

Rotary Foundation: Peter Moreton

Public Relations:  Tyler Canal

Club Administration: Brandi Gillett

Membership:        Deb Stacey-Rivers

Service:                 Jack West

3.      Fundraising Chair Person: Dianne Yundt announced that Louise Spandler has volunteered to be the fundraising chair person for the next Rotary year.

4.     Rotary Dues: Treasurer Etienne Leushuis announced that the dues for the next Rotary year will remain at $160. Cheques payable to “The Rotary Club of Festival City” can be given to Etienne before the end of the month. Cheques can be post-dated to July 1.

5.     Bingo:”The Loonie Edition” On June 30 1987 the Royal Canadian Mint put the $1 coin into circulation. To celebrate this historic event we will be in charge of the Bingo on Saturday June 30 at 5 PM. Volunteers are needed. Sign up under Club Events in ClubRunner or contact Jack West. If you can work only the first couple of hours that would be helpful because more volunteers are needed at that time.

Club Assembly:

Treasurer Etienne Leushuis led a discussion of the Budget for 2012-2013.  Under the heading of “community fundraising” there are two undesignated items for $2000 and $1000 that are potential fundraising projects. The board is open to suggestions for fundraising for these items. Also included in the budget is $12,500 for the Splash Pad project. This item came up for discussion.

Jack West expanded upon the Splash Pad project. Our club has expressed an interest in helping with it. The club will be receiving donations and doing the banking involved with the project.

In about three weeks at “Splash for Cash” campaign will begin to raise funds. This will be run by the Splash Pad committee and not our club. We want to be present when there are press releases so that the club gets recognition for our contribution if we pass a motion to donate up to $12500 in each of two years.

Although original estimates indicated that the pad would cost about $400 000 to build, recent information indicates it would likely cost much less.  Listowel built one for about $150 000. A large donor would get naming rights but we would be recognized by a plaque at the site. If we vote to support the project then we would not be able to support other community projects for two years.  We have about $9000 already available for community projects. Money earned from some of the current fundraising projects (such as Dinner of the Month) have to be spent on community projects.  Our international projects are funded separately from the funds for community projects.

By being the lead donor at the beginning of the project will encourage other service clubs, companies, and individuals to donate. It is a project which will be accessible to everyone in the community and will fill a need.

The motion to donate $12500 to the Splash Pad Project in each of two years was voted on and passed with 16 voting in favour, 7 against and one abstention.


Jean Aitcheson gave a report on the distribution of funds raised at the Spaghetti Dinner. $6500 was split and donated in the following way. $2500 to the Literacy Project in El Salvador. $500 to the Tavistock Rotary Club for their Shoebox program in Mexico. Tavistock  Rotary have been regular supporters of the spaghetti dinner and the Shoebox program is their only international program.  $500 went to the Woodstock-Oxford Rotary Club to support their relief efforts in the Philippines flooding.  $500 went to India for a de-fluoridation project. Very high levels of naturally occurring fluoride in water in some areas of India contributes to serious health problems. Polio-like symptoms affect the brain and limbs.

$500 to India for the construction of washrooms in girls schools.  $1000 was donated to Dr Geza’s well project in Uganda which is being run by Knox Presbyterian Church. The remaining $1000 went to another international project.



Festival City Rotary Newsletter June 5, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-06-05 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 29, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on May 28, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of May 29, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Rob Ritz from Stratford Rotary. Phanuwat Kongwattananon (Nu) our Rotary Exchange Student from Thailand. Charlotte Coats outbound Exchange Student to Norway.

Draw Prize: Peter Moreton donated the prize won by Wayne Young.


1.     Board Of Directors Meeting: May 30, 7 PM at the Moore residence.

2.     Transport to the District Conference. Nu and Shin, the two Rotary Exchange students require transportation to the District Conference. If you can provide transportation please contact Carol Rock.


Guest Speaker: David Moore introduced Brandi Gillett who gave her classification talk. Brandi is the Manager of Outreach Programs for the University of Waterloo Stratford Campus.

Brandi grew up in Stewarttown a small village just south of Georgetown Ontario. She comes from a family with lots of relatives in the area. One year there were 92 people for Christmas.  Upon graduating from Georgetown District High School Brandi moved to Peterborough to attend Trent University. During her 10 years at Trent she earned two degrees in Anthropology and Native Studies. She was also Senior Event Manager at Trent. During her years as a student she travelled to many remote communities in the North West Territories, Quebec and Manitoba.  She was impressed with the ability of the aboriginal people in maintaining their culture.  The children filled with joy, were friendly and hopeful for their futures. However the living conditions are horrible and little seems to get done by governments to change the situation.  After five years funding for Brandi’s research ran out and she felt defeated.

In 2001 Brandi joined the University of Waterloo and has had various roles since then. These include Special Events and Alumni Affairs Coordinator and more recently a Manager at the Stratford Campus. Brandi was part of the visioning team for the new campus and helped develop the Canada 3.0 conferences.

Brandi is putting down roots in Stratford as she has recently bought a house here. She didn’t take long to fall in love with Stratford and its vibrant culture, and a city open to new ideas and change.

Brandi was thanked by David Moore.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 29, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-05-29 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 22, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on May 21, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of May 22, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

This week’s meeting was chaired by President-Elect Dianne Yundt

Guests: Bob Marin is from Stratford Rotary. Phanuwat Kongwattananon (Nu) is our Rotary Exchange student from Thailand. John Miller is our guest speaker

Draw Prize: Jane Eligh-Feryn donated the prize won by Linda Jones.


1.Board Of Directors Meeting:  The meeting is May 30 at President David Moore's home.

2.Banner: Jack West presented the club with a banner from a Dutch Rotary Club given to him when he attended a meeting  while in the Netherlands.
3.House of Blessing: Don't forget to bring a donation for the House of Blessing at next week's meeting.

Guest Speaker: Carol Rock introduced John Miller, the Executive Producer of the Stratford Summer Music Festival. This will be the twelfth season for what is Canada's largest and best summer music festival. It is extended to six weeks from July 16 to August 26. The festival opens with the 100 member National Youth Orchestra performing at Lower Queen's Park. The orchestra will perform the 1812 Overture with the aid of cannons provided by the Canadian Army. Fireworks will be set off from Tom Patterson Island instead of in the park as in previous years.
There will be 13 groups performing on the barge with some performances twice a day at 12:30 and 3:00PM
The piano will be a major focus this season with 8 pianists from various countries including Venezuela, France and the U.S.  A performance of "Two Pianos, Four Hands" will be performed the first Sunday with the original performers.
Other groups participating in the 2012 season include Toronto's Tafelmusik, street music, music and lunch at Rundles with George Meanwell,  organ recitals, and much more.
A Diamond Jubilee Weekend will include music played at the coronation. The original film of the event is being shown at city hall. There will be an unveiling of the new portrait of the Queen painted by Canadian Phil Richards.
Brochures with the playbill details will be available shortly.
John was thanked by Carolyn Dingman.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter May 22, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-05-22 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 24, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 23, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of April 24, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Mirjam Schutt, Geza Wordofa and Phanuwat Kongwattananon (Nu).

Draw Prize: Jane Kirkpatrick won the prize donated by Ron Rogers.


  1. Bingo: Volunteers are needed to assist with Bingo on Sunday May 6 at 5 PM. If you can assist notify Etienne Leushuis at or sign up on ClubRunner by clicking on Bingo May 6 under upcoming events.

Guest Speaker: President David Moore introduced Sam Theocharis who presented his classification talk. Sam is the Inspector of Uniform Division with the Stratford Police Services.  Sam graduated from the Ontario Police College in October of 1988 as a first class constable.  By 1995 Sam became an Acting Sergeant which is the starting point for further promotions.  In 1998 Sergeant Theocharis was seconded to the OPC as an instructor training recruits. The OPC is world renowned and number one in North America for its training. The college trains up to 500 recruits at a time. After returning to the SPS Sergeant Theocharis had a variety of roles including, Commander of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), being in charge of high risk offenders, the sex offenders registry and major case management.

In January 2008 Sam was promoted to Inspector Uniform Division.  Under his command are four platoons, each with a sergeant and 8 constables.  Also in the division are 19 civilians with an administrative sergeant. Sam’s responsibilities include the R.I.D.E. program, media, S.I.U., and Office of Independent Police Review. He also liaises with the courts and the Crown’s office and is involved with traffic blitzes, a four counties initiative.

Sam’s family emigrated from Greece in 1957 and settled in Stratford opening the Limelight. His dad was in the police force in Greece.  Sam met his wife Mary at Western in 1985. They have two boys Peter and Thomas. Sam has been very active in Minor Hockey and has held several positions such as President of minor hockey and has helped organize tournaments. Sam has also served on several boards including the Provincial Police Promotional Examination Committee, and the OACP Diversity Committee.  Among the courses Sam has studied include Business Administration at Conestoga College, political science at Western and the Canadian Police College in Ottawa etc .

Sam was thanked by Jack West

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 24, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-04-24 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 24, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 23, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of April 24, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Mirjam Schutt, Geza Wordofa and Phanuwat Kongwattananon (Nu).

Draw Prize: Jane Kirkpatrick won the prize donated by Ron Rogers.


  1. Bingo: Volunteers are needed to assist with Bingo on Sunday May 6 at 5 PM. If you can assist notify Etienne Leushuis at or sign up on ClubRunner by clicking on Bingo May 6 under upcoming events.

Guest Speaker: President David Moore introduced Sam Theocharis who presented his classification talk. Sam is the Inspector of Uniform Division with the Stratford Police Services.  Sam graduated from the Ontario Police College in October of 1988 as a first class constable.  By 1995 Sam became an Acting Sergeant which is the starting point for further promotions.  In 1998 Sergeant Theocharis was seconded to the OPC as an instructor training recruits. The OPC is world renowned and number one in North America for its training. The college trains up to 500 recruits at a time. After returning to the SPS Sergeant Theocharis had a variety of roles including, Commander of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), being in charge of high risk offenders, the sex offenders registry and major case management.

In January 2008 Sam was promoted to Inspector Uniform Division.  Under his command are four platoons, each with a sergeant and 8 constables.  Also in the division are 19 civilians with an administrative sergeant. Sam’s responsibilities include the R.I.D.E. program, media, S.I.U., and Office of Independent Police Review. He also liaises with the courts and the Crown’s office and is involved with traffic blitzes, a four counties initiative.

Sam’s family emigrated from Greece in 1957 and settled in Stratford opening the Limelight. His dad was in the police force in Greece.  Sam met his wife Mary at Western in 1985. They have two boys Peter and Thomas. Sam has been very active in Minor Hockey and has held several positions such as President of minor hockey and has helped organize tournaments. Sam has also served on several boards including the Provincial Police Promotional Examination Committee, and the OACP Diversity Committee.  Among the courses Sam has studied include Business Administration at Conestoga College, political science at Western and the Canadian Police College in Ottawa etc .

Sam was thanked by Jack West

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 24, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-04-24 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 10, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 09, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of April 10, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Today’s meeting was chaired by Past President Etienne Leushuis.

Guests: Rob Ritz from the Stratford Rotary Club. Also attending were Geza Wordofa, Mary Lou Middleton and guest speaker Ted Hales.

Draw Prize: Kevin Gormley won the prize donated by Brian Rivers.


  1. M.S. Walkathon: Carolyn Dingman announced this annual event to be held on Sunday April 22. Donations in support of the local team can be made by adding your name to the form circulating at next week’s meeting.  More “Event Details” can be found online at
  2. Banner Presentation: Linda Jones has returned from a winter in Tucson Arizona. She presented the club with a banner from the Tucson R.C. The 250 member club was incorporated in 1921.
  3. Festival Ticket Auction: Anna Sherwin announced that a pair of tickets to a Festival production will be auctioned at next week’s meeting.
  4. Coin Boxes: Etienne Leushuis encourages members to fill their plastic Rotary coin boxes and return them to a club meeting.

Guest Speaker: John McNeil introduced Ted Hales, President of the Huron-Perth Branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario. Ted was present to talk about the historical plaque program created by the local branch. The purpose is to help people connect with the history of Stratford by identifying commercial and residential properties built before WWII. Properties are recognized with a plaque. Plaques show the date of construction and the name and occupation of the first resident. Properties can be grand or ordinary, residential or business. Art Deco buildings and wartime buildings can be designated.

This program is not associated with the one offered by the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) which is under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Heritage Act. Under the Act designated buildings are bound by certain renovation restrictions. There are no restrictions under the A.C.O. program.

For a donation of $125 and a completed application form your home or business will be researched by the committee. The owner is presented with the details of the research.  The committee uses sources at the Archives and  Local sign maker Philip Yielding makes the PVC resin plaques which are placed on the outside of the building.

During Ted’s presentation slides of current properties were shown. Applications and information are available by phoning 519-508-1920 or emailing Ted at

Ted also announced that the 2012 edition of “Doors Open Ontario” takes place in Stratford on Saturday June 2. Eighteen properties will be open for viewing. These are buildings built for one purpose but are now being used for another. Examples include the Church Restaurant, Stratford Brewing, City Hall Annex, and the Falstaff Family Centre.

Ted was thanked by Jack West.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 10, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-04-10 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 3, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Apr 02, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of April 3, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Rob Ritz from the Stratford Rotary Club. Dr. Geza Wordofa was also in attendance. 


Draw Prize: Bill Helmuth donated the prize won by Jack West. In a special Easter draw Lynne Ternosky won a chocolate bunny donated by Wayne Young.


  1. Fish Fry Dinner and Dance: A notice of this event was forwarded to club members. If you are interested in joining Lynne Ternosky please contact her.

Club Assembly:

Dianne Yundt spoke briefly about her attendance at the P.E.T.S. seminar. This is the President-Elect Training Seminar held recently in Sarnia. It’s a training course to help Rotarians fill leadership roles in Rotary. Dianne also indicated that this year’s District Assembly is April 21 in Sarnia. Registration is at 8:30 AM with sessions running from 9 AM to 4 PM. The cost per person is $20. Dianne will be driving and anyone who is interested in attending the Assembly and share the ride with Dianne should contact her.

Carol Rock announced that Leticia Queiroga di Figueirdo will be our new Rotary Exchange Student. She is from Brazil and will be arriving in August.

Jean Aitcheson gave a final report on the Spaghetti Dinner. All food items were donated except for the lettuce.  The hall rental was $200. Trevor and Susan Exnor of the Black Angus were essential in making the evening a great success.  There were 300 people who bought advance tickets and 60 tickets were purchased at the door. 93 takeout dinners were sold. There were 30 deliveries to city council, two factories and the hospital.  The amount raised was the most ever for the event with just over $6500 raised after expenses.

Lynne Ternosky announced that $1250 was raised at the spaghetti dinner through coffee sales and other donations. Left-over cupcakes went to ShelterLink.

Jack West announced that the splash pad project is moving ahead with discussions about grant writing and fund raising.

Bill Helmuth announced that the Board of Directors has decided to decline involvement in the food booth at the Rotary Arts and Crafts Show.  The funds raised were not worth the effort required to make the booth a success. The Stratford Rotary Club has been informed.

Ken Hansen announced that Ginny Dybenko, the Executive Director of the Stratford Campus University of Waterloo will be talking to our club on May 15. Her topic will be “What On Earth is Digital Media – And Why Should I Care”. Ken suggests that Rotarians invite others to this meeting who may be interested in this new program being developed in Stratford.

Rural-Urban Night This annual event put on by Stratford Rotary is April 12

Anna Sherwin in a separate email announced that the Bard’s Birthday Celebration is being cancelled for this year.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter April 3, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-04-03 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 27, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 26, 2012



The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of March 27, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Bob Martin and Clark Mitchell are from the Stratford Rotary Club. Dr. Giza Wordofa.  Rotary Exchange student Phanuwat Kongwattananon (Nu) is from Thailand.

Draw Prize: David Moore donated the prize won by Sam Theocharis.


  1. Fish Fry Dinner and Dance: A notice of this event was forwarded to club members. If you are interested in joining Lynne Ternosky please contact her.
  2. A Milestone: Kent and Dianne Chisholm celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on March 17. They celebrated the event in New York City attending a performance of Jesus Christ Superstar.
  3. Invitation: Our club members are invited to a reception at the MRI suite in the SGH on March 29 at 7 PM. The reception thanks donors for supporting the MRI.
  4. Stratford Summer Music: S.S.M. is holding a soiree on Sunday April 1 at noon at the Bijou Restaurant. This event will feature lunch accompanied by violin and piano music played by soloists from the Glenn Gould School at the Royal Conservatory of Music. The event will support the Stratford Summer Music. The cost is $125 per person and tax receipts will be issued.  RSVP at or call 519-271-2101

Guest Speaker: David Moore introduced Jean Aitcheson who presented a slide show of her 2011 medical mission to Guatemala. The population of Guatemala has a rich Mayan heritage. Women still wear Mayan style clothing and many of the weaving and food preparation methods are still practiced.

Jean’s clinics were set up in churches and homes. Here they provided dental, optical, and medical services to villagers who are too poor to pay for medical services. Some slides show children learning to brush their teeth, others receiving treatment for fungal infections and eye problems. Gloria, a young dentist from the Philippines provided dental services. Eye glasses were fitted to people with vision problems. Lauren, who had been a Rotary Exchange student but now a graduate student at U of T acted as translator for the team.

Jean also visited a corn cleaning facility where white corn was bagged to be used to make tortillas. Black beans are also a staple of the Guatemalan diet. Jean visited many of the local markets where produce and crafts were sold. Everything a home requires can be purchased in the markets.

The patients and their families were very pleased to have the services of the mission and thanked the volunteers by providing them with some meals and gifts of fresh local strawberries.

Jean was thanked by Lynne Ternosky


Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 27, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-03-27 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 20, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 19, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of March 20, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Today’s meeting was chaired by President-elect Dianne Yundt.

Guests: Rob Ritz is from the Stratford Rotary Club. Dr. Giza Wordofa. Charlotte Coates is an outbound Rotary Exchange student going to Norway.  Rotary Exchange student  Phanuwat Kongwattananon (Nu) is from Thailand.

Draw Prize: For three weeks in a row Laura Pogson won the prize. Today the prize was donated by David Moore. Perhaps Laura should be delegated to buy lottery tickets as a fund-raiser for the club.

Dinner of the Month: The March winner of a dinner at Fosters is Wendy Holman.


  1. Spaghetti Dinner: Keep selling tickets for this event. Susan Fox has tickets. Sign up to assist in the kitchen, serving , cleaning up, or driving takeouts, selling tickets at the door.  There are 2 shifts. The first shift is 3-6 PM and the second is 6-9 PM.
  2. Cupcakes for the Spaghetti Dinner. Rotarians are being asked to bake cupcakes for the dessert being offered at the spaghetti dinner. Contact Louise Spandler or Jean Aitcheson to contribute.  Send them an email through ClubRunner.
  3. Correspondence. Dianne Yundt read a letter from Laura Devries at the House of Blessing thanking us for our continued donations.
  4. Invitation: Our club members are invited to a reception at the MRI suite at the SGH on March 29 at 7 PM. The reception thanks donors for supporting the MRI.
  5. Goderich Rotary Club Foundation: Thanks us for contributing to their tornado relief fund.
  6. Splash Pad:  Jack West reported that our club foundation will be accepting donations for the construction of the splash pad.  Brochures are being printed and a website for online donations will be operating soon. The City will be issuing requests for proposals.  The board of directors of the club is looking at the possibility of expanding our role in the project. Perhaps using bingo and Dinner of the Month funds to help fund the project. We are looking at donating up to $12000 per year for two years. Club discussions will take place during the upcoming budget talks.
  7. Stratford Summer Music: S.S.M. is holding a soiree on Sunday April 1 at noon at the Bijou Restaurant. This event will feature lunch accompanied by violin and piano music played by soloists from the Glenn Gould School at the Royal Conservatory of Music. The event will support the Stratford Summer Music. The cost is $125 per person and tax receipts will be issued.  RSVP at or call 519-271-2101

Guest Speaker: Jean Aitcheson introduced Louise Spandler whom she met at the mission depot when Louise came to volunteer. Louise presented her classification talk. 

Louise was born in Great Yarmouth on the East coast of England. Great Yarmouth is known as a seaside holiday town and the ``Kipper Capital of the World``.  In 1970 her family emigrated to Canada first settling in Sarnia and then in Stratford in 1973. Louise and her family became Canadian citizens in 1978.

After graduating from Northwestern Secondary School she attended both UWO and U of Guelph where she obtained B.A. and B. Ed degrees.

Louise got her first teaching job in Norway House on the northern shore of Lake Winnipeg in 1981. A new school opened where she ran the child development program and also taught Home Economics.  After 4 years in Norway House she moved to Gimli Manitoba for a year and then to Winnipeg for two years. In 1988 Louise returned to Stratford where she taught for another 20 years at King Lear School until it closed and at Central Secondary School.

Louise loves to travel. She has hiked the Chilkoot Trail with her partner Mike and has travelled the Alaska coast using the ferry system. Other trips followed during her years with Mike. Louise also enjoys reading, sewing, and painting. She also volunteers and has been on two of Jean`s medical missions.  After Mike`s death 5 years ago Louise retired from teaching and sold her house. She now lives in an apartment downtown. Currently Louise is chair of the Civic Beautification Committee and helps the horticultural society planning some of the public gardens.  Louise has also taken courses in mixed media art at the Art Gallery and at Off The Wall. Louise looks forward to helping with various projects in Rotary.

Louise was thanked by Lynne Ternosky.


Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 20, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-03-20 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 13, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 12, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of March 13, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Dr. Geza Wordofa. Heidi Spannbauer is from the Stratford Perth Community Foundation.

Draw Prize: Tyler Canal donated the prize won by Laura Pogson.


  1. Board of Directors Meeting: A reminder to board members of the meeting at the home of David Moore this Thursday at 7 PM.
  2. Spaghetti Dinner: Now is time to start selling tickets for this event. Susan Fox has tickets. Sign up to assist at the dinner serving , cleaning up, or driving takeouts.  There are 2 shifts. The first shift is 3-6 PM and the second is 6-9 PM.
  3. Cupcakes for the Spaghetti Dinner. Rotarians are being asked to bake cupcakes for the dessert being offered at the spaghetti dinner.  A signup sheet was circulated at the meeting.
  4. Coffee Beans for Sale: Lynne Ternosky has coffee beans from El Salvador which are available for a $15 donation. This is the best quality coffee, not available in stores.
  5. District Assembly: This takes place in Sarnia on April 21. Dianne Yundt will be attending it and will be driving.  Anyone who is attending the meeting and wants a drive should talk to Dianne.

Guest Speaker: Laura Pogson introduced Heidi Spannbauer the new Executive Director of the Stratford and Perth Community Foundation. Heidi has 16 years experience in the charitable foundation field. She has worked for the Easter Seals, Rose Cherry’s Home, and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. More recently she was a Cause Marketing and Event Management advisor and prior to that she was the executive director of the Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Team Up Foundation.

The S.P.C.F. was formed in 2004 by a group of community leaders to build a local fund to invest in community philanthropy. The local foundation is one of 178 across Canada.

A community foundation provides grants to charities instead of providing charity services.  The Stratford community foundation also supports charities under the United Way umbrella.  To obtain funds for the grants the foundation works with donors to set up endowment funds from which grants are dispersed. The late Bo Sibold donated $250 000 to give the foundation its start. Endowment funds have increased from $1.3 million in 2004 to about $3 million today. The goal is to reach $5 million in five years.  So far a total of $160 000 has been disbursed to charities, including $20 000 last year. 

For more information about the foundation visit

Heidi was thanked by David Moore.

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 13, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-03-13 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 6, 2012

Posted by Vincent Hill on Mar 05, 2012

The Rotary Club Of Festival City

President:  David Moore

Minutes of the meeting of March 6, 2012

Club email:

Club web blog:

ClubRunner site:

Guests: Charlotte Coates is an outbound Rotary Exchange student going to Norway. Rotary Exchange student Phanuwat Kongwattananon (Nu) from Thailand.

Draw Prize: David Harvie donated the prize won by Laura Pogson. Laura is now proudly wearing a marvelous pink turkey feather boa from the fashion boutique of Family & Company.


  1. Bingo: A reminder to volunteers of the Rotary bingo this Friday March 9 at 5 PM.
  2. Spaghetti Dinner: Now is time to start selling tickets for this event. Tyler Canal has tickets. Posters are also available for display at work, churches, or other suitable places you may visit.  See the details of the event on the ClubRunner Homepage. Some changes to the dinner this year include elimination of reservation times. Table service is also gone because dinner will be buffet style.
  3. Cupcakes for the Spaghetti Dinner. Rotarians are being asked to bake cupcakes for the dessert being offered at the spaghetti dinner.  If you can bake some cupcakes please let Ken Hansen know. 
  4. Coffee Beans for Sale: Lynne Ternosky has coffee beans from El Salvador which are available for a $15 donation. This is the best quality coffee, not available in stores.
  5. International Women’s Day: This is tomorrow March 8 and the theme this year is Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures. Lynne T. is making this happen.  Also the United Nations International Women’s Day theme is Empower Rural Women – End Hunger and Poverty. Carol Rock has been committed to this.  Thanks to Donna Hinz for this information.

Club Assembly:

  1. New Members: The club welcomed Louise Spandler, Brandi Gillett and Sam Theocharis to the Festival City Rotary Club.  See the photo on the ClubRunner homepage.
  2.  The Adhoc Committee: Carol Rock presented a cheque to Elizabeth Anderson from the United Way. The cheque represents our donation to the United Way campaign.  Carol also reported that our club has provided financial support to L’Arche, the House of Blessing, the Hampstead victims,  and $500 seed money for the splash pad project.
  3. Host Families: Host families are required for incoming exchange students next Fall.  See Carol Rock for information about what is expected of host families and to volunteer to host a student for a term.
  4. Club Banner: Jean Aitcheson reported briefly on her recent mission to Nicaragua and presented the club with a banner from the Jinotepe Rotary Club of Nicaragua.
Festival City Rotary Newsletter March 6, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-03-06 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Newsletter Feb 28, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-02-28 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Newsletter Feb 21, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-02-21 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Club Newsletter Jane Kirkpatrick 2012-02-14 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Newsletter Feb 7, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-02-07 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Newsletter Jan 31, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-01-31 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Newsletter Jan 24, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-01-24 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Newsletter Jan 17, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-01-17 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Newsletter Jan 10, 2012 Vincent Hill 2012-01-10 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Rotary Club Minutes January 3, 2012

Posted by Carolyn Dingman on Jan 02, 2012

Club Assembly January 3, 2012


Guests: Dr. Gezahgn Wordofa, potential new member, Rotary Exchange Student from Thailand Nu, Louise Spandler, guest of Jean Aitcheson, Berta Gillet, guest of Linda Jones, from the noon club, Dr. Bob Martin and Pat Feryn


President David Moore welcomed club members and guests to first meeting of 2012.



Jean Aitcheson is off to Nicaragua in February for a medical mission. She is collecting empty soap foam dispensers and toothbrushes. Please bring the items to a club meeting.


Prize donor: Elizabeth ; Prize Winner Gerri Ketchum


Club Assembly Reports:


Fundraising: Carol Rock: Ticket sales for Dinner of the Month Draw club members are being asked to sell a minimum two books of tickets. If one book is sold the club will cover the costs. The first draw is January 17th.  Please contact Tyler for tickets.


International Committee: Jean Aitcheson Jean invited club members join the committee planning the annual Spaghetti Dinner at the Black Angus. The date has not been decided but the dinner will be in March. Please contact Jean.


Club Secretary/Incoming President 2012/13 Diane Young reported the results of a club survey circulated Dec. 20.

Average Age is 60. Members have been involved an average of 8-10 years. Participation at events is good. Social Events include Christmas Open House and Summer BBQ. There was also interest in starting a bridge club.


Board positions: Club members have lots of gifts to share. Many of the current board members have been involved for many years. Diane encouraged club members to seriously consider getting involved with the board.


Youth Exchange: A third host family is needed for Nu. Please contact Carol Rock.

Jean reported YES, Jack and Donna’s son, is doing well after 3 months in the Netherlands.


Thank you! Etienne read a thank you note from the House of Blessing thanking the club for its support.  Etienne reminded club members House of Blessing needs are increasing all the time.


Queen’s Inn Breakfast Crew donated the money collected from club members at the Dec. 20 meeting to the Animal Shelter.


President David thanked club members for their kind and caring support. And he also thanked the executive for its support and hard work.








Festival City Rotary Club Minutes January 3, 2012 Carolyn Dingman 2012-01-03 00:00:00Z 0
Festival City Rotary Club Minutes Carolyn Dingman 2011-02-12 00:00:00Z 0
test Vincent Hill 2010-12-15 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Newsletter December 14

Posted by Vincent Hill on Dec 13, 2010

Guests:  Pat Ferrin is from Stratford Rotary.  Jason West is a guest of Jack West and Tyler Canal is a potential new member.  R.E.S. Marina Bruschi from Brazil.


Rotary Duties: To see who is doing what in upcoming meetings click on “Duty Roster” on the home page.


Coming Events:  The upcoming events are listed on the left side of the ebulletin.


Draw Prize: Bill Helmuth donated the prize won by Lynn Bowering.



  1. Bingo: Volunteers are reminded that the Friday night bingo begins at 5 PM.


  1. Youth Project Donation Boxes: Please return your donation box at the Dec 21 meeting. The donations need to be counted before the year end.


  1. Board of Directors: The next meeting is Dec 15 at Lynn Bowering’s condo.


  1. House of Blessing: Donations will be accepted at our December 21st meeting.


Club Assembly:

Kent Chisholm, the fundraising coordinator, indicated that the Heritage B&B Home Tour will earn between $1400 and $1700. Advertising costs this year were only $85 because the Stratford Tourism Alliance absorbed most of the cost.


David Harvie gave us a tour of the ClubRunner website at

David is asking everyone to login and edit their personal profile. When logging in you will need to create a password.  To do this, click on “I Forgot My Password” and create your own password. Your username is your email address. You do not need to fill in all that is asked for on the profile page. If you do not have a photo of yourself in your profile you can upload one here.

Spend some time exploring the site.

Festival City Newsletter December 14 Vincent Hill 2010-12-14 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Festival City Newsletter

Posted by Carolyn Dingman on Sep 09, 2002
Meeting of Tuesday Sept. 9, 2014
Rotary Club of Festival City Newsletter
Guests: Doug Bernard, District Governor 6330 (DG), Martin Ward Assistant District Governor (ADG), Jeff and Susan Lausten.
Social Event: Deb Stacey-Rivers announced that the next club social event would be Saturday Sept 20 for walking a section of the Avon Trail for approximately 1 hour. You may bring guests, pets. The walk begins 11 am Saturday September 20.
House of Blessing Donations: Donations will be accepted at the first meeting of each month instead of the last meeting.
Rotary Leadership Institute: Parts 1 to 3 will take place in Stratford on Saturday Sept 27 for anyone interested in participating. Contact Dianne Yundt for details.
Barbara Young’s 95 year old mother just had her second book published.
It’s entitled “A Happy Life”.
There is NO MEETING September 30
Door Prize: Donated by Dianne Yundt and won by Etienne Leushuis
New Club Member Inducted
President Brian Rivers inducted newest member to the Rotary Club of Festival City Stratford Jeff Lausten.  Jeff was proposed by Jean Aitcheson who also assisted with the induction along with DG Doug Bernard and AGM Martin Ward.
Club members welcomed Jeff to the Festival City Club.
Guest Speaker:
District Governor Doug Bernard
DG Doug Bernard has been involved with Rotary for more than 33 years. He is a member of the London North Club.
He is a publishing entrepreneur who originally hails from a family farm near Sarnia.
Mr. Bernard has been extensively involved with fundraising and the golf tournament with his club.
DG Bernard spoke briefly about the Rotary International conference where the main theme was increasing Rotary’s membership and how to accomplish this.
To achieve his goal delegates were asked to make Rotary more visible in the community. Ask, ask, and ask for participation talk to family members, youth exchange parents.
Learn more about Rotary by attending seminars.
Promote success stories like eradication of Polio and the pledge from Bill and Melinda Gates.  October 24 is the Rotary Club’s Polio Eradication Day.
Promote grants received for global projects and ambassador scholarship Awards.
DG would like each club to add three new members over the next two years. The Festival City Rotary club has welcomed two new members Barry Clarke and Jeff Lausten.
The Rotary International District 6330 will be May 21 to 23, 2015 in London and hosted by London North.
Rotary Club of Festival City Newsletter Carolyn Dingman 2002-09-10 00:00:00Z 0

Festival City Newsletter November 30

Posted by Vincent Hill
The Rotary Club Of Festival City
President:  Linda Jones
Minutes of the meeting of Nov 30, 2010
Guests:  Tyler Canal is a guest of Brian Rivers and a potential new member.  Wendy Orchard is our guest speaker.  R.E.S. Marina Bruschi from Brazil.
Rotary Duties:
Date        Prize Donor    Prayer Reader        Speaker Thanker     Club Greeter
Dec  7   Dianne Yundt     Lynn Bowering            Susan Fox           Carolyn Dingman
Dec 14  Bill Helmuth       Susan Thomson                                       Anna Sherwin
Dec 21  Brian Rivers       Jack West                                                 Bob Shannon                  
Coming Events:
Dec  7   John Slater – classification talk
Dec 14  Club Assembly
Dec 21  Christmas program
Draw Prize: David Moore donated the prize won by Deb Stacey-Rivers
  1. Christmas Open House: Linda Jones invites club members and their significant others to her house on Dec 5 anytime between 1 PM and 3 PM for Christmas Cheer. Linda is at 45 Long Drive, 4th house on the right off Romeo St.
  1. Salvation Army Christmas Kettles: Volunteers are reminded to report for duty on Thursday Dec 9 at Zehrs.
  1. Heritage B&B Christmas Tour: Dec 11 and 12 from 1 PM to 4 PM. Five houses will be showcased.  A signup sheet was circulated.  Spots are still available particularly on Sunday.  Contact Kent Chisholm if you can help.
  1. Youth Project Donation Boxes: Please return your donation box before the last meeting. The donations need to be counted before the year end.
  1. Board of Directors: The next meeting is Dec 15 at Lynn Bowering’s condo.
  1. Marina Bruschi: Marina is moving to the home of Jack and Donna West for the next stage of her exchange.
  1. Paul Harris Fellow Nominations: Suggestions for nominations should be emailed to David Harvie. Indicate why you feel the nominee deserves the award and also have your nomination seconded by a club member.
Guest Speaker: Dianne Yundt introduced her long time friend Wendy Orchard.  Wendy is the Executive Director of Meals on Wheels and Neighbourly Services. The non-profit organization provides support for Seniors with the goal of helping them remain in their homes.  There are 17 000 clients receiving 58000 services last year with the help of 500 volunteers putting in 13 000 hours of work. 
The Meals on Wheels part of the service is in its 41st year. Last year Spruce Lodge made 16 000 hot meals for M.O.W. and the Apetito company of Brampton prepared 6000 frozen meals.  78 volunteers deliver the meals.  M.O.W. also has a “Diners Club”. Clients come out for a social meal two times each month at Greenwood Court, Knox Church, the Windmill Co-op and at other locations.
There is also a “Friendly Visit” program whereby volunteers visit Seniors for 1 hour each week for a chat.  The “Telephone Reassurance” program involves someone phoning a Senior every morning to check up on them and to see that the client has taken all the necessary medication and is mobile. If there is no answer the next of kin are called or in some cases the police.
One of the newer initiatives is the “Wellness Program”. This is preventative in nature as it provides exercise classes by trained professionals 5 days a week.  The objective is to keep Seniors maintaining their strength.  Participants range in age from their 50’s to their 90’s.
Transportation is the largest program. There is a pool of vehicles which take Seniors to appointments both in town and further afield. Some trips are social in nature. This very expensive program has access to 25 vehicles and makes 75000 trips per year.
The organization is undergoing a transition through amalgamation with two other services. The Town and Country Support Service of Huron County and the Mid-Western Adult Day Service will join with M.O.W. and Neighbourly Services under the new name of “One Care”.  One phone call to One Care will access all services required by Seniors.
Wendy was thanked by Anna Sherwin.
Festival City Newsletter November 30 Vincent Hill 0
Welcome to our new website! David Harvie 0